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.No one knew what a lonely life I had, especially after the kids left home.” How ironic and sad that Ada Tozer experienced such loneliness when Aiden was overheard commenting to a pastor not long before he died: “I've had a lonely life.”Dorsett does let the reader know that something good was obviously going on in the home, and that by God's grace, it can be written of Tozer's children:“All seven of Tozer's children became solid Christians and not one of them carried bitterness in their heart toward their father.Each one became relatively successful by the world's standards and functioned quite well in society, and they all expressed gratitude to God for their mother and father and with good reason.”In closing this review, I have emphasized all these negative qualities of Tozer's life as a family man only because this was a main emphasis of the book.On one hand, it is obvious that Dorsett greatly admires Tozer and assumes the reader already does too.Therefore, great pains are taken to avoid the charge of writing hagiography, seeing no faults in the life of the one being examined.Certainly Dorsett does not fall into that error.The book itself contains some repetitiveness in that Dorsett will reuse an anecdote several times giving the reader a sense of déjà vu.Also, I really desired to learn more about Tozer's “mysticism”.In reading the biography it seems as though if Tozer was mystic, that word simply means he was a man given much to prayer and Scripture meditation.Certainly that is not all there was to it though, and I would have liked to have heard more about it.Also, since Tozer was involved in the Keswick movement, what national leaders did he interact with? What did they think of him? Further, Dorsett mentions ministerial criticism of Tozer, but does not provide any of the details.So, my main critique is simply that I wish the biography was 400 pages instead of 200.There is much more to say about this book, including an interesting connection between Tozer's Chicago church and the current news conversation regarding Rev.Jeremiah Wright.But time escapes me for now, so let me encourage you to pick up a copy of Dorsett's work - it will both delight and depress you.But in doing so, I think this biography will transform your own ministry, both in your church and in your home [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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