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. Just take me home.Please.He cranked the key, turning the engine over.Without replying, he pulled out of the spot, onto theroad, and drove to her hotel.When they parked, he came around to her side and opened her door forher. I ll walk you up, and stay out in the hallway until someone else comes.She didn t want him to leave her.She wanted him to stay.To help her come up with a way to getout of this.She wanted him. You can stay inside the room.With me.If you want. Belle&  He shut her door for her, his whole body held tersely. I want to, believe me.I want to. But I won t.We can t.Swallowing hard, she nodded. Right.Of course. But if you need to talk. He opened the hotel door for her and led her to the elevator with a handon her lower back.His touch burned through the fabric of her dress. We can talk, if you want. What I want is for you to stay with me, she said, glancing up at him and pushing the up button.Hestared straight ahead, his jaw tight. I know you say you can t, but I feel like my whole life is out ofcontrol right now.I control nothing.No one.Not even myself.But I know what I want right here.Right now.I want you.I want you so badly, and I m begging you yes, begging you to take me.Please.The elevator door dinged, and he pushed her inside until her back hit the steel wall next to thecontrol board.Jamming his finger into her floor number, he tilted her head back and stared down intoher eyes. You re trying to fucking kill me woman, aren t you? Because, damn it, I want you, too. Hegripped her thigh, lifting it so he could insinuate himself between her legs.Rolling his hips, henibbled on her ear.She could feel his erection pressing against her.So close, yet not close enough. Iwant you so fucking badly it hurts, Belle.She dropped the file, letting it hit the floor.Closing her arms around the back of his neck, shemoaned and arched her neck to give him better access. Then take me. You see& I can t.That s why it hurts so damn much, he muttered, dropping his face into thecrook of her neck. I want you, but you re not mine.And you never can be, because you re his.Hedoesn t even know you, but you re going to be his.She gripped his suit jacket, her heart wrenching painfully. Gordon&  I can t, Gordon said, disengaging himself from her and backing across the elevator as far as hecould go. I just can t.She swallowed past the tears threatening to choke her, not sure what to say.What to do.She knewwhat she wanted to do.She wanted to tell Gordon she wouldn t marry George.Wanted to tell himshe d be his, if only he d kiss her again.Wanted to promise him everything, and then promise himsome more.But to do that, she had to turn her back on her entire family.Her entire country. Please, she said one last time. Please.He locked gazes with her, the tension between the two of them enough to bring down the elevator. I don t bond and share deep dark secrets with other people, but I will tell you this one thing aboutme.My dad cheated on my mom repeatedly.It broke her.I swore I d never touch a woman whobelonged to another man.I swore it to myself.To her.To the world. He swallowed hard. I can tbreak my vow.Not even for you.If I was the type to apologize, I would.But I m not, and I m not taking you.Her heart twisted. I m sorry.I didn t know. That s because no one does.It s not something I tell people. He rubbed his jaw. But if I wasgoing to break that rule for anyone, it would be you.She forced a smile. I m honored. Belle&  The elevator doors opened, and he took a step toward her.The light in his eyes waspredatory. I think  Princess Isabelle? George said, looking between her and Gordon.His eyes were narrow, and hisfists tight.It was crystal clear he knew something was going on between the two of them, even if hedidn t know exactly how far it d gone. Everything top notch in here?Isabelle stared at him, not sure what to say. Y-Yes.Of course.But& what are you doing here? Wedidn t have an appointment, did we? I was in the vicinity, and I just wanted to see you again.Maybe go out for a light supper? Georgesmiled [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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