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.It had hurt to see his lover s arms around another man, butmaybe there was an explanation.Unfortunately, none of the ones hecould come up with were good ones.He hadn t been able to seeAlexei s face, but he d seen the other Russian s.Patrick knew thatexpression.He saw it on his own face each time he looked in the mirrorwith Alexei on his mind.It galled him to see it, but that didn t mean Alexei had worn thesame expression, no matter how tenderly his arms encircled the otherman, no matter how intimate it had appeared as he whispered in themob boss s ear.Patrick could easily imagine them as lovers, though.Alexei wouldn t have to sneak around to meet with Konstantin, not likehe did to meet with Patrick, and while Alexei had said that the voryfrowned on homosexuality, it would still be safer than being caughtwith a cop.He and Alexei hadn t made any promises, hadn t talkedabout exclusivity or anything else, although their meetings in thewarehouse and since had led Patrick to believe Alexei wanted it, even if he couldn t ask for or promise it.Had he been wrong? Had it been justa ploy to get Patrick to agree to have sex that night?Almost immediately, Patrick scolded himself for his doubts.Alexei wasn t such a good actor that he could pretend to the depth oftenderness he d shown that night and since then if he didn t feelsomething at least.Patrick owed it to them both to allow Alexei toexplain what had happened on the docks without accusation.And if hewasn t satisfied with the answer, he could always leave.Strippingdown, he wrapped a towel around his waist and walked into the steamroom.The litter of crushed cigarettes at his feet gave evidence to howlong Alexei had been waiting for Patrick s arrival, but his expressionwas calm as he acknowledged his lover s entrance. Your supervisorsare pleased? he asked, quirking an eyebrow when Patrick seatedhimself on the bench opposite the one Alexei lounged on rather thanjoining him. You brought them very rich catch. Curious how I managed, Patrick admitted,  but very pleased.They still want to talk to Konstantin, but the new arrests will keep thembusy for a few more hours. Despite his resolutions in the locker room,he couldn t keep a sharp note out of his voice as he said the other vor sname, his eyes fixed on Alexei s face as he searched for a reaction.So he had not misjudged the look of surprised betrayal onPatrick s face when he had held Konstantin back during the raid of theaborted drug deal.It was a delicate business to guide the younger manwithout letting him realize he was being led, though so far Alexei hadmanaged it.That he made use of whatever means were at his disposalwas not something he would prefer to share with his lover. Konstantinwas concerned when your men arrived, Alexei offered. He isimpulsive acts without thinking.That is dangerous.I needed to keephim from drawing attention to himself.Patrick felt foolish when he heard the reasonable explanation, buta part of him still hurt, questioning the other man s role in Alexei s life. I didn t like seeing your arms around another man, he admittedbluntly,  regardless of the reason.Alexei rose to his feet with the grace of a stalking panther, histowel falling to the floor as he crossed to Patrick s seat.Bracing hispalms against the tiled wall on either side of his lover s head, he bentforward, his breath warm against the younger man s ear. Forget Konstantin, he murmured, his lips moving over the light trace ofstubble on Patrick s cheek. He means nothing. When Patrick s lipsopened to protest, Alexei silenced them with his own, his tonguesweeping into his lover s mouth, stealing his voice and his breath withthe passion of his kiss.All thought of Konstantin, indeed of anything beyond the press ofAlexei s lips against his, gone, Patrick reached up, grabbing Alexei ships and pulling his lover to straddle him, bringing their bodies intogreater contact.The adrenaline that lingered from the sting was makinghim horny as hell, and Alexei wasn t discouraging him.He strippedaway his own towel, leaving nothing between them but a distance hevery quickly closed, moaning when he felt the naked brush of hislover s cock against his.Alexei, it seemed, was as horny as he was.Patrick s unrestrained response set a match to the passion thatalways smoldered beneath the surface of Alexei s façade a passiononly this man would ever sate.Lowering himself to his knees on thewooden bench, Alexei sucked at his lover s tongue, drawing it into hismouth as his body covered the man beneath him.When he hitched hiships, the head of his cock traced a trail over his lover s sweat-coveredbelly.Patrick moaned and Alexei spread his knees farther, moldingthem closer, his lover s rigid shaft sliding between the damp cleft ofAlexei s cheeks.Patrick threw his head back with a groan, hard enoughto strike the sauna s tiled wall.Alexei s palm slid to cup the back of hislover s skull, his mouth following down the straining tendons ofPatrick s neck, shifting just enough to drag himself over Patrick s shaftwith a friction that made them both gasp [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]

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