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. You awake? Kyle asked. Yeah.What time is it? Late.You slept twelve hours, even with the nap when we got back yesterday. Oh man.Guess I was tired.Did you get any rest? Some.Been writing. Yeah? He rolled to face Kyle.The dark stubble he d been sporting the day before wasgone.Evan ran a hand along the smooth line of his jaw. You ll have the book done in no time.Kyle turned his head and kissed Evan s palm. They said we ll be in Chicago earlytomorrow.I guess they re hauling ass.Oscar said they re making arrangements for everyone sconnections.We should be able to catch another commuter train home to Ohio like we d plannedand be there in time for Christmas Eve dinner at your mom s. Good. Evan s mom went all out every year, hosting both families for a huge feast, withdrinks and games and gifts and Christmas carols.It would suck to miss it. Yeah.Thank God, Kyle said,  because if we missed the party, your mom might ve killedme. Why you? Because this is the first year it s just us coming home, and nothing like this ever happenedwith Evan pressed a quick kiss on Kyle s lips. Don t. He didn t want to think about Dennis oranything else right then.Kyle was still being the affectionate man he d been in the cabin.Evandidn t want to let the rest of the world in.Not yet. It s just&  Kyle rolled onto his back and folded his arms behind his head. Your momadored him. She adores you too.You re like a son to her.Kyle looked shocked by that.Then the expression was gone.He sat up with a start. I gotus something to eat. He leaned over the edge of the bed and lifted a tray.Despite his words to Kyle, Evan couldn t believe he hadn t considered what his momwould think of him and Kyle together.What would everyone think? Their families had no idea Take Me Home 139anything was going on, or had ever gone on between them.Was this going to be the worstChristmas surprise ever? Or would they be happy for them?Kyle shifted around to the other end of the bed so they were facing each other and placedthe tray between them.A small bowl of fruit, two cinnamon rolls slathered in creamy frosting,and a single bottle of juice. They don t have much left in the way of breakfast.I thought wecould share.Evan reached for a fork, but Kyle was faster.He scooped up a piece of pineapple and heldit to Evan s lips.Evan hesitated a moment, letting the reality of Kyle s action sink in.He openedhis mouth and sucked the fruit and juice from Kyle s fingers, the sweetness bursting over histongue.Kyle spoke as he picked up a grape. I finished reading the journal. He popped the grapeinto his mouth and got another he fed to Evan.Who knew it would be so hard to concentrate while being hand-fed fruit in bed. Youfinished it? Did it say where they hid the money? No.Grandpa wrote mostly about his last week with Joe.He brought him to the farm withhim.Introduced him as a friend from the war.Joe stayed there for a week. Maybe the money s at the farm. Maybe.I don t know where it would be that no one would ve found it.Maybe buriedsomeplace, but I can t imagine Grandpa would have taken the risk to hide it where his familymight ve seen what he was doing. You re right.Especially after all he went through to hide the truth. There s a letter to me at the end, Kyle said. Written in the pages of the journal.Datedthe same day as the first letter. What did it say? I don t know. He shrugged and ate another grape. I haven t read it yet.Ijust& couldn t. His dark eyes held the same sadness as the day of the funeral when they dwatched those old movies. It s all that s left. I m sorry.Kyle stared at Evan, his dark eyes going from that sad, serious expression to somethinglighter, happier. Thanks. Kyle rolled his finger through the icing of a cinnamon roll, tore off apiece, and held the roll up to Evan s mouth.That did it.Evan was convinced he hadn t woken up yet.Might as well go with it.Helicked the frosting off the length of Kyle s finger before eating the bite of roll.Kyle leaned in, his gaze focused on Evan s mouth.He ran his thumb over Evan s lips, thenfollowed it up with a swipe of his tongue across the bottom lip.He topped that off with a longkiss that brought their tongues together.Like a slow dance that was becoming more sensual witheach lingering touch of their mouths.Kyle pulled back and smiled. Frosting.On your lip.No way that was a dream.Nothing in dreams felt that real.Evan closed his eyes and let outa soft moan.Who knew fruit and pastries turned him on? He opened his eyes, afraid theembarrassment he hadn t felt at his reaction would come barreling to the surface with one look atKyle.He should ve known better. 140 Sloan ParkerKyle threw him a smirk, that cocky look of confidence he d seen him flash dozens of guys.Evan had never been on the receiving end.And he d never seen it mixed with such intimacy.And maybe more.Kyle said,  I talked to Shepfield. What? It was hard to be pissed while turned on and being hand-fed in bed, but he wasmanaging it. By yourself? He s not the one who followed us.At least, I don t think so.I searched online about thebank robbery.All four men were convicted, and each served time at the same prison in Colorado.Figured I d see if I could confirm whether our helpful ex-prison guard worked there.Found outthis morning he s never worked at any prison outside California, and now he works privatesecurity in LA. How did you find that out? I asked him. You re some detective.Didn t you think he d wonder why you re asking about his past? I told him I was researching prisons for one of my books.Asked him all kinds ofquestions I didn t need to know the answers to. And you think he was telling you the truth? I do. Kyle ate a piece of pineapple, then brought another to Evan s lips. Uh, Kyle, I didn t hurt my hands.I can feed myself. I know. He looked at the tray between them. Can t seem to stop myself, though.I lovewatching your mouth.Yeah, this was better than the dreams. If you squeeze the next piece over your dick andballs, you can watch my mouth suck it off you.Kyle s eyes widened.He scrambled for the front of his jeans and threw them open. Youhave the best ideas. I do. Because no matter what they d been through on the train, this trip was the best ideahe d ever had.He just hoped when they got to Ohio, he d still feel that way.He wanted to believe Kyle s actions and words meant something wanted to believe whatKyle had said in the cabin about a relationship.Because if it wasn t true, losing this was going to be worse than six months ago.Worsethan losing the job.Worse than anything. Take Me Home 141Chapter Twenty-Seven Maybe we should leave the room for a while. Kyle was finding it hard to concentrate onrevising the chapters he d already written, and time was ticking by in that annoying way it had atendency to do.He couldn t send the pages to Sue Ann yet.There was an element missing fromhis writing [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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