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.I make my way inside and my feet immediately sink into thick, soft carpet.I stand and stare at the room around me and Gabe comes up behind me, wrapping his strong arms around me.I feel his lips against my ear, his heated breath tickling my neck.“You can go all the way inside, if you like.” He chuckles against my skin, causing chill bumps to spread over my body.As I step forward, he pulls my jacket off and hangs it on a coat tree by the door.He stands next to me as I take in my surroundings, then he breaks the silence.“Are you hungry? I can make some mean fajitas.” He says as he walks towards what I assume is the kitchen.I follow him quietly to his kitchen.As I step into the kitchen, I suck in a breath.All stainless steel appliances, black granite counter tops, a double sink and double oven.“Wow.This is a chef’s dream.” I whisper quietly.“I like to cook.Even went to culinary school before joining the academy.Decided that I wanted to follow in my dad’s footsteps and vowed to ‘protect and serve.’“A man of many talents, Detective Torres.I’m impressed.”“Well, you haven’t tasted my food yet, so you might change your mind.” He chuckles as he opens the refrigerator, pulling out peppers, onions, mushrooms, chicken and a large frying pan.He places the pan on the stove and starts chopping vegetables.Once he’s done, he tosses them in to the pan with the chicken, seasoning as he goes.“What can I do to help?” I ask, suddenly feeling a little out of place.“You can grab the sour cream, cheese and the container of guacamole out of the fridge.”I grab what I can find, but I can’t locate the guac.“Where’s the guac?”“In the large plastic container, top shelf towards the back.”As I grab the bowl, I realize that it’s homemade guacamole.“You made this?” I ask as I set the bowl on the table.“Yeah, my mom’s recipe.You seem surprised.” He smirks.“I guess I am.I’ve never met a man that can cook.”“Well, get used to it.” He smiles, his pearly white teeth sparkling in the sunlight.This man is amazingly gorgeous and I can’t take my eyes off of him.Rich, dark skin and those chocolate eyes.He turns back to the stove and stirs the now sizzling veggies and chicken.He grabs another plastic container full of fresh tortillas and hands them to me.“Did you make these too?” I ask almost sarcastically.He laughs, “Sadly, no.I can make them though, but these are store bought.” I look at him with surprise.“Hey, you can make homemade pasta, I can make homemade tortillas.But this case has kept me away from home, so I’ve not had time to make any.”His mention of the case totally brings me back to the here and now.I look up at him and I know he can see the fear in my eyes.I’m struggling to be strong and get through this, but it’s damn hard.Especially after hearing that another young girl has died.Then it dawns on me.FourThere have been three girls so far and.“I’m next aren’t I? The note and.” I drop off, turning to look out the window.“What Sydney?” He says as he turns the stove down and comes up behind me.“How many girls have there been, total?”“Three.The third washed up this morning.”I know, deep down inside that this guy is coming after me.My fingers absently brush against my hip where the number four is forever embedded in my skin.Silently I resolve to have that tattoo removed.Soon.“Tell me Sydney, what are you thinking?”I turn to him, fear and confusion filling my face.“I’m number four.”“What are you talking about?”I pull the elastic down, exposing the tattoo.“Number four Gabe.He’s making his way to ME! The note attached to the last girl.the fact that there have been three?”“I know, Syd.That’s why I brought you here.No one can bother you here, but you are not to leave this house without me.”“Great, nothing like being held prisoner again.” I mumble, trying to be funny.But apparently, Gabe doesn’t think it’s very funny.“Sydney, I’m trying to keep you safe.He can’t find you here.”“How do you know, Gabe? How do you know we weren’t followed?”“I just know.No one knows where you are.”I reach in to my purse to get my phone and as I pull it out, Gabe takes it from me.“Hey! You can’t cut me off from the world completely!”“Yes, I can.No one needs to know where you are just yet.Let the police do their job and catch this guy, Syd.”“You are the police!! Shouldn’t you be doing something?”“I am, Sydney.I’ve been put in charge of protecting YOU! And there’s no place I’d rather be.” He says as he wraps his arms around me.“No one - NO ONE, will get to you.That I can promise you.”“Don’t make promises you can’t keep, Gabe.” I tell him again, as he likes to make promises.“I have no intentions of breaking that promise, Syd.You.Are.Safe.With.Me.” And his mouth rams down on mine, taking my breath away.His tongue licks in my mouth, taking what he wants, leaving me a heaving and panting mess.But he pulls back, brushing the hair out of my eyes.“Let’s eat.”Chapter 14GabeWe sit in silence as we eat and I’m enjoying watching her rolling her fajitas.Her lips wrap around the final product and I wish that was my cock her lips were wrapped around “Later.” I tell myself.But after a bit, Sydney breaks the silence.“I need to call Leslie.I was supposed to call her this morning and I can only imagine how freaked out she is right now.”“Chuck has already let her know what’s going on, to an extent.She doesn’t know everything, but she knows you’re with me and that you’re safe.Give it a day or so and you can call her, we just want to make sure no one knows where you are right now.”“What do you mean? You told me no one followed us, that I was safe here.”“You are, but the first twenty-four hours are critical.If someone knows you’re here, we’ll be made aware of it fairly quickly.These guys tend to make their move within a certain time frame thinking they’re catching their victim off guard.That won’t happen this time [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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