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.This point can also cause failing vision or aninstant temporary blindness which makes it an excellent set up point.SI 7: ZHIZHENG (Branch of Uprightness)5 cun proximal to the wrist, on the line joining SI 5 and SI 8.This is the first of the SI dangerous point strikes.It will add much yang Qi tothe heart and cause great immediate pain.A strike here can cause permanentblindness over a period.There is an immediate build up of heat in the heartcausing great nausea and fainting.This is not a point to be played around with! SI 8: XIAOHAI (Small Sea)Between the olecranon of the ulna and the medial epicondyle of the humerus.The point is located with the elbow flexed.Again, this is a very dangerous point strike.It will cause considerable pain andQi drainage and when struck at the same time as LU 5 will cause knock out oreven death.It is an earth and he point.It can also be used as an excellentcontrolling point using violent finger pressure which has the ability toimmobilise an opponent so much that he will drop to the ground.Other pointsthat work really well with SI 8 are: Neigwan, SI 16, The mind point, CV 4.Continuing headaches will also be caused until an acupuncturist has treatedthis situation.A No.1 neurological strike works wonders with this point.SI 9: JIANZHEN (Shoulder Chastity)Posterior and inferior to the shoulder joint.When the arm is adducted, thepoint is 1 cun above the posterior end of the axillary fold, at the lateral marginof the scapula below the infraglenoid tubercle.In the posterior deltoid muscle,and in it's deep position in the teres major muscle.An immediate rush of energy to the head causing great nausea and fainting, abuild up of stagnant Qi at the base of the skull at GB 20 is also apparentcausing the head to feel like it is exploding.SI 10: NAOSHU (Scapula's Hollow)When the arm is adducted, the point is directly above SI 9, in the depressioninferior and lateral to the scapular spine.In the deltoid muscle posterior to the glenoid fossa of the scapula, and in it's deep position, in the infraspinatusmuscle.This strike will do great immediate physical damage due to the accumulation oftendons and muscles at this point.The damage is so great that it can causeknock out from the Qi drainage and pain.Extreme scapular damage is done.The deltoid muscle is a thick triangular muscle which cups the shoulder joint.It is attached to the clavicle (collar bone) and scapula (shoulder blade) at itsupper end, and to the shaft of the humerus (upper arm bone) at its lower end.The muscle is divided into three portions: an anterior (clavicular) portion, andacrominal (middle) portion, and a posterior portion.The posterior portion islocated on the back of the shoulder.Almost any movement of your shoulderand upper arm involves the deltoid muscle.The anterior portion is used to raisethe arm from the body and to lower it again.The acrominal portion is apowerful abductor and the posterior portion is used to move the arm backward.SI 11: TIANZONG (Heaven's Ancestor)In the infrascapular fossa, at the junction of the upper and middle third of thedistance between the lower border of the scapular spine and the inferior angleof the scapula.In the infraspinatus muscle.This point is one of the major point strikes on the back as it is capable of takingout the whole arm and draining much Qi.Even a medium strike here witheither a large weapon such as a palm or a small one such as a finger will causeconsiderable damage to the back and arm.I personally have received this strikein my early days in training and my left arm was out of action for one week! Iwas given the antidote and was told that it would be OK in one week, and itwas.Immediately, you feel like an electrical shock running down your arm andthen the paralysis sets in.SI 12: BINGFENG (Holding Wind) Bing means to receive, Feng means Wind,this point is alsotranslated as Facing or Controlling Wind.In the centre of the suprascapular fossa, directly above SI 11.When the arm islifted the point is at the site of the depression.This point when struck quite hard will cause an energy rush to the head whichcan cause knock out.There will be a sickly feeling in the upper body for sometime afterwards.The scapular can be knocked out of position with tendondamage as well.SI 13: QUYUAN (Crooked Wall) Location: On the medial extremity of the suprascapular fossa, around midwaybetween SI 10 and the 2nd thoracic vertebra spinous process.On the superiormargin of the spine of the scapula, in the trapezium and supraspinatus muscles.This point is more dangerous than SI 12 in that it will drain Qi rather than addit.A feeling like something is draining from the whole upper body is felt whichcauses the fight to be over.The lungs can be physically damaged with thisstrike.Scapular damage is also imminent with a medium to hard strike.SI 14: JIANWAISHU (Shoulder's Outer Hollow)3 cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous process of the 1st thoracicvertebra, on the vertical line drawn upwards from the medial border of thescapula.This point strike will put a shock into the upper body causing the lungs andheart to falter.Extreme nausea will result with vomiting and later even death ifuntreated, especially if used with CV 14.SI 15: JIANZHONGSHU (Mid Shoulder Hollow)2 cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous process of the 7th cervicalvertebra (GV 14).At the end of the transverse process of the 1st thoracicvertebra, superficially in the trapezium and in its deep position, in the levatorscapulae muscle.A severe Qi drainage from the upper body will result, causing knock out if thestrike is quite hard.Nervous damage can occur as it is quite close to thebackbone at the neck.Nausea will also result. SI 16: TIANCHUANG (Heaven's Window)In the lateral aspect of the neck, on the posterior border of thesternocleidomastoideus muscle, posterior to CO 18, 3.5 cun lateral to thelaryngeal prominence.This is a >window of the sky point=.It is one of the more deadly SI pointscausing instant death when struck hard.Medium strikes will cause emotionalimbalance and heart problems.A strange side effect of this strike is that therecipient will laugh when struck! This is because of the imbalance of emotionswhen the >shen= is disconnected to the body.This is a point not to be playedaround with! If you are one of those people who go around knocking people outat demonstration, DO NOT USE THIS POINT, as death can occur reallyeasily.SI 17: TIANRONG (Heaven's Contents)Posterior to the angle of the mandible, in the depression on the anterior borderof the sternocleidomastoideus muscle and the inferior margin in the posteriorbelly of the digastric muscle.Again, this is one of the more deadly points.It is very close to the vagus nerveand will cause knock out quite easily and it is right over the external carotidartery which will cause a >blood KO=.It is also a >window of the sky point=.When this point is struck, the head feels like it will explode especially if thestrike is a lock around the neck using the knife edge of the palm [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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