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.Jack Micheline publishes River of Red Wine andSummer: Cassady meets Kesey on Perry Lane inOther Poems.Palo Alto.John Wieners publishes The Hotel Wentley Poems.August: Burroughs s work is praised at the Interna-tional Writer s Conference in Edinburgh, Scot-1959land.January 2: Robert Frank and Alfred Leslie beginPaul Bowles publishes A Hundred Camels in theproduction of the movie Pull My Daisy, withCourtyard.Corso, Ginsberg, and Orlovsky as actors, andBurroughs publishes Naked Lunch in the U.S.andKerouac as narrator.The Ticket That Exploded.September:  Cut-up experiments are begun byRobert Creeley publishes For Love: Poems 1950Burroughs.1960.Abbie Hoffman graduates from Brandeis Univer-sity.Kerouac publishes Big Sur.Burroughs publishes The Naked Lunch in Paris.Ken Kesey publishes One Flew over the Cuckoo sBob Kaufman publishes Abomunist Manifesto.Nest.Kerouac publishes Doctor Sax: Faust Part Three,Maggie Cassidy, Mexico City Blues, and part of 1963Visions of Cody.Ginsberg receives a Guggenheim Fellowship.Snyder publishes Riprap.Burroughs and Ginsberg publish The Yage Letters. Beat Generation Movement Chronology 379Kerouac publishes Visions of Gerard.1966Ed Sanders publishes Poem From Jail.April 30: Richard Fariña dies in a motorcycle acci-dent two days after publishing Been Down So1964Long It Looks Like Up to Me.February 9: The Beatles play The Ed SullivanJune 28: Oscar Zeta Acosta is admitted to theShow.California bar.June 14: Kesey, Cassady, and the Merry PrankstersJuly 7: Naked Lunch is ruled not obscene by thestart their journey across the country in theirMassachusetts Supreme Court.bus,  Further.July 29: Dylan suffers a serious motorcycle acci-July 12 24: The Berkeley Poetry Conferencedent.brings together Brother Antoninus, Ted Ber- November 15: Two people are arrested at Therigan, Creeley, Ed Dorn, Ginsberg, JoannePsychedelic Shop in San Francisco for sellingKyger, Philip Lamantia, Charles Olson, Sand-Lenore Kandel s recently published The Loveers, Snyder, Waldman, Welch, John Wieners,Book.and other poets associated with the BeatNovember 17: A clerk at City Lights Bookstore ismovement.arrested for selling The Love Book.After whatAugust 27: Kerouac sees Cassady for the last timewas at the time the longest trial in San Fran-in New York at a Merry Pranksters party.cisco history, The Love Book is banned in 1967;August 28: Al Aronowitz introduces Bob Dylanit is a decision that will not be overturned untiland marijuana to John Lennon and the other1974.Beatles.Kerouac publishes Satori in Paris.Burroughs publishes Nova Express.Thompson publishes Hell s Angels: A Strange andHolmes publishes Get Home Free.Terrible Saga.Jones publishes Dutchman, which wins an ObieAward.1967Kesey publishes Sometimes a Great Notion.January 14: The Human Be-In takes place inMcClure publishes Ghost Tantras.Golden Gate Park with Ginsberg, Ferlinghetti,John Lennon publishes In His Own Write.Leary, McClure, and Kandel on stage, and JimMorrison and The Doors among the 20,0001965participants the Beat Generation movementMay 9: Ginsberg, as Dylan s guest, attends a partymorphs into the Hippie movement, and anthat includes Lennon after Dylan s perfor-underground avant-garde movement turnsmance at London s Albert Hall.into a burgeoning avant-garde popular move-July: Hunter S.Thompson introduces Kesey toment.members of the Hell s Angels.December: Charles Bukowski meets Cassady.July 25: Dylan goes electric at the Newport FolkAcosta meets Thompson during a cross-countryFestival.trip for enlightenment.Andy Clausen begins working in the American oralRichard Brautigan publishes Trout Fishing intradition of poetry inspired by Corso, Ginsberg,America.and Kerouac.Ray Bremser publishes Angel.Kerouac travels to France.Holmes publishes Nothing More to Declare.Ray Bremser publishes Poems of Madness.Kandel publishes Word Alchemy.Huncke publishes Huncke s Journal.Lamantia publishes Selected Poems: 1943 1966.Bob Kaufman publishes Solitudes Crowded withCharles Plymell publishes Apocalypse Rose.Loneliness.Ted Berrigan interviews Kerouac for the ParisKerouac publishes Desolation Angels.Review.Kyger publishes The Tapestry and the Web.Kerouac writes his last full-length book, Vanity ofMcClure publishes The Beard and Poisoned Wheat.Duluoz. CONTRIBUTORSpatricia cherkin alexander met Jack Micheline in they visited the countryside around Lawrence,the fountain in Washington Square in New York Kansas, shooting targets and photos.Appreciativewhen she was a young writing major registering for of photography, Burroughs made himself accessiblesummer classes at NYU.They were married briefly for Blumb s documentary photography.Blumb isin the early 1960s and have a son, Vince Silvaer.still a photographer on numerous audio, video, andfilm projects.He documented the 1997 funeralJohn F.Barber teaches science fiction within a of Burroughs.An original portfolio,  William S.transdisciplinary program focused on the necessary Burroughs in Prints is online at www.jonblumb.intersection of art, humanities, technology, and sci- com.ence at the University of Texas at Dallas.His TheBrautigan Bibliography plus+, an online, interac- Donovan S.Braud is a Ph.D.candidate at Loyolative bio-bibliographic resource focusing on writer University Chicago.He has published in TeachingRichard Brautigan is noted as the most comprehen- Basic Writing and several literature reference works.sive resource of its kind [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]

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