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.C., January 28, 2003.Page 169:  Similarly, Secretary of State Powell, in his UN presentation. ColinPowell,  Remarks to the United Nations Security Council, New York,February 5, 2003.Page 169:  In March 2003, even after the war had begun. Donald Rumsfeld, Remarks on ABC This Week with George Stephanopoulos, March 20, 2003.Page 171:  Bush himself appeared genuinely incapable. In October 2001, forexample, Bush commented that he was  amazed that there is such misunder-standing of what our country is about.Like most Americans, I just can tbelieve it.Because I know how good we are. George W.Bush,  PresidentHolds Primetime News Conference, Washington, D.C., October 22, 2001,www.whitehouse.gov.Page 171:  Berlin gave the United States. Daalder and Lindsay, AmericaUnbound, 190.Page 172:  French visitors to Washington were berated. Authors interviewwith a participant in the meeting with Feith, summer 2003.Page 172:  American officials did not shy away. Cheney and Wolfowitz bothcited in Rubin,  Stumbling into War, 55.Page 173:  As Senator Joseph Biden put it. See  Dealing with Iraq: Is U.S.Policy Working? Speech at Brookings Institution, Washington, D.C., July 31,2003.Page 173: .Colin Powell hardly traveled anywhere. Daalder and Lindsay,America Unbound, 192.Page 174;  Powell would later claim. Colin Powell,  Press Availability withNATO Secretary General Lord Robertson, Washington, D.C., February 20, 2003.Page 175:  Blair consistently made clear. See Blair s comments to a meetingof the Parliamentary Labor Party in February 2003, cited in Peter Riddell, Hug250 NOTESThem Close: Blair, Clinton, Bush and the  Special Relationship (London:Politico s, 2003), 24.Page 179:  When asked on national French television. Interview Téléviséede Monsieur Jacques Chirac, Président de la République par Patrick Poivred Arvor (TF1) et David Pujadas (France 2), Palais de l Elysée, March 10, 2003.Page 180:  They did not believe the French were behaving. See  Interventiondu Ministre des Affaires Etrangères, M.Dominique de Villepin, au Conseil deSécurité des Nations Unies, February 14, 2003.Page 180:  Instead he bragged about how. De Villepin made such remarkson numerous occasions, including, according to participants, at a high-levelgathering of American and European officials, experts, and journalists atthe Bilderberg conference on May 17, 2003.The comments about France andthe Pope are cited in Charles Grant, Transatlantic Rift: How to Bring the TwoSides Together (London: Centre for European Reform, July 2003), 43.Page 180:  As one former American statesman commented. A former seniorU.S.official speaking to one of de Villepin s colleagues.Authors interview inParis, May 2003.Page 181: .conflict between France and the United States. HenryKissinger, Diplomacy (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1994), 603.CHAPTER 7Page 188:  In June 2003, for example, the Pew Global Attitudes Project. PewGlobal Attitudes Project, Views of a Changing World, June 2003, 22.Page 189:  Americans and Europeans have remarkably similar assessments.German Marshall Fund, Transatlantic Trends 2003, September 2003, 12 13.For similar results, see Pew Global Attitudes Project, Views of a ChangingWorld, June 2003; Worldviews 2002, American Public Opinion and ForeignPolicy, June 2002; Worldviews 2002, European Public Opinion and ForeignPolicy¸ September 2002; PIPA/Knowledge Networks, Americans on Terrorism:Two Years after September 11, September 9, 2003.Page 189:  By June 2003 they had begun to reverse. Pew Global AttitudesProject, Views of a Changing World, June 2003, 19.Page 189:  Americans expressed discomfort with unilateralism. Worldviews2002, American Public Opinion and Foreign Policy, June 2002, available atwww.worldviews.org/detailreports/usreport/index.htm.Page 189:  Even on the use of force. Worldviews 2002, Europeans seethe World as Americans Do, but Critical of U.S.Foreign Policy, September 4,251 ALLIES AT WAR2002, 5; available at www.worldviews.org/docs/TransatlanticKeyFindings.pdf.Page 189; .polls also suggest much more similar attitudes in Europe andAmerica. For polls on global warning, see Jeffrey Kluger,  A Climate OfDespair, Time Magazine, April 9, 2001, 30; and Dalia Sussman,  GlobalWarming Trend: Six in 10 Say U.S.Should Join Kyoto Treaty, ABC News,April 17, 2001, available at abcnews.go.com/sections/us/DailyNews/poll010417.html.On genetically modified foods, see HarrisInteractive, Genetically Modified Foods: An Issue Waiting to Explode? Harris Poll 33,June 28, 2000, www.harrisinteractive.com/harris_poll/index.asp?PID=96 [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]

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