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.“Basement? I had no idea and I’ve been coming here for years.”“Josh used it as storage.At the time he didn’t have the funds to do what he wanted with the space.” Crossing his arms, Paul grinned.“I ended up having some extra cash after the rest of the renovations were completed, so we expanded.”“To the basement?” It took her brain a few seconds to catch up.“Oh my God, you put in a dungeon.A real one?”“With dungeon masters and everything.” He chuckled.“I’m not going to get tired of seeing that expression on people.I knew it was the right move.”“He’s been playing it up all night.” Sadie gave his shoulder a light hit.“He’ll be arrogant about it for weeks.”“He should be! That’s like a dream come true in this place.” Tegan added a mental subsection to her list—Things to Try in the Dungeon.Maybe she’d need an entirely new list for that.“Now, before you run off to the basement, we changed things upstairs as well.” Paul held out his hand for her.She let herself be pulled into his side and escorted around.“You can see the changes we made here.The beds here along the wall and under the stairs are designed to give those who’ve had enough fun watching, a place to act out.The linen is clean and changed after each use.“The spanking bench and cage are new.I loved the idea of the wall holders, so they stayed.It was Sadie’s idea to put the suspension bars over in the far right corner.People can be secured out in the open where anyone can touch them.”Tegan hadn’t seen that yet, but it was certainly appealing.“I have to say I was a bit disappointed to see the cross was gone.”“Well, the original one was ruined in the fire.But I wouldn’t be too upset.” Paul lowered his mouth so Tegan could feel his breath on her neck.“There’s a new one upstairs in one of the private rooms.And more than a few in the dungeon.Josh will go ape-shit when he finds out.”The cross had been one of Tegan’s favorite items to play with.Sometimes she’d been frustrated with it being up on the stage, forcing her to be public with her time rather than in a more intimate setting.The appeal of having access to one in a private room had her wanting to grab Eli and go try it out.Funny how she’d inevitably come around to him in her mind.If only he’d seemed more interested in her than simply in playing.“Are there any other surprises I should be aware of?” She couldn’t look at Paul, scared that she’d give in to the temptation of kissing him.“More than a few.I’m keeping the rest to myself and will let everyone discover them on their own.”Paul was known as a tease at the club.She’d had a bit of a thing for him herself before he’d become attached to Sadie.Now he was simply the sexy, unattainable guy she fantasized about.Well.him and Sadie both, if she were honest.She knew they’d had a threesome with Josh—everyone knew that, given the amount of eye-fucking that had gone on between them once upon a time—but it was clear they were now a contained couple.Hands off, girl.“I guess I have more than my fair share of options tonight.” This was better than having an extended present opening at Christmas.“I’m not sure where to even begin.”“Knowing you the way I do,” Sadie said, leaning across her husband, “I’d think the dungeon would be an awesome place to check out.”“Hey, how many times did we have to kick her off the cross over the years?” Paul chuckled.“I could give you a key to get upstairs to the private rooms.You could go exploring.”Both options would give her a wild time.And yet, she wasn’t sure if she wanted to do either alone.She could also go in search of Eli and see what he was up for.Go on a dungeon crawl.Take the key to the private rooms.Go find Eli.Please Go Back and Make a Selection.A New BeginningGo BackTegan held the embossed invitation between her thumb and forefinger as she crossed the street toward the club.The air was chilly for May, but there was no way she was going to hide under a jacket tonight.Not after the hours she’d spent getting ready.She’d redone her makeup twice in an attempt to project the perfect image—a combination of innocence and experience.She had to cover all her bases, because tonight the sky was the limit.God, she hadn’t been this excited about going out for a night on the town in nearly a year.It was as though she’d been transported back to her university days—the energy she’d always had running beneath the surface of her skin, ready to burst forth.It didn’t matter that she’d be going on her own, because tonight wasn’t about having a run with the girls through the various places in Toronto’s club district.Tonight was something special, something more.Not the sort of thing most of her girlfriends would understand.Mavericks had finally reopened.“Tegan!” She turned to see a trio standing near the front of the line—Jasmine, Stef and Hanna.The girls waved madly, Stef bouncing in her stilettos as she yelled, “I knew you’d be here tonight.”“Are you kidding me? I had it circled in red marker on my calendar, like, three months ago.” The sad thing was she’d actually done that.“Is Gavin coming?”“Bastard had to work.I think he’s going to try and leave early so he can make at least a part of tonight.”“I’ll keep my eyes open, then.”Jasmine turned Stef’s face and started kissing her, effectively ending the conversation.Tegan couldn’t help but giggle.“I’ll see you in there.”The lineup was less organized than what she would have expected, but far less crazy than she would have imagined, given the significance of the evening.Like many of the club’s members, she’d been devastated when she’d learned of the attack on Josh and the subsequent fire that had destroyed much of the inside of the building.Mavericks was one of the few places she could let her guard down and be herself.Even now as she stood outside, wearing her black corset, leather skirt and high heels, she wasn’t scared to let anyone see her.It had taken her a long time to come to that level of peace when it came to her sexual preferences.She’d been uneasy in her own skin growing up, not fully understanding the mixed signals her body continued to send her during her awakening sexuality.And while her parents were awesome, she couldn’t imagine going to her mom with questions like, “I get aroused when I pinch my nipples really hard and slap my own ass.Is that normal?”Thank God for the internet.Still, that was years ago and she now knew not only what she liked, but exactly where to go to scratch the various itches she developed.Wouldn’t her coworkers freak if they realized what she liked to do on a Friday night.Tie me up.Tie me down.Turn around and let me flog you.Woohoo!The crowd continued to buzz as the line grew.Tegan found her spot quickly, chatting quietly with some of the others she recognized from before the fire.Even as she laughed about the crappy remake that was the current big release in the theaters, her mind was distracted [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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