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.But if you are able, consciously call forthyour own feelings of love and gratitude.Let yourself fully enjoy and feel the tactilesensations in your body that love or gratitude will cause you to feel.The gratitude orlove can be about anything in your life.The key here is raising your vibration.Ithink that you will be very happy with the results.Love and gratitude are theoppositeQuantum Touch: The Power to Heal82 Chapter Six: Advanced Techniquesof self-pity and self-importance, which are resonance factors that you would do bestto avoid.Consciously placing yourself in a state of gratitude can lift your resonanceand profoundly improve your work.6.Hold a positive expectation  Holding an honest expectation that the body notonly can heal, but has the wisdom to do so, can lift and improve your resonance.Thetrick to expectation is to always be completely honest about where you are and toexpect the best based on your level of experience and confidence.A great startingplace is to say to yourself, "I don't know if it is possible to heal this or not, but I'mwilling to see what happens, and I know that the body has a blueprint of wholenessthat it can access." You don't have to know how that is possible, just be open to thefact that that is true.As you do so, keep in mind that the body has a wisdom and anability to heal itself that far surpasses human comprehension.Holding the belief thatit is possible that miracles might happen opens windows of possibility.As intentionand attention are needed to run the energy, expectation is a potent and valuablefactor in raising your vibration.Many of the greatest healers I have known have helda steadfast knowledge and expectation that incredible healings happen quite oftenand approach their sessions with a joyous sense of positive expectation.7.Ask for help  For those who operate with a spiritual belief system, it can onlymake things better if you ask for help from a higher power, however you perceive it.Sincerely asking for help is a great thing to do.Here is a big tip: When you do askfor help, feel the tactile sensations of the help you are receiving.8.Give your All  When you give a session, put yourself into it 100 percent, and theresults will be greatly improved.Giving your all can mean letting go of any otherthoughts, concentratingQuantum Touch: The Power to Heal83 Chapter Six: Advanced Techniqueson your breathing and linking the sensations in your hands, getting out of the way,and even losing track of time and space.Sometimes when you give your all, youfeel as if you disappeared in the process - that is, you seem to get out of the wayand let the energy do its work.Giving your all can be felt as working as hard as youcan, in as a relaxed a state as you can.There need be no tension in your body, yourhands, or for that matter, your mind.9.Let go of attachment to outcome  As you recall, I spoke about how thedefinition of a great healer is someone who was very sick and got well quickly.Ifyou think about this, it becomes clear that the "healer" is truly a healing facilitator.When you do Quantum-Touch, you are really not healing anyone.What you aredoing is raising a field of vibration to allow the vibration of their body to be liftedthrough the power of resonance and entrainment.When you do Quantum-Touch, itis not your responsibility that the person you are working on actually be healed,since you cannot actually heal anyone other than yourself.It is, however, yourresponsibility to hold the vibration as high as you can for as long as necessary in orderto do the best job you can.There have been times when, despite my best effort, there was no obvious benefit.Just as I truly cannot take the credit for my clients becoming well, I cannot take theblame for them not becoming well.How someone responds to this work is basedupon their own ability to receive the healing energy and to hold that vibration.Wecannot always judge the effectiveness of what we are doing at the time we are doingit.The job of the healer is to hold the highest vibration they can - period.Sometimesthere are factors that keep healing from working at any particular time.Quantum Touch: The Power to Heal84 Chapter Six: Advanced TechniquesYour energy may not be the specific energy they need at this time.Sometimes, a person may not be ready to be healed: there may be some emotionallessons they need to learn or other factors.Some of these factors may beunderstood, and others may be beyond our comprehension.The point is that weneed not judge ourselves as good or bad or be tied to the outcome of a session.Youcan hope for the best and even expect the best, but it helps in setting your ownresonance to realize that, ultimately, their healing is not your responsibility.Youare merely acting as a catalyst to allow your clients to heal themselves.10.Trust  Trusting yourself can have a wonderful effect in keeping your resonancehigh.This trust has a number of faces: You can trust that your love is good enough,and that your ability to raise your resonance is good enough.You can trust thatwhatever happens during a session, whether it is an intense emotional release orsome sort of dramatic physical release, it is for the best.Finally, you can simplytrust the process - whatever it looks like.If symptoms appear to be getting worse,you can maintain an attitude of calm and continue to run the energy with reassuringhands until the pain has run its course [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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