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.But it rocked through her until she was gasping, whimpering, her nailsbiting into the arm crossed beneath her breasts, holding her against him.And she wanted more. Enough. She was surprised when he allowed her to push away from him, his fingerssliding slowly from the clenching depths of her pussy, stroking over her clit before he lether jerk his hand from her pants and stumble away. You need to leave.Now. Her voice quavered.She could feel her nostrils flaring, thetight jerk of her lips as she fought to push back needs she had never known before.Sex was a sport.A hobby.A manipulation.External pleasure was all she desired.Agood hard orgasm was all she needed.She didn t need this, this clawing desperationshe could feel building inside her.Then she shook, shuddered as he brought his still-damp fingers to his mouth and licked.His expression tightening, gold eyes gleaming with a brilliant, fierce hunger. You taste like sunshine, he rasped, clearly enjoying the taste of her, relishing it.God,had any man ever done such a thing? It s the soap, she snarled.She had to fist her hands at her sides to keep from reachingfor him.She couldn t do this.She couldn t handle it.Not now. Tanner s Scheme  Breeds 09 Page 38 of 403His lips curled in satisfaction. It s sweet, hot pussy.I want my lips there next, Scheme.Iwant to go down on you so bad my teeth ache.Her knees went weak. Stop that, she hissed, hating the hunger on his face, the open, wicked gleam in hiseyes.This wasn t a game anymore.For the first time in her life something inside wasresponding, a part of herself she kept hidden, even from herself. I want you to leave,Tanner. It s not going to happen, pretty girl. Then I ll call Security. Yeah, right, she was going to let the tabloids have this one. No, you won t. He was openly, clearly laughing at her. Daddy might not be pleasedthat you re cavorting with Breeds, sweetheart.No shit.If her head weren t already on the chopping block here, it would be then.She had opened her lips to at least try to bluff her way out of this one, when a sharpknock sounded on the door.Her eyes widened as alarm skittered through her.Dammit.Tanner winked.Grabbing his jacket from the couch, he pointed to the bathroom.There,he slipped inside, leaving the door carefully cracked as he pulled the silencer-equippedhandgun from the inside pocket of the jacket.He didn t have a good feeling about this.He could feel something odd, smell it cold,yet tinged with regret. Chaz. There was a note of fear in her voice, almost undetectable except for the scentof it suddenly whipping in the air. Tanner s Scheme  Breeds 09 Page 39 of 403Scheme didn t linger by the entry door.Tanner caught her scent moving closer, enteringthe bedroom.She was suddenly off balance, uncertain. What the hell do you want? She questioned her visitor.Anger and hurt mixed with the fear now.The bedroom door closed softly. Chaz, this isn t a good idea right now.Why did he have a feeling she wasn t talking about sex? You took one chance too many, Scheme. Chazzon St.Marks, an ex-lover and herfather s assassin for hire.Tanner knew his voice, his scent.He stiffened at the note ofdeath in the other man s voice.Hell no.This had nothing to do with sex. Wasn t thebeating last month enough? Did you have to keep pushing our luck? What are you talking about? Cool, composed.Her voice was a direct contrast to thefear bleeding from her now. You re busted, Chaz said gently.Too gently. Did you really think you would get awaywith this?Terror.She wasn t just frightened now.She was terrified.Tanner could smell it, almosttaste it. Excuse me? Her tone was scathing.Oh yeah, she definitely lived up to her name. Tanner s Scheme  Breeds 09 Page 40 of 403 He didn t even order you to be brought in for questioning, Chaz sighed. He doesn tthink you can be broken, Scheme.I had hoped he was wrong.I hoped that last beatingyou received from him would convince you to change this course you seem to be on.Ice built in Tanner s veins. Nothing to say? Chaz asked her then.Tanner could feel the other man preparing to kill.He couldn t smell a weapon, and thatmeant only thing.He intended to break her neck.That was St.Marks specialty. I don t even know what you re talking about, she bit out, obviously retreating from him. And I wish you would leave [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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