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."I am not a god; I am a human.I am a child, the child of my father, which is Wisdom Himself.You carry in you now the voice and authority of Wisdom; you are, therefore, Wisdom, even when youforget it.You will not forget it for long.I will be there and I will remind you."The day of Wisdom and the rule of Wisdom has come.The day of power, which is the enemy ofWisdom, ends.Power and Wisdom are the two principles in the world.Power has had its rule and nowit goes into the darkness from which it came, and Wisdom alone rules."Those who obey power will succumb as power succumbs."Those who love Wisdom and follow her will thrive under the sun.Remember, I will be with you.I will be in each of you from now on.I will accompany you down into the prison if necessary; I willspeak in the courts of law to defend you; my voice will be heard in the land, whatever the oppression."Do not fear; speak out and Wisdom will guide you.Fall silent out of fear and Wisdom will departyou.But you will not feel fear because Wisdom herself is in you, and you and she are one."Formerly you were alone within yourselves; formerly you were solitary men.Now you have acompanion who never sickens or fails or dies; you are bonded to the eternal and will shine like thehealing sun itself."As you go back into the world I will guide you from day to day.And when you die I will noticeand come to pick you up; I will carry you in my arms back to your home, out of which you came andback to which you go."You are strangers here, but you are hardly strangers to me; I have known you since the start.Thishas not been your world, but I will make it your world; I will change it for you.Fear not.What assailsyou will perish and you will thrive. "These are things which shall be because I speak with the authority given me by my father.Youare the true god and you will prevail."There was silence, then.Sophia had ceased speaking to us."What are you reading?" Kevin said, pointing to the book.The girl said, "SEPHER YEZIRAH.I will read to you; listen." She set the book down, closing it"'God has also set the one over against the other; the good against the evil, and the evil against thegood; the good proceeds from the good, and the evil from the evil; the good purifies the bad, and thebad the good; the good is preserved for the good, and the evil for the bad ones.'" Sophia paused amoment and then said, "This means that good will make evil into what evil does not wish to be; butevil will not be able to make good into what good does not wish to be.Evil serves good, despite itscunning." Then she said nothing; she sat silently, with her animals and with us."Could you tell us about your parents?" I said."I mean, if we are to know what to do -- "Sophia said, "Go wherever I send you and you will know what to do.There is no place where I amnot.When you leave here you will not see me, but later you will see me again."You will not see me but I will always see you; I am mindful of you continually.So I am with youwhether you know it or not; but I say to you, Know that I accompany you, even down into the prison,if the tyrant puts you there."There is no more.Go back home, and I will instruct you as the time requires." She smiled at us."You're how old?" I said."I am two years old.""And you're reading that book?" Kevin said.Sophia said, "I tell you in truth, in very truth, none of you will forget me.And I tell you that all ofyou will see me again.You did not choose me; I chose you.I called you here.I sent for you four yearsago.""Okay," I said.That placed her call at 1974."If the Lamptons ask you what I said, say that we talked about the commune to be built," Sophiasaid."Do not tell them that I sent you away from them.But you are to go away from them; this is youranswer: you will have nothing further to do with them."Kevin pointed to the tape recorder, its drums turning."What they will hear on it," Sophia said, "when they play it back, will be only the SEPHERYEZIRAH, nothing more."Wow, I thought.I believed her."I will not fail you," Sophia repeated, smiling at the three of us.I believed that, too.As the three of us walked back to the house, Kevin said, "Was all that just quotations from theBible?""No," I said."No," David agreed."There was something new; that part about us being our own gods, now.Thatthe time had come where we no longer had to believe in any deity other than ourselves.""What a beautiful child," I said, thinking to myself how much she reminded me of my own sonChristopher."We're very lucky," David said huskily."To have met her." Turning to me he said, "She'll be withus; she said so.I believe it.She'll be inside us; we won't be alone.I never realized it before but we arealone.Everybody is alone -- has been alone, I mean.Up until now.She's going to spread out all overthe world, isn't she? Into everyone, eventually.Starting with us." "The Rhipidon Society," I said, "has four members.Sophia and the three of us.""That's still not very many," Kevin said."The mustard seed," I said [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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