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. It s okay.It s old business between Travis and me, and it s water under the bridge.No need for you to worry. Jaxi. Travis s voice shook as he spoke. I didn t want to give you up.It wasn t you.She turned in Blake s arms, keeping herself wrapped tight in him.Standing in the midst of the threebrothers she had clearly chosen his protection, his comfort.Blake hugged her, his heart ready to burst.Travis had been a substitute for him, instead of the other way around.All this time he d beenworrying and picking at a wound that hadn t even existed.He drew her closer. Travis, let it go. Jaxi breathed out a long sigh. We ve both said enough, and it was never myintention to hurt you again.Let s just agree to let it go.Jesse snickered from the corner where he leaned on the wall, watching the whole insane situationunfold. Jaxi, you are one hell of a woman.You got three grown men tied up in knots  cause we veall been head over heels for you at one time or another.She threw him a dirty look. You re not helping, Jesse. It s the truth. Yeah, well, the truth sucks. Travis plopped down on a bale. So, what do we do now? Jaxi asked. I can t stick around and force your family apart. What? Protests rose from all the brothers.Jaxi drew away from Blake slowly, shaking her head as she hugged her arms around her body. Yourfamily has been rock solid for years.There s no way I m willing to come in and screw it up.It wasnever my intention to mess with anyone s life.I committed to help Marion, but I ll make sure I stayaway from all of you.I can drive out early every morning and stay  What the fuck are you talking about? Jesse stepped forward, a scowl covering his face. You re notgoing anywhere.Is she, Blake?She sure as hell wasn t, but turning into a caveman right now wasn t what she needed.The hurt in hereyes, the fear hovering around her, broke his heart and he wanted to wrap her up and protect her fromany more chaos.Like a bird on the verge of taking flight, he caught her to him gently, cradling heragainst his torso. You and me need to talk, Slick, but let s finish this off once and for all.Jesse, yougot a problem with me and Jaxi being together?Jesse paused, his tightly coiled body poised before them, his hair and eyes wild. You really wanthim, don t you, Jaxi?Her blonde head bobbed, and Jesse breathed long and hard before raising his gaze to meet Blake s. No problems.You re a lucky man, and you d better treat her right.He blew a gentle kiss toward Jaxi, squared his shoulders and left the barn.Travis still sprawled on the bale.Dark eyes flicked between Jaxi and Blake, and he answeredgrudgingly. I ve got no problems with it either.I m sorry I was such a fool, both now and yearsago. He stood and shuffled toward the door. I m not going to lie and say everything is wonderfuland I m happy for you and all that shit.It hurts, burns like a brand inside me, but maybe a little timewill help.I m jealous as hell.He stopped and chewed on his lip for minute before raising storm-filled eyes to meet Jaxi s. Thanksfor not saying anything.Someday& but not yet. I know, Travis.When you re ready. Angel-soft words, tender.Travis strode away, leaving Blake alone with Jaxi as she shivered in his arms. Chapter FifteenFor long minutes Blake held Jaxi close, the familiar scent of the straw and the tack and the earth itselfeasing away the frustration and tension of the last hour.Whatever secret Jaxi and Travis shared, itwas staying that way for now.He wasn t sure he was upset about that either.It seemed there was a lot about Jaxi that was still amystery.He hadn t realized how much she d impacted Travis, how involved Jesse had become whileBlake stubbornly pushed her away.His father had been the one to point out her training, and onlyrecently had Blake noticed the way the community rallied around her and looked to her for help.The bigger question was, did he really know the woman he had fallen in love with?Blake knew he would work the Coleman ranch after his father.Had always known as the eldest sonhe had the privilege and responsibility to keep the family together and strong, leading them into thefuture.For the first time the picture looked a lot larger than just deciding what crops to plant in whatfields and when to buy and sell stock.The family needed him to set the pace inside the home as well.Something his father had demonstrated by doing what was right even when it was tough.A deep sense of remorse hit him.It appeared as if he d fallen short on his calling in more ways thanone.He stroked his hands over Jaxi s hair, loving the way she fit against his body perfectly.Loving thesmell and the feel and the rightness of her in his arms [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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