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. No.We couldn t. Zeb s voice wasn t sex rough or seductive, completely matter-of-fact, buthis words were a sharp, sweet shot of excitement to Silver s dick.He had to stop himself fromshivering.And then he looked over, looked closely at Zeb for the first time since getting in the car, andthe hunger there had Silver lunging across the seat to kiss him.Zeb met him halfway, their lipspushing together hard over teeth, the slick rub of Zeb s tongue sending another jolt to Silver scock.As Zeb s hand moved up Silver s thigh, he let out a gasp, and then a groan of desperation when Zeb only unlatched Silver s seat belt.Pulling away, Zeb whispered,  Get some sleep.I ll see you Sunday.Marco showed up at eleven thirty the next morning, driving a car that Silver was surpriseddidn t have ten cops trailing behind it as it ventured into very suburban Mount Washington.AFirebird rode on fat tires with toxic-green custom rims, black frame two inches from thepavement.Yeah, it cut into time Silver would rather spend reintroducing his happy parts to Zeb s happyparts, but Silver was glad to see Marco.A couple hours of Marco s combination of cannot-be-real innocence and ability to skewer some dickhead with one ingenuous comment was somethingSilver found himself looking forward to as Marco pulled the car to the curb in front of Quinn shouse. Nice ride, Silver managed with a straight face.Instead of the kind of comment he d usually get, about how the colors matched the inside ofhis Tia Raquel s oven, Marco frowned, glanced over his shoulder at the car then shrugged. Gotme up here. Where do you want to go? Silver asked.Marco shrugged again. Can we hang out here? Do your friends mind? No, it s fine. What happened to your face? Marco sounded horrified.And a little nervous.According to the mirror, it looked a hell of a lot better today, but there was still a three-knuckle bruise above the right corner of Silver s lip.He didn t feel like getting into it all again.AndMarco had enough of his own disapproval shit going on with his brother. Accident.At work.Quinn was in the dining room, dealing with a gigantic pile of papers he had to grade, and Eliwas tearing through his closet, trying to find something yacht-worthy for tomorrow.Even if theydid mind, Silver didn t think either of them would notice Marco.In the hall Marco asked,  You can have all-night guests? He waggled his eyebrows. Yeah, I guess.Quinn stood in the dining room archway. Uh, Silver, how old is he? Nineteen, papi. How Marco managed to make that sound like a purr without any r s in theword Silver had no idea. He ll be nineteen in three months, Silver corrected. He goes to Baltimore City CommunityCollege. Does he have real ID to prove he s eighteen? Quinn asked. Si, papi.Eli appeared on the stairs. Enough with the papi-ing.His name is Quinn.Marco turned to Eli. Your novio is very hot. Thank you. Eli crossed the hall in front of Marco to stand next to Quinn.Quinn put his arms around Eli and gave him a long, wet kiss, but that probably only madeMarco more interested. Don t worry.I took French and Greek. Quinn laughed. Lucky foryou. He gave Eli another quick kiss.  You said the Greek alphabet backward when we met. Eli sounded like he was trying tofigure Quinn out.All Silver knew about language stuff was he was glad there wasn t a foreign language part tothe GED. Do they teach you nothing of our culture and history before they turn you loose on the queerworld? Quinn glared at each of them. Google it. He went back into the dining room mutteringabout the death of gay history.Eli had his phone out immediately, but then glanced up. Do you guys want anything?Silver looked at Marco who shook his head. We re just going to hang out.Don t worry.Wewon t touch your computer.As Silver hit the top of the stairs, he heard Eli laugh. God, Quinn.Even you and Jamieweren t born then.Gimme some active Greek, Daddy [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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