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.True, I wasonly a stableboy at the time, but at no time did I take up arms against the crown.""I am certain you were loyal," Alaire replied."Your dedication to Suinomen is not in question either.And it is certainly not my place, as a prince of Althea, to question the decisions of another ruler."Again, Galdur flinched visibly at the mention of his title, even though there was little chance Alairewould ever be king of Althea. "When you questioned the guards, what did you turn up?"Galdur seemed pleased for the subject to change from his loyalty to the assassination."Absolutelynothing.The guards in question were stationed outside the palace.Two at the gate, two near the stable,and four walking patrol on the grounds.No one heard or saw anything.My truth spell made certain ofthat.There have been no incidents on the palace grounds since the Sir Jehan incident, so security is not apriority.You might do better to question Captain Lyam about that"Alaire considered this."There are no guards on duty within the palace at all?""Not to my knowledge, no.""And no one came, or left, during the evening?""No one."Which implied only one thing: the murder was committed by a member of the Palace staff.Perhaps,even, a high-ranking official of Kai's cabinet."I see," Alaire said, making a note to ask Captain Lyam more about this."Thank you for your time,and your help."Galdur took his hand and bowed graciously."If I can be of any further help, please let me know."Alaire and Reykir left the Association Hall and started towards the palace.A bell tolled nearby,twelve chimes, indicating noon."Is it time for lunch yet?" Reykir asked."I am a little hungry."At the mention of food, Alaire's stomach roared."Yes, I believe it is.To the dining hall.""Lead the way," Reykir said good-naturedly."I'm still new to this place."En route to the dining room, Alaire caught a glimpse of Craig at the far end of the main hallway,talking to the Arachnian secretary, Su'Villtor.As his hunger was more overpowering than his curiosity, hedid not pause to think about this right away.Probably just making some inquiries, the Bard thought asthe glorious aroma of potatoes and cooked pig wafted past his nostrils.I'll have to ask him about thatlater.Servants escorted them to the king's table, where Kainemonen and Captain Lyam, who seemed tostick close to his side, greeted them warmly."I hope you have had a productive morning," Kai said after they had situated themselves.Alaire hesitated about bringing up the issue of Galdur and his questionable family ties.Best to savethe matter for after dinner, Alaire decided, and proceeded to devour the feast before him.When lunch was over, Kainemonen invited them to his private chambers.On their way there, Alaireremembered that his brother, Craig, had not turned up at the dining hall.Probably not even hungry, hethought.Come to think of it, neither did Su'Villtor.Alaire mentioned this to Kai, who replied, offhandedly, "Oh, Su'Villtor usually doesn't eat withhumans.He finds it, shall I say, offensive?"Still, something seemed odd about his brother's encounter with the Arachnia.Craig doesn't likestrangers, even less the nonhuman ones.Where have they gone off to?Before the Bard could puzzle over his brother's whereabouts too long, King Kai led them into hischambers."I would offer you wine," Kai said apologetically, "but I don't keep it in the chambers, even forvisitors.""Is it still a temptation?" Alaire said, hoping this was not an insult.He seated himself in a heavy oakchair.A tall window opened onto the garden, and a warm afternoon breeze wafted past the king.Reykirtook a smaller, less ornate seat, and promptly blended into his surroundings.The boy must work somemagic to make himself invisible, Alaire thought."Yes, I do still go for it," Kai replied."But as soon as I do I remember the last time I was drunk.Thenight those two 'bandits' jumped us.And I almost didn't survive."He hasn't had a drink since then? Alaire thought, a bit ashamed that the revelation astonished himso.True, Kai had matured into a man, but his stiff attitude made him seem so unlike the Kai Alaire knewthat the Bard thought he was someone else."I remember," Alaire replied."But that was so long ago.We should discuss the problem at hand. My brother Derek wishes to know what happened.And so do I."Kai looked grim."Of course," he said."We are doing what we can to find the perpetrator.But wehave turned up nothing." The king met the Bard's eyes directly, and he added, in a softer voice, "Do notworry about offending me.I am terribly saddened and embarrassed by this whole affair.""Althea is not blaming you," Alaire said hastily.At least, not yet."There must have been a reasonfor this."Kai sat down behind a huge wooden table, looking far older than his twenty-three years."I've haddoubts for a year now.Since we purged Suinomen of Sir Jehan's followers, I had assumed we had doneso thoroughly."Alaire waited for him to continue, his interest piqued."Then one of our secretaries, an assistant of Captain Lyam, was murdered in much the same way asyour ambassador.""When was this?""About this same time last year.The secretary was a young man, about the age of Reykir here.Hehad been studying old Arachnian texts, which Su'Villtor had in his study."Now this was most interesting."I know you're probably thinking, Su'Villtor might be the likely suspect.But he was with me,personally, when this murder apparently happened."Aie, yes, but is there any way to prove that? Alaire thought frantically, still not wanting to voicehis doubts to his friend.The Bard walked a fine line between friendship and pursuing his role as investigator, and he didn'twant the two to clash, at least not this early in the game."I don't think Su'Villtor killed either the secretary or your ambassador," Kai said."Are there.other Arachnias in the palace?" Careful, now."Su'Villtor has an apprentice, Su'Quon, sent by his family to train under him.Su'Quon is a relative ofsome kind.I don't even pretend to try to figure out relations among Arachnians.""And what of this apprentice?""Accounted for," Kai replied, but Alaire thought he detected a bit of doubt in the ruler's voice."Su'Villtor vouches for him, or her.I'm not certain of the apprentice's sex."So.Now we're back to the beginning."A moment ago you mentioned Sir Jehan's followers.Doyou think perhaps some were not discovered?"Kai expelled a loud breath."Gods, I hope not.That's the last thing I need.But it would help toexplain the ambassador's death.""Did you not find the secretary's murderer?""No," Kai said."I'm afraid not."An uncomfortable silence filled the room.Alaire broke it by saying, "I spoke with Galdur, your headwizard.What do you know of him?""I had questioned his loyalties as well," Kai admitted."Even though he assisted in cleaning up thegrand mess Soren left behind."Alaire chose this moment to bring up the suspicious relationship between Galdur and Soren."Areyou aware that Soren is Galdur's uncle?""Of course I am," Kai replied."Soren has been assigned to another province.Far to the north.Ithought it a just punishment, given that he helped us break up the conspiracy."Did he, now? Probably in order to save his own skin [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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