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.She snatched at the sheet and pulled it over her head, as ifthat childish gesture could shield her from the thoughts thatthreatened what she had always defined as sanity.If she al-lowed herself to believe what she half wanted, half feared tobelieve, she would topple over the edge.She slid slowly, gently, out of sleep to waking.The sun wasbright against her closed eyelids.For a while she lay still,tasting anticipation like a child on Christmas morning.Itwas going to be a wonderful day.She was going to seehim.The sun was bright against her closed eyelids.For a whileshe lay still, wondering why she felt so happy like a childon Christmas morning.Something wonderful was going tohappen.Or had it already happened?Something warm and wet poked her check, and fur envel-oped her nose.She sneezed and sat up.The little white catrolled over, all four feet in the air, and rolled a reproachfulblue eye at her. You re right, it s time to get up, Diana said.She couldhear the trucks outside.It was no wonder she had overslept;what with one thing and another, she and Mary Jo had had abusy night.Mary Jo.That was why she felt so good.She had no rightto rejoice at having involved the girl, but the relief of candor,and of acquiring an ally a friend, perhaps was so greatshe didn t even mind the twinges of pain that accompaniedher rising.She couldn t see the bruises, twist and turn as shemight, but she could certainly feel them, and she had to 140 Barbara Michaelssettle for a childish ponytail instead of her usual Frenchtwist.Poking pins into the back of her head wasn t going tobe comfortable for some days.At least none of the damagewas visible.She had forgotten that most of the damning evidence ofwhat had happened was highly visible indeed.She hadpoured the coffee her thoughtful guest had brewed and wasreading the note that had been left on the table when theback door burst open and Walt erupted in. I told you to stay the hell out of that damned barn! If not in those exact words, Diana agreed.The gate, ofcourse.He could hardly miss noticing it was not where hehad left it. I thought I heard one of the animals  So you decided to shift the gate? Jesus Christ! You couldhave been killed!His face was brick-red and his hands were clenched as ifhe were trying to prevent them from doing something hewould later regret.She had never seen him so angry.As headvanced she retreated, and the back of her head met theopen cupboard door.Her cry of pain stopped Walt in his tracks.He pushedaway the hand she had raised to her head.She cried outagain in protest rather than in pain as his fingers explored theimpressive dimensions of the bump.The angry color fadedfrom his face.Cradling her head in both hands, he said qui-etly. Have you seen a doctor? It s just a bump.Let go.Please. I m not going to hurt you. His fingers spread, slippingthrough her hair.His thumbs, resting on her temples, ex-erted just enough pressure to tilt her head back.His eyeswere so close to hers they filled the entire field of her vision.There were little flecks of green in the gray irises.Then his hands released their hold and he stepped back. Your eyes look normal.How many fingers  Oh, stop it! Diana knew her anger was excessive andshe knew why, which made her even angrier. There s noth-ing wrong with me.Mary Jo was here, she checked me overfrom hair to toenails. Ah. His nod acknowledged Mary Jo s competence. Vanish with the Rose 141 And I didn t touch the damned gate, Diana insisted. Itmust have been resting on some support that collapsed.Thethunder was rattling everything  Are you accusing me of carelessness? He didn t wait foran answer. I wouldn t take chances with anything so poten-tially dangerous.My guys are in and out of the barn, and soare the animals. Now you re accusing me of lying! I wouldn t blame you for being reluctant to admit you dbeen so stupid. He studied her thoughtfully. I supposesome animal could have knocked it down.But it would haveto be a bear-sized. It wasn t Baby.She was under my bed. Baby? His eyebrows lifted and a reluctant smile curledhis lips. Well, forget it.No harm done, thank God.Stay outof there from now on, will you? If I m taking you out tonight,I want you in good condition [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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