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.It follows from this insight that any act of communication concerned with another act of communication (now called higher-order acts of communication), can aim at providing information about either of its two key elements: the stimulus used or the interpretation intended in the original act.Higher-order acts of communication that focus on the stimulus used are said to be in s-mode (stimulus-oriented mode).They inform the audience of "what was said", as it were.Those focusing on the intended interpretation are said to be in i-mode (interpretation-oriented mode); they inform the audience of "what was meant".This revised framework provides an explanation of the intuition that "telling what was said" and "telling what was meant" are not necessarily the same thing.Translation can now be accounted for as an interlingual act of higher-order communication.Translations relying on interpretive resemblance are accounted for by i-mode, those relying on resemblance in linguistic features by s-mode, thus offering a unified account.While indirect translation naturally falls under i-mode, direct translation turns out to be a hybrid, combining the features of both s- and i-mode in a unique way.4.ReferencesAlmazan Garcia, E.M.(2002).Intertextuality and translation: a relevance-theoretic approach, Unpublished M.Phil.thesis.Fodor, J.A., Ed.(1981).Representations: Philosophical essays on the foundations of cognitive science.Brighton, The Harvester Press Limited.Gutt, E.-A.(1991).Translation and relevance: Cognition and context.Oxford, Basil Blackwell.Gutt, E.-A.(1992).Relevance theory: a guide to successful communication in translation.Dallas, Summer Institute of Linguistics.Gutt, E.-A.(2000).Translation and relevance: cognition and context.Manchester, St.Jerome.House, J.(1981).A model for translation quality assessment.Tübingen, Gunter Narr.Sperber, D., Ed.(2000).Metarepresentations: A multidisciplinary perspective.Oxford, Oxford University Press.Sperber, D.and D.Wilson (1986).Relevance: Communication and cognition.Oxford, Basil Blackwell.Sperber, D.and D.Wilson (1995).Relevance: Communication and cognition.Oxford, Blackwell.Wilson, D.(2000).Metarepresentation in linguistic communication.Metarepresentations: A multidisciplinary perspective.D.Sperber.Oxford, Oxford University Press: 411-448.Wilson, D.and D.Sperber (1988).Representation and relevance.Mental representations: The interface between language and reality.R.M.Kempson.Cambridge, Cambridge University Press: 133-153.C:\EA\DBRESEAR.DOC 26/05/2004 1 / 5 [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]

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