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.qxd 10/8/08 6:11 AM Page 196196 IndexFree trade, rhetoric of, 100 105, 132, Jefferson, Thomas, 8154 Johnson, Lyndon, 64Fukuyama, Francis, 29 Jubilee 2000, 108Karadzic, Radovan, 72Global chaos, xvii, 64, 69, 75, 81 84,Kaplan, Robert, 2989, 151, 166Kennedy, John, 10, 54, 130 31Globalization, xi, xiii, 30 34, 36, 38,Kirkpatrick, Jeanne, 27, 4651 56, 99, 101, 109, 141, 153 54,Kissinger, Henry, 97158, 166Kosovo, xii, xv, 84 90, 143, 151 52Globalization generation, 50, 113 14Kosovo, battle of, 84, 94n92Good Neighbor Policy, 130Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA), 85Governors Island Agreement, 78 79Grand Strategy, xvii, 16 18, 97 99,Latin America, 99, 123 24, 129 32152 54Liberal international order, 98 99, 109,Greatest Generation, 47 48111, 114, 119, 121 23, 131 32,Grenada, 3152 54Guatemala, 119 22Marshall Plan, 17, 113 14Haass, Richard, 30 31, 97 98McKinley, 13, 67Haiti, xii, xv, 77 84, 87, 90, 143, 151 52Metaphor: Direction, 51 53, 55;Harkin, Tom, 28Diseaase, 124 25; Family metaphor,Hart, Basil Liddell, 16114 15, 122 23, 167; NaturalHistorical analogy, 44, 55, 99, 148;metaphor, 33 34, 55, 112 13;Harry Truman, 48 50, 52 53, 55,Orientational, 83; Policeman, 53 54;110 11, 148 50, 157; IndustrialSocial Contract, 99, 107 9; Urgency,Revolution, 101; Progressive Era,50 51106 7; World War I, 44 46, 55,Mexican Peso Crisis, xii, 105 6149 50; World War II, 46 48, 52,Milosevic, Slobodan, 73, 85 8755, 86 87, 149 50, 157, 160, 163Modern savage, image of, 11 12,Human face global economy, 105 9,79 81, 159132Monroe Doctrine, 130Huntington, Samuel, 30Hussein, Saddam, 77 78, 80, 160New World Order, xii, 10North American Free Trade AgreementIkenberry, G.John, 30(NAFTA), xii, 100Images of civilization, 15 16North Atlantic Treaty OrganizationImages of savagery, 11 14, 151 52(NATO), xii, 72, 87 88, 98 99,Imperial savage, image of.109 11, 113, 132,See primitive savage, image of149, 166; Partnership for PeaceInternational deregulation, 30program, 110International Monetary Fund (IMF), 30,Nixon, Richard, 1898, 111 14, 132, 167Nostalgia, 46Iraq, xxn20, 90n9, 144 45, 158 65,168 69 Operation Provide Relief, 65Isolationism, 8, 45 46 Operation Restore Hope, 66 08_421_08_Index.qxd 10/8/08 6:11 AM Page 197Index 197Paine, Thomas, 5 Tito, Marshall, 71, 84 85Phillipines, 13, 67 Truman, Harry, 9, 17, 98 99, 152Polk, James K., 16 Truman Doctrine, 9 10Primitive savage, image of, 12, 66 69,73 75 United Nations, 98, 104, 109, 161Progressive imperialism, 17Prophetic dualism, 163 Vietnam, 76, 83Vike-Frieberga, Vladamir, 146 47Reagan, Ronald, 3, 63, 122Rescue mission rhetoric, 68, 152 Waldman, Michael, xv, 39, 106Rhetorical presidency, 2 Washington, George, 7 8Roosevelt, Franklin, 130 31, 152 Wilder, Douglas, 28Rwandan genocide, xii, 127 Wilson, Woodrow, 9, 157Winthrop, John, 5Savage/civilization binary, 10 11, 19, World Bank, 98, 109, 111 14, 132,93n74, 152, 163 167Serbia, 71 74, 84 World Trade Organization (WTO), xii,Sirens (Greek mythology), 45 2, 111 14, 132, 167Somalia, xii, xv, 65 72, 75, 80 81, World War II, 98 99, 113 14, 145 46,89 90, 127, 143, 151 52 160Soviet Union, xi, 17 18, 165Spanish-American War, 9 Yalta, 145 46Soviet Union, 1, 67, 97, 118 Yugoslavia (the former), 71 72 08_421_08_Index.qxd 10/8/08 6:11 AM Page 198 08_421_09_AAu.qxd 10/8/08 6:09 AM Page 199About the AuthorJason A.Edwards (Ph.D., Georgia State University, 2006) is an assistantprofessor in the Department of Communication Studies at Bridgewater StateCollege.His research interests lie at the intersection of rhetoric and politics,primarily focusing on presidential communication, foreign policy rhetoric,and international public address [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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