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.In another bowl, whisk together the whole wheat flour,cornmeal, baking powder, and salt.Mix wet and dry mixturestogether and pour the batter into the prepared pan.Bake for 35minutes, or until a toothpick or cake tester comes out clean.VARIATION: For individual-sized cornbreads just right for the lunchbox, try baking the cornbread in muffin cups or mini loaf pans forabout 25 minutes.VARIATION: Vegan Corn Dogs! Visit the Vegan Lunch Box and findout how to transform this Sweet Cornbread into Vegan Corn Dogs:veganlunchbox.blogspot.com/2006/03/corn-dog.html.TENNESSEE CORN PONE MUFFI NSTraditional Tennessee Corn Pone consists of a layer of cornbreadbaked over a bed of flavorful beans.These cornmeal muffins aremade on the same principle but with the beans spooned into thebatter on top, to make them easier to eat out of hand at lunchtime.They are gluten-free and a great source of heart-healthy omega 3fats from flax.Makes 12 muffins 1 cup plain soymilk2 teaspoons apple cider vinegar4 tablespoons ground flaxseed1 cup fine organic cornmeal1 teaspoon baking soda1D 2 teaspoon kosher salt218 VEGAN LUNCH BOX 1600940729 text_rev.qxd 4/21/08 8:53 AM Page 2191 cup Slow Cooker Black Beans (page 204) orother well-seasoned cooked beans, drainedNutritional yeast flakes (optional)Preheat the oven to 400ºF.Spray a nonstick muffin tin with non-stick spray or line the tin with paper muffin cups and spray thecups with nonstick spray.Set aside.In a 2-cup liquid measuring cup or small mixing bowl, whisk thesoymilk, apple cider vinegar, and ground flaxseed together.Setaside.In a medium-size mixing bowl, whisk together the cornmeal, bak-ing soda, and salt.Pour the soymilk mixture into the cornmealmixture and stir together until well combined.Divide the cornmeal mixture evenly among the twelve muffincups.Drain any excess liquid off the beans (they should be slightlyjuicy but not too wet).Top each muffin with a large spoonful ofbeans.Sprinkle each muffin with nutritional yeast flakes if desired.Bake the muffins for about 15 minutes, until set and goldenbrown around the edges.Let the muffins cool in the tin for about5 to 10 minutes, then carefully remove the muffins using a spatulaand place them on a wire rack to cool completely.Breads and Muffins 219 1600940729 text_rev.qxd 4/21/08 8:53 AM Page 220Yeast BreadsBLUE RI BBON BREADThis is my favorite bread recipe, and the one I enter every year inour local county fair.It always gets a blue ribbon (and once got Bestof Show).I hope it wins awards at your table, too!This recipe makes a lot of bread.I figure if I m making bread Imight as well make enough to last a while (because I know the firstloaf is going to be gone an hour after it leaves the oven).It freezeswell, too.The leftover cooked grains called for here can be practically any-thing; I have had excellent results using cooked steel-cut oats, po-lenta, brown or white rice, quinoa, or a combination.If the cookedgrains are particularly wet, you may need to add more flour.Makes three2 cups warm water (110°F)(8.5 x 3.5-inch)2 scant tablespoons (2 packages) activeloaves or twodry yeastloaves and one19 x 9-inch panD 2 cup canola oilof dinner rolls1D 2 cup maple syrup1 tablespoon kosher salt2 cups leftover cooked grains (see noteabove), room temperature3 cups whole wheat flour4 5 cups white bread flour220 VEGAN LUNCH BOX 1600940729 text_rev.qxd 4/21/08 8:53 AM Page 221Pour the warm water into a very large mixing bowl.Sprinkle theyeast over the warm water and stir well.Let the mixture sit for 5minutes to dissolve the yeast.Add the canola oil, maple syrup, kosher salt, cooked grains, andwhole wheat flour to the yeast water, stirring vigorously.Beat wellwith a large wooden spoon.This mixture is called the  spongeand should be wetter and softer than bread dough.Cover withplastic wrap and let the sponge rise in a warm, draft-free place for11D 2 hours.Stir the sponge down and add 3 cups of the white bread flour, stir-ring in about 1D 2 cup at a time until the mixture is firm enough toknead by hand.Turn the dough out onto a well-floured counter orpastry board and knead vigorously.Sprinkle more flour on yourhands and the work surface as you knead to keep the dough fromsticking.You will need to add about 11D 2 cups more white breadflour in this way, more if the leftover grains you used were partic-ularly moist.Knead for 20 minutes, until the dough is smooth anddevelops an inner firmness and a springy quality [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]

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