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.I was still in bed Thursday morning, when I heard a knock on the front door.Justin and Kimber had long gone to work, and everyone I knew was in school.So I decided to ignore it, whoever it was, wasn’t important enough for me to get out of bed.I rolled over and threw the covers over my head, blocking out all light and any noise that might still linger.I heard the knocking one last time, as the covers went up, then all was silent and I felt myself slipping back into sleep.My bed unexpectedly moved, indenting like someone had lain down next to me.I could only hope I was dreaming someone was in my room.I heard shoes drop to the ground and the person situate themselves next to me, like they were going to make themselves comfortable.I couldn’t move, couldn’t think.Why would someone come here of all places.It’s in the middle of the woods.How did anyone even know I was here? Am I dreaming? Why on earth would I dream someone was sneaking into my room? Stubbornly, I still hadn’t opened my eyes when I felt an arm slink under the covers and wrap around my waist.“Hey sleepyhead,” I heard him whisper.“You couldn’t even come down to open the door for me?”My heart thundering, I threw the covers off, not caring what I was wearing or what I looked like.It was him.He was here! “Kamdyn!” I screamed and threw myself onto him.I surprised even myself.“Whoa, I guess I should do this more often.” he said as he flung his arms around me.When I finally could let go, I looked at him confused.“What are you doing here? Why aren’t you at school?”“Do you want me go?” he inquired with a big smile on his face.“Of course not.I just… I’ve been, well… Why haven’t I heard from you? I’ve been waiting for you.”“All my life.” he whispered into my ear, brushing his lips against my cheek as he pulled away.All I could do was smile.Now that he was here, everything felt right.I realized now that the feeling I had, while he was gone, was emptiness.I didn’t feel whole without him.He brushed a chunk of hair from my face and examined me.His face hardened as he look at the scratches down my cheek.“Are you hurt?”I shrugged.“Just a couple bumps and bruises.I’ll live.”“But you shouldn’t have to deal with this.I’ll handle it, don’t worry.”I was so tired of talking about this topic, so I was going to be like any teenager.I had the perfect solution, ignore it and hope it goes away on it’s own.“So, are you going to tell me what’s up?”He gazed into my eyes for what seemed like an eternity, but said nothing.Finally, he grinned and I could see his emotion reflected in his eyes.“I couldn’t go another day without you.”I smiled the biggest smile anyone could imagine, and just as soon as it appeared, it was gone.“What’s wrong?”“I tried calling you.I haven’t heard from you since Monday, outside school.I…”He picked up his hand and put his long finger up against my lips.“Shh, I know.I’m so sorry.I should have… I should have at least called to make sure you were okay.I heard what happened, and I’m sorry she did that to you.Truthfully, I was a little nervous you would be mad at me for the fight.I would have loved to see the look on her face when you hit her though.” He smiled a quick smile.“Something happened after I saw you at school and I just needed time to think, to work things out on my own.” He stopped and took a deep breath and looked at me hard, his hands reached up to my face.“Nothing’s wrong at all, so don’t worry and I will tell you everything once I can.”I could see a mass of emotions pass over his face as he spoke and I knew it was something big he was dealing with, but he just wasn’t ready to let it out.He needed time and if that’s what he needed from me then I could give him that.“Do you want me to, I don’t know, leave you alone until you have things figured out?” I gulped silently, seriously hoping that he wasn’t pushing me away already.“No!”I jumped at his loud tone and gave a nervous laugh.“Okay, I just thought…”“No, I need you.Always.Don’t think that, please.”“Well, when I didn’t hear from you or anything I just thought…”“Please don’t finish that sentence.Don’t ever let even the thought enter you mind again.It is physically painful being away from you, I couldn’t live without you.” He took my face in his hands and pulled me toward him, looking deep into my eyes.His eyes were pulsing with longing and fear and once again, I swear I saw them flash like a sparkling amethyst caught in the light.“Kamdyn, I’m sorry.Thought erased.” I wiped a hand in front of my face as if I could really erase it.I hugged him tight again, squeezing my face into his chest, breathing in his wonderfully, intoxicating spicy scent.He smelled like the the wind through the woods.“So tell me what’s going on at school, what did I miss?”“Nothing much.The school’s in an uproar from your fight.I am planning on going to Samantha’s this weekend.We are going to have a long talk.She will not touch you again.”At his words, a sharp pain sliced through my stomach.A pain so strong I would have been doubled over in pain if it had lasted longer then a mere second.I knew it was irrational, but I couldn’t help my mind from wondering back to previous suspicion, that Kamdyn and Samantha are still together and this is just some cruel joke.“I know what your thinking and you need to stop it.There is nothing left between us, Trystie.But I will not stand for her to do this to you.Look what she is making you think right now.”“You know what I’m thinking.How exactly is that possible?”“Come on, it really isn’t that hard to figure out [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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