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.Then, after a moment or two, she teasingly slid her body downwards,staying close enough to Joe that her nipples touched his chest, stopping to touch his own nippleswith hers and then sliding on down along his stomach, pausing to touch the tip of his penis witheach nipple in turn as Joe watched with delight.Then, to Joe's surprise and astonishment, shetook his throbbing member fully into her mouth and began to suck, pulling hard with her tonguealong the sensitive underside as she did so.Joe closed his eyes and bent every effort of his will to avoid a climax. Oh, God! Ooh,no! he exclaimed, as Jennifer, startled, interrupted her ministrations and asked him what was thematter. I'm trying not to come! Joe replied truthfully. Oh, I thought I was hurting you. Oh, no, I love it! said Joe. Keep it up, I love it! Okay, but tell me if you're going to come, answered Jennifer as she began to play withhis member once more -- kissing, licking, and sucking as she grew ever more confident. This time Joe kept his eyes open.But the sight of her tender lips and tongue caressing hismember and taking it into her mouth was more than he could bear.He felt a sweet, suddentensing in his groin. I'm going to come! he gasped.Jennifer stopped -- none to soon -- and reached up to grab some tissues from a box on thecoffee table.She laid the tissues beneath his penis and watched with a mixture of awe andfascination as Joe's semen spurted out and his breathing gradually returned to normal. Theydon't call those man size tissues for nothing, she thought to herself as Joe's erection began towane.Glancing upward, she saw the look of dismay in Joe's eyes as his member began to loseit's stiffness - but she had become aroused by the sight and feel of his throbbing member, and shewanted to experience him inside of her.She sat up and shifted her position so that her back wasresting against the front of the couch, and motioned for Joe to sit beside her.They kissed brieflyand then, cradling his head in her lap, she led him into hyper-empira. You can feel your awareness and your capacity for sexual experience becoming greaterthan it could possibly be at any other time.And soon your entire potential will be fully realized.Your perceptions will take on new and deeper qualities, and they will be greater and more intensethan anything you have experienced previously, she suggested, as she led Joe through theprocedure.And when the suggestions to for hyper-empira were concluded, she went on: The most stimulating, most arousing thing you can possibly feel from now on is going tobe the pleasure that I get from making love with you.And the more pleasure you give tome, the bigger the turn on it's going to be for you.And when you make me come, it'sgoing to excite you like nothing ever has before.In a few minutes, if you feel like it, youwill be able to give me oral sex.And when you do, it's going to turn you on like nothingever has before.And whenever we make love in the future, even if you are wearing acondom, it's going to be so strong that when you come, you will practically explode withjoy.Would you like that?Joe nodded silently, and Jennifer saw that he was smiling in anticipation. And from now on, you're going to be eager to tell me about everything else that givesyou pleasure.Giving me a climax is going to be the strongest source of pleasure you canpossibly imagine, but I want to know everything else that gives you pleasure too -- howyou like to be touched, what you want me to do everything! Because the more pleasure Ican give to you, the more pleasure it's going to give to me. She then ended the hyper-empiric experience and waited for what was about to happen next.She did not have to wait long.They lay cuddled together in the darkness, kissing, touching, and tenderly exploring eachother's bodies.After a few moments, Joe's hand moved toward her crotch. Not yet, she said in ahalf whisper and half sigh as she nibbled his neck. Just brush it, and then come back in a fewminutes.Slowly, she moved her head down to rest it on his chest so that she could listen to hisheartbeat as she fondled his penis, cradling it in the warmth of her hand.Then she began toplayfully kiss his chest and tease his nipples with her tongue, as she threw one leg across his hips, half straddling him.Joe drew his breath in sharply as he grasped the tender roundness of her buttocks, whichwere now fully astride his hips.Then he began to caress her in earnest, slowly extending histouch down her legs and up her back, following the indentation of her slender waist, and pausingto caress the sides of her firm breasts, which by this time were pressed firmly against his chest astheir mouths joined hungrily in another deep kiss.Still kissing, they rolled over on their sides, as Jennifer turned the lower half of her bodyso that her hips were flat on the floor and her womanhood lay fully open to Joe's exploring hand.As his caresses slowly made their way down her body, she gently took his hand in hers andplaced it directly upon her pubis, so that it covered her like a fig leafJennifer's tender flesh quickly began to respond to the warmth of his hand.Taking holdof his hand once more, she gently guided it up and down, pressing his middle finger forward togently trace the length of her swelling vaginal lips. Now put your finger in -- slowly, shewhispered.And as she reached out to touch his penis, she suddenly gasped as she found that hadgrown rock-hard and was standing straight at attention once more.Joe began to alternate between gently stimulating her vagina with his finger and letting ittravel upwards to caress her clitoris, as Jennifer's body began to tense.Jennifer moaned softly, asshe gently pushed his head down between her thighs.She gave a sudden cry of pleasure as Joe nuzzled his face into the softness of her pubichair, gently found his way into her, and began kissing and licking her womanhood, thrusting hismouth and tongue ever more rapidly up and down. Deeper! she cried. Deeper! Joe did as hewas told, as she raised her legs and embraced his rapidly nodding head and the incredibly softskin of her inner thighs shut off all sounds from his ears but her moans of joy.When her cries subsided, their bodies fell apart, and Joe reached over and took a condomfrom the watch pocket of his jeans.As soon as he had unrolled it and put it on, Jennifer climbedon top of him and stretched her body out full length as he penetrated her -- but only for an inch ortwo, moving slowly back and forth in order not to become overstimulated too quickly.Jenniferbegan to move her hips more rapidly, but Joe begged her to slow down. It's too good, hegasped. Let me get used to it!Joe's control was better now; and after a few moments, he was able to penetrate her asfully as he desired, moving much more rapidly as he did so.Suddenly, Jennifer pressed herbreasts hard against his chest and held her breath, pumping rapidly with her hips until her bodyconvulsed in ecstasy [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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