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. I do.Ithink I started believing it in the desert, even when I barely knew you.Back when we first kissed.Ithink I thought I was trying to make the best of a bad situation, you know, so I would say it to myself,and not really believe it.But then we made it out of there.And my life changed a lot.And still Ithought of you every day.When I decided to get out of the Marines, the first thing I wanted to do wastell you.And when I celebrated opening my own company, I kept wishing you were there with me.Idon t know if I believe in soul-mates, exactly, but I believe in something.True love maybe.The words hung in the air like diamonds, sparkling just for Dani. Chapter 33Dani soaked in his words, quietly thrilling at every one, heart skipping at true love.Withoutthinking she leaned forward and pulled him to her.Their lips met in the middle.Dani made a smallnoise of contentment in her throat.This was right.This was good.His lips were soft and warm andhis facial hair scratched her slightly, contrasting deliciously with the gentleness of his kiss.Her mouthopened to him like a flower and she breathed in his air, tasting honey on his tongue.He kissed herlightly, but thoroughly.Dani couldn t remember ever having been kissed like this.Desire slowly builtin her body while her brain lost all thought, all reason, all restraint.She pulled back slightly. JT, where are you staying? she breathed, her lips tingling. At the Sheraton. Can we go there? Dani, we can do anything you want, but are you sure that s what you want to do?She nodded, feeling exquisitely naughty, but liking the feeling. Oh thank God, he said and fell upon her again.Mouths entwined, he hooked an arm behindher and lifted her right out of the bench.She wrapped her legs around him and marveled at hisstrength.Under her hands, the muscles in his shoulders and back bunched and worked.She kneadedthem through his shirt, thinking she couldn t wait to get the damn thing off of him.He carried her to the elevator, still kissing her, making her forget everything with his tongue. What about the check?He buried his face in the crook of her neck and kissed her collarbone between words. It staken care of.Check and tip are included when you pay for the rooftop lunch.We could have gottenanything at the same price. Oh. Dani said.This struck her as funny and she threw her head back and laughed, partly at hersilly response and partly from the joy of the moment.The elevator ride was too short.JT backed her into a corner and put his attention on her earsand neck, occasionally nipping her lips.She put her normal properness aside and enjoyed it, soakingin the stimuli.Miraculously they made it to the bottom floor without stopping for more passengers.Hetook her hand and led her to the car, his eyes flashing with every glance at her.Dani couldn t help herself.That desire to be naughty, to be bad, remained and she glanceddown at the front of his pants.His cock was fully erect, straining against the fabric, the shape of it visible to anyone who looked.Her face went crimson immediately, at the thought that she had donethat to him, and the thought that there was no way for him to hide it, and at the thought of the wordcock.It wasn t a word she would normally use, but nothing else seemed relevant to JT.It was amasculine word.A serious word.And it fit.Her brain wanted to keep saying it.Her eyes wanted tosee it.Her tongue wanted to Dani buried her face in JT s shoulder as they half-ran, half-walkedtowards the parking lot.She was sure her thoughts were stamped all over her face for the world tosee.The limousine ride was too long.JT tugged her head back and laid a path of kisses down herchest, biting softly as he passed over her erect nipples.She tore at his clothes, knowing she shouldn ttake them off of him, but wanting to at least get her hands under them and feel his hot skin with herfingers.She ran her hands under his shirt, feeling the hardness of his stomach, the bulging muscles ofhis chest, and even the veins in his arms.They kissed and kissed until she thought she would bedriven mad by desire.Desire to have him inside her already.When they finally stopped in front of theSheraton, Dani felt like a hot mess, her hair disheveled, her clothes rumpled and pulled sideways, hermakeup probably smeared and running.No matter.They were here.If they could just make it to theroom&JT stepped out of the car looking perfect.Of course, his short hair didn t muss and hisexpensive suit barely wrinkled at all. How do I look? she whispered at him as she climbed out,trying to pat her hair into submission. Hot, he answered, his eyes taking her in greedily [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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