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.She couldfeel the hard, silken length of his cock pressed against her bottom.His arms came around her.Handscupped her breasts, his fingers teasing nipples that were ruby red and swollen from his and Dillon smouths.Dillon moved Layne s ankles to the outside of Gabriel s.When Gabriel spread his legs, Layne s movedwith them.She gasped as Dillon started to slip between, but before she could move, Dillon s hands foundher knees and held them open.She was fully exposed to his gaze and his touch. It s all right, sweetheart.You re beautiful everywhere, especially here.Layne squirmed against Gabriel, torn between arousal and mortification.Dillon tipped the scale toarousal when he lay between her thighs.His mouth nestled into the swollen petals of her sex, his tonguesliding in between.A keening moan was torn from her throat.Dillon s tongue caressed her clit beforemaking a stabbing foray into her entrance.Beneath her, Gabriel s hips began to undulate, his groans matching Layne s.Lost in her own pleasure,she didn t realize what was happening until Dillon raised his head. A pussy filled with rich cream and firm, round balls to play with.Damn, this is heaven!He lowered his head and once again his tongue was swirling over the swollen flesh of her pussy, lavingthe tender bud of her clit.She could feel her orgasm building and building but staying just out of reach.Until Dillon slid two long, tapered fingers into her creamy passage.Climax rushed over her in a frenziedwave, her body clamping down and holding Dillon s fingers in place as her bottom bounced againstGabriel.Layne s panting cries faded as her orgasm waned.She lay shuddering against Gabriel, only half awarewhen Dillon rose over her. We re not done yet, sweetheart. He slowly drew his fingers from betweenher thighs and brought them up to Gabriel. Taste her. Gabriel opened his mouth, taking Dillon s fingersinside. Generated by ABC Amber LIT Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abclit.htmlHe moaned as he sucked them clean. Oh god, she s sweet.Next time, we trade places.Dillon leaned over them and took Gabriel s lips.Layne felt rather than saw their kiss.She wassurrounded by the heat and flesh of two highly aroused males and another quiver racked her body at thethought and feel of it.Dillon pulled back and reaching out, cupped her chin. Taste us, all of us together.His mouth took hers, his tongue sweeping in without hesitation to ravish and take.Her palate found thedistinct flavors of Dillon and Gabriel underscored with the musky-sweet taste of herself.It was a headycocktail that set her senses reeling.When Dillon finally released her, Layne was panting for breath andaching for more.Without needing to ask, she received it.Dillon positioned himself between her thighs, guiding himself into her.The fleshy cap of his cock wasanointed by her cream as it nestled between the pouting lips of her sex.Swollen flesh parted as Dillonentered her, pushing slowly, slowly within.Layne moaned and arched her back, her hips rising, acceptingthe thick girth of his cock.By slow degrees he filled her until, fully seated, he rested above her, his eyes closed, his face a mask ofconcentration.Gabriel reached up to stroke his cheek. Tell us, tell us how it feels.Dillon opened his eyes.They were filled with the heat and ache of desire. So good, like wet silk,holding me, holding me so tight, he gasped.Dillon s hands reached down, sliding around to grasp thecheeks of Layne s ass, parting them. Slide your cock between Layne s cheeks, against her hole, heordered.Gabriel and Layne both groaned as he complied. That s right, lovers, now let s fuck.Layne s insides quivered and shook.Between Dillon s possession and his earthy words, and Gabriel scock sliding over the pink rosebud of her anus, her body and mind were spinning out of control.Gabriel s hands gripped her waist, Dillon s hands went to Gabriel s shoulders and both men began tomove.Above her, Dillon stroked his cock in and out, again and again, the slick slide of his cock pushing herhigher and higher [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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