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.Rank 1- 16% chance to stun the enemy.Rank 1- 20% chance to stun the enemy.RaidUsefulness:5Sm all Group 0 SoloPVPCommentary: The primary use of this is to slow an enemy down when you pull aggro, giving youtime to escape.The stun effect is also useful with carefully timed Steady Shot.- 74 -© www.killerguides.comAll rights reserved. Unofficial World of Warcraft Hunter GuideLethal ShotsDescription: Increases your critical strike chance with ranged weapons by a percentageRanks: Rank 1- 1% increaseRank 2- 2% increaseRank 3- 3% increaseRank 4- 4% increaseRank 5- 5% increaseRaidUsefulness:5Sm all Group 0 SoloPVPCommentary: Even though it only aplies to ranged weapons and not melee this is incredible.Everybuild will want five points in this.- 75 -© www.killerguides.comAll rights reserved. Unofficial World of Warcraft Hunter GuideImproved Hunters MarkDescription: Causes a percent of your Hunters Mark ability to apply to melee attacks as well.Ranks: Rank 1- 20% bonus to melee.Rank 2- 40% bonus to melee.Rank 3- 60% bonus to melee.Rank 4- 80% bonus to melee.Rank 5- 100% bonus to melee.RaidUsefulness:5Sm all Group 0 SoloPVPCommentary: In the right situation this can be very useful.When soloing it increases your petsattack power, helping them keep aggro.It really shines in a group or raid with lotsof melee types.You will only need one empowered mark though so if you partyregularly with other hunters talk to them so you don't waste points.- 76 -© www.killerguides.comAll rights reserved. Unofficial World of Warcraft Hunter GuideEfficiencyDescription: Reduces the mana cost of your shots and stings by a percentageRanks: Rank 1- 2% decreaseRank 2- 4% decreaseRank 3- 6% decreaseRank 4- 8% decreaseRank 5- 10% decreaseRaidUsefulness:5Sm all Group 0 SoloPVPCommentary: This is built for hunters with poor mana management.If you don't have a largemana pool or low mana regen this can help you use your special abilities more often.It is strongest in a raid environment but it is also useful in five man content.- 77 -© www.killerguides.comAll rights reserved. Unofficial World of Warcraft Hunter GuideGo for the ThroatDescription: Your ranged critical strikes cause your pet to generate extra focus.Ranks: Rank 1- Crits cause 25 FocusRank 1- Crits cause 50 FocusRaidUsefulness:5Sm all Group 0 SoloPVPCommentary: This is the only talent in the Marksman tree that directly helps your pet.It greatlyhelps with DPS pets that suck up a lot of focus.It will also make sure you haveenough focus to follow up with a Kill Command.If you combine it with BestialDiscipline your pet will rarely run out of focus.- 78 -© www.killerguides.comAll rights reserved. Unofficial World of Warcraft Hunter GuideImproved Arcane ShotDescription: Reduces the cooldown of your Arcane ShotRanks: Rank 1- cooldown reduced by.2 seconds.Rank 2- cooldown reduced by.4 seconds.Rank 3- cooldown reduced by.6 seconds.Rank 4- cooldown reduced by.8 seconds.Rank 5- cooldown reduced by 1 second.RaidUsefulness:5Sm all Group 0 SoloPVPCommentary: A one second reduction of one ability for five whole points is not worth the cost inmy opinion.The only reason you would put points in this is if you plan to use ArcaneShot in your shot rotations or if you plan to use Marksman as a PVP build.Arcaneshot uses up a lot of mana though so be warned that this talent will eat up yourmana faster.- 79 -© www.killerguides.comAll rights reserved. Unofficial World of Warcraft Hunter GuideAimed ShotDescription: An Aimed shot that increases ranged damage.Ranks: Rank 1- increases ranged damage by 70Rank 2- Increases ranged damage by 125Rank 3- Increases ranged damage by 200Rank 4- Increases ranged damage by 330Rank 5- increases ranged damage by 460Rank 6- increases ranged damage by 600Rank 7- increases ranged damage by 870RaidUsefulness:5Sm all Group 0 SoloPVPCommentary: This is one of the core abilities of the Marksman tree.It is one of the heaviest hittingattacks you can learn but you won't want to use it all the time.It is best used as anopening shot since it resets your auto shot, though you need to be careful not to pullaggro.It is also feared in PVP since the huge damage boost can lead to enormouscrits.- 80 -© www.killerguides.comAll rights reserved. Unofficial World of Warcraft Hunter GuideRapid KillingDescription: Reduces the cooldown of your Rapid Fire ability.After killing an opponent that yieldsexperience or honor, your next Aimed Shot, Arcane Shot or Auto Shot causes extradamage.Ranks: Rank 1- Rapid Fire cooldown reduced by 1 minute.Damage increased by 10%Rank 1- Rapid Fire cooldown reduced by 2 minute.Damage increased by 20%RaidUsefulness:5Sm all Group 0 SoloPVPCommentary: This is primarily used for helping improve your raid DPS.The damage increase isgood in PVP and some PVE situations like grinding and farming where you have tokill repeatedly.If you combine this with Aimed Shot and Go for the Throat you willhave enough talents to reach the next tier.- 81 -© www.killerguides.comAll rights reserved. Unofficial World of Warcraft Hunter GuideImproved StingsDescription: Increases the damage done by your Serpent Sting and Wyvern Sting by a percentand increass the mana drained by your Viper Sting by a percent and reduces thechance Stings will be dispelled by a percent.Ranks: Rank 1- Damage increased by 6%, mana drained by 6%, dispel chance reduced by6%Rank 1- Damage increased by 12%, mana drained by 12%, dispel chance reducedby 2%Rank 1- Damage increased by 18%, mana drained by 18%, dispel chance reducedby 18%Rank 1- Damage increased by 24%, mana drained by 24%, dispel chance reducedby 24%Rank 1- Damage increased by 30%, mana drained by 30%, dispel chance reducedby 30%RaidUsefulness:5Sm all Group 0 SoloPVPCommentary: This is similar to Improved Arcane Shot.The effect is nice but it costs to many talentpoints.You might want to put points in this if you plan to do a lot of soloing andneed all the damage you can get.Or you plan to do lots of PVP.- 82 -© www.killerguides.comAll rights reserved. Unofficial World of Warcraft Hunter GuideMortal ShotsDescription: Increases your ranged weapon critical strike damage bonus by a percentageRanks: Rank 1- Critical damage increased by 6%Rank 1- Critical damage increased by 12%Rank 1- Critical damage increased by 18%Rank 1- Critical damage increased by 24%Rank 1- Critical damage increased by 30%RaidUsefulness:5Sm all Group 0 SoloPVPCommentary: This is another necessary talent in the marksman tree.Anyone trying to do rangedDPS will need this.- 83 -© www.killerguides.comAll rights reserved. Unofficial World of Warcraft Hunter GuideConcussive BarrageDescription: Your successful auto shot attacks have a chance to daze the target for 4 seconds.Ranks: Rank 1- 2% chance of dazing the enemy.Rank 1- 4% chance of dazing the enemy.Rank 1- 6% chance of dazing the enemy.RaidUsefulness:5Sm all Group 0 SoloPVPCommentary: I would only put points in this if you need to gain access to the next tier.The effectcan help stop enemies from charging you and goes off more often then you think.But it is so random you can't rely on it to save you.If you are quick enough thoughyou can get off a Steady Shot when it occurs for extra damage.- 84 -© www.killerguides.comAll rights reserved. Unofficial World of Warcraft Hunter GuideScatter ShotDescription: A short range shot that deals 50% weapon damage and disorients the target for 4seconds.Any damage done will remove the effect.Ranks: One RankRaidUsefulness:5Sm all Group 0 SoloPVPCommentary: This is one of the best abilities in the marksman tree [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]

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