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.’Keneisha sobbed.‘Want what?’‘Blood! I want to drink your blood!’Esjekshb paused ‘Are you a vampire.?’Three women walked into the ladies toilets, then, while Keneisha was shaking her head.They looked at the dirty, drugged up girl sitting on the floor and tutted, wondering how she could have got on board, and why she hadn’t been reported to security yet.One didn’t know what that sort was capable of.Two of the women went into the cubicles, whilst one stayed at the mirrors to touch up her make up.Keneisha stood up and grabbed the razor from Esjekshb, pushed her aside and slashed the woman’s neck, licking the instant trickle of blood that seeped out.The woman screamed.75RobertText 22/8/06 13:42 Page 76CHAPTER TWENTY-SIXColin and Trevor were busily making their way around the boat, discreetly looking out for Ywoth.Kelly and Warren were also searching for Ywoth, together.‘You look nice,’ said Warren.‘Thank you,’ she said, but didn’t know what he was talking about.‘If only the-’ he stopped.‘What?’‘I just spotted Ywoth, I think he’s with Mischia.’Kelly turned to the direction he was looking in and saw the receding figure of a well-built man, following a woman, but couldn’t tell if it was Mischia or someone else.Warren set off in pursuit, and Kelly headed to where Justine and Carissa had said they’d be, and found them sitting on the floor, meditating, by the ladies toilets.‘Warren found Ywoth,’ she announced.‘Really?’ Carissa stood up.‘Where?’‘Going towards the bar.’Carissa left without another word, and Kelly looked at Justine.‘Alright, well, sit down.’ Justine started ‘I’m putting a restrictive bubble of energy around the-’Two terrified women ran screaming from the ladies toilets, and Kelly went to meet them, Justine stood up, and followed.76RobertText 22/8/06 13:42 Page 77The Run: London’s Secret‘What’s wrong?’ she asked, holding the terrified blue-eyed woman in a red dress, by the shoulders.Mischia planted herself firmly where she was standing and touched her necklace; a bubble of energy appeared around her body, while Ywoth grabbed the terrified waiter’s neck, and was about to absorb his energy, when Warren walked in, and sent a bubble of reflective energy to the space between Mischia and Ywoth, so that the energy would be reflected back to the waiter.Ywoth saw Warren and was instantly angry, his energy field became a violent swirling mass of reds.Warren put a blue protection bubble around himself and sent bubbles of energy around Mischia and the waiter, then began to walk towards Ywoth, who was trying to make himself invisible.At that point, Mischia picked up the waiter and threw him across the room at Warren.They both fell to the floor, and Ywoth momentarily looked at her in surprise, then took her hand and ran out of the room, sending a blue wave of blue energy from his throat, into space.‘ Party’s over guys, lets go,’ he communicated.77RobertText 22/8/06 13:42 Page 78CHAPTER TWENTY-SEVENThe two hysterical women had been successfully calmed by Kelly and Justine, then had explained what they had been running from.Kelly had been the first to go into the toilets, and found the woman lying on the floor, bleeding from the neck – but she was alone.The women had said they’d left two other women in there with their friend; a black girl and a blonde woman, dressed for the party.But Kelly had seen no one leave the toilets, and there was no other way out.This was odd.An ambulance was called and the captain headed to the nearest pier at Tower Hill, where the woman was rushed to Hospital.When everyone had left the toilets, Esjekshb and Keneisha became visible, and hurried off the boat amongst the confusion.They hailed a black cab and asked to go to the Kingsmead Estate in Hackney.Keneisha had explained what had happened to her, preceding the blood thirst.Her dealer, Darryl, had given her free drugs, on the condition that she be his guinea pig for a concoction he’d made.She had readily agreed, and injected herself with the potion, but nothing had happened, until she had woken up in 78RobertText 22/8/06 13:42 Page 79The Run: London’s Secrethospital after the incident in Soho.With a craving for blood.‘Take me to him, ’ Esjekshb had said.And they had gone to Hackney.79RobertText 22/8/06 13:42 Page 80CHAPTER TWENTY-EIGHT‘What happened to you?’ asked Tgthiem, holding the door, and eyeing Keneisha suspiciously.Esjekshb made a move to go into the house, but he blocked her way.‘Who is this?’ he asked.‘She’s with me.’ Esjekshb pushed past him and beckoned for Keneisha to follow.Tghtiem stepped aside, then closed the door, and followed to the kitchen.‘What is this?’ asked Ywoth.‘Where have you been?’Esjekshb ignored him, and sat down, then said‘Questions, questions.How about.’ indicating Keneisha ‘.an answer.’They all looked at the girl with recognition, and Mischia was about to mention the fact, but Esjekshb’s hand gesture silenced her.‘She can help us collect energy.’‘How?’ asked Ywoth, uninterested.‘She’s a vampire.’‘What?’ asked Tgthiem.‘Are they even real?’ asked MischiaThey both turned to look at Keneisha, who then shrank into herself.‘We haven’t had the best of luck collecting energy, lately.We’ve been disturbed in one way or another, and we’re 80RobertText 22/8/06 13:42 Page 81The Run: London’s Secretrunning behind.Mischia’s only capable of holding the energies of five others before she has to rest, so if there’s two of them.’‘I still don’t understand how she could collect energy?’said Tgthiem.Esjekshb tutted, irritably.‘Blood is a source of life.’‘Ah, I see now,’ nodded Ywoth.‘But, we’ll have to come up with a plan, otherwise it still won’t work,’ said Mischia.‘Why so cynical?’ said Esjekshb.‘I’m not be-’She stopped, because Ywoth was giving her a funny look, she turned to him, and frowned.‘What?’His face was amused.‘Back at the boat, you picked up that waiter.’Mischia remembered it, and nodded.‘You did what?’ asked Esjekshb.‘She picked up a fully grown man, and threw him across the room.’‘How did you do that?’ asked Tghtiem, interested.‘I don’t know.I just did,’ she said.‘Can you do it again?’‘Yeah, I think so.’Ywoth could be heard chuckling.‘What?’ asked Esjekshb.‘I think I have a plan,’ he said [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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