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. Fun? he repeats. Just fun? Yes.Not anymore, though.I ve had allthe fun I m going to have with you.My mouth gapes, just when I thought shecouldn t be any colder.She s on fire.Sam s body shifts, and I know he sleaving, so I creep slowly and quietlyback to my room and push the door shut.Idon t blame him for giving in.Despite hischosen lifestyle and that he s draggedKate over to the dark side with him, it s perfectly clear he has deep feelings forKate.And I know she does, too.I hear the front door slam, and then theunmistakable sound of sobbing.She scrying.She never cries.I m infuriatedwith her, but feeling incredibly sorry formy stupid best friend.What is she trying toprove here? I can t help but think that thiswould never have happened if Dan wasn there.I could stay in my room and let her haveher tears, but instead of letting Kate grievein peace, I step out and walk across thelanding to the lounge.I m not letting herbrush this off later.If I witness herturmoil, then she has to admit that she is,in fact, in turmoil.I m not letting her evade me this time.I lean up against the doorframe of thelounge and watch for an eternity as hershoulders jerk and she cries relentlessly.My instincts tell me to sit beside her andcuddle her, but I don t, and after a goodten minutes, she harshly brushes hercheeks and stands, turning andimmediately clocking me in the doorway.As I knew she would, she plasters on anunaffected face and tries to smile.It sinsulting to my intelligence and ourfriendship. Hey, she chirps on a supressed sniffle. All right? I ask, not removing myselffrom the doorway.She isn t getting past me. Sure I am.What are you doing here? Shestraightens her t-shirt out, diverting herglazed eyes all over her body instead offacing me. My car s outside.You didn t see it?She still doesn t look at me. No.Whatare you doing here?I ignore her repeated question.I m notgoing to allow her to change the subject.And what would I tell her, anyway? I vebeen married for less than a day and I veturned up at her flat with a packed bag.That has to be a record for all marriedcouples. You probably didn t take much notice.You know, as you were fightingwith Sam.Her eyes whip to mine.She knows I haveher. Oh, she says quietly, then insults mefurther by smiling brightly. Tea? No, I answer coolly, and with nochirpiness to mirror hers. An explanationwould be good, though. I know myeyebrows have just risen expectantly, andI must sound like a nagging parent, but I mnot caving in.She will not brush me offthis time.She laughs a little. An explanation towhat? Her smile falters when sherealises what she s just said.She s invitedme to get it off my chest, and by the look on her face, she s regretting it. Well, we could start with your littleperformance last night with my brother,then you could try explaining why you vejust finished things with Sam. There was nothing to finish. What about my brother? It s none of your business. She goes towalk past me, but I shift, blocking herescape. Move, Ava. No.You ll sit and talk to me.What iswrong with you? We re supposed to befriends.We ve always told each othereverything. I grab her arm and drag herover to the couch, pushing her reluctant body down onto the soft cushion. What sgoing on, Kate?She flops back irritably. Nothing. Oh, you make me mad. I spit. Starttalking, Matthews.She bursts into tears.I m so relieved.Iwas on the cusp on slapping her for beingso tenacious, but now my arm is aroundher and she s sobbing into my chest.Idon t know about Kate, but I feel so muchbetter for this.She does care.I try to soothe her. Let s start with Sam. I told you, it was only meant to be fun.Her words jerk with her fitful breathing.  Was? I ask. So it s more than fun? Yes& no& I don t know! She sounds soconfused, just like me.Sam and Kate srelationship isn t ideal, but even with TheManor in the equation, I can t help butthink that it s healthier than anything sheand Dan ever had together, crazy as itmight seem. I knew this would happen with Danarriving. I sigh.If I was talking to mybrother, then I d currently be shoutingdown the phone at him. Kate, you need toremember every reason why you and Dancalled it quits. I know.We re so bad for each other, butwe connect, Ava.When we re together, we connect so well. You mean the sex. I wince and screw myface up a little.I can t think of my brotherlike that. Yes, but everything else fails sohorribly. It does, I agree.I ve witnessed theviolent rows, the incessant need to rileeach other and the unhealthy flow of theirdoomed relationship.They had no respectfor each other not mentally orphysically.It was all just about the sex.Mind-blowing sex does not make up forthe relationship s other failings, which inDan and Kate s case was on every otherlevel.At the time, I ignored it all, simply because the thought of my best friend andmy brother being in love was so ideal.That was the problem, though.Theyweren t in love.It was just lust, andmaturity has made that glaringly obviousto me.She shifts in my embrace and sits herselfup, taking a few calming breaths. I hatemen [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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