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.Liam grabbed at Ondry’s arm, holding on before he could fly apart into a million pieces.With a huffing noise, Ondry shifted so he was almost totally lying on him, his large body trapping Liam.The restraint, the hot need, the utter loss of control over his own body all pushed Liam deep into the gray quiet that sometimes stalked him when he came.He always pushed that feeling away, fearing that if he lost himself completely, he would never find himself again.Now the gray swallowed him, and Liam felt time quiet and his body go still.He could still feel Ondry slowly stroking him to full hardness, but he felt it from some distance, as he seemed to lose touch with his body.It existed, but not for him.Ondry wanted this.Liam could see that in the intense expression of pride.Ondry enjoyed knowing that he had such intimate control over Liam’s body.Surrendering himself to his lover’s hands, Liam found the tiny sparks of pain that had prevented him from getting hard faded.The need rose up, and his cock hardened.Ondry said something, but the words slid past Liam, quicksilver fish he couldn’t grasp.He only knew tone—the soft trills of Ondry’s pleasure.Opening his mouth, Liam struggled to breathe.When Ondry leaned close, Liam smiled and jerked his hips upward as he came hard enough to make his whole body spasm and every muscle tense.He jerked again and again, Ondry’s body pinning him down in the nest, and then all was silent.Lying in a tangled and sweaty knot of limbs, Liam couldn’t even tell which parts were his and which were Ondry’s.When a hand moved across Liam’s stomach, he honestly didn’t know whose it was.Ondry hummed in Liam’s ear.“You smell delightful.” In Rownt, that version of “delightful” was a powerful word—a word that suggested desire strong enough to inspire injudicious trading.Liam smiled.“My body would rather trade with you than it would with me,” he answered.Tilting his head to the side, he watched as Ondry smiled.“As is right with my palteia.” Ondry tugged Liam close and tucked him under his arm.Outside, Liam could hear the faint and muffled sounds of life.A machine rumbled, and voices drifted through the walls of their home, but still Ondry showed no signs of moving.“We’re going to be late for that trade,” Liam pointed out.Ondry gave a hum, lower and deeper this time.“Your scent is delightful enough that I feel no need for trading today.Tomorrow is soon enough for other profits.Today I believe I have the profit I want.” Grabbing for a small pillow, Ondry shoved it under his head, one arm still firmly holding Liam.Shifting so that he could face his lover, Liam reached up and let his fingers drift over Ondry’s neck.His face tightening into an even larger Rownt smile, Ondry tilted his head back and exposed the arch of his neck.At one point Liam had thought he would give up everything to stay on Prarownt.Now he knew he could stay and have the only thing he ever truly wanted.Resting his head on Ondry’s shoulder, Liam caressed Ondry’s soft neck and felt his body relax, his breathing slowing and his eyes falling closed as Liam tended him.After long, lazy minutes of petting, Ondry started making a soft rumbling noise that made his chest vibrate.Squirming closer, Liam nuzzled at Ondry’s neck.Tomorrow Liam would work hard to learn to be the sort of trader that could help Ondry improve his status.Today Liam just wanted to curl in his lover’s arms and bring him pleasure.As far as Liam was concerned, Ondry was right.This was a very profitable way to spend a day.Loose Id Titles by Lyn GalaClaimings, Tails, and Other Alien ArtifactsLyn GalaLyn Gala started writing in the back of her science notebook in third grade and hasn't stopped since.Westerns starring men with shady pasts gave way to science fiction with questionable protagonists which eventually became any story with a morally ambiguous character.Even the purest heroes have pain and loss and darkness in their hearts, and that's where she likes to find her stories.Her characters seek to better themselves and find the happy (or happier) ending.When she isn't writing, Lyn Gala teaches history in a small town in New Mexico.Her favorite spot to write is a flat rock under a wide tree on the edge of the open desert where her dog can terrorize local wildlife.Writing in a wide range of genres, she often gravitates back to adventure and BDSM, stories about men in search of true love and a way to bring some criminal to justice…unless they happen to be the criminals.Table of ContentsAuthor’s NoteChapter OneChapter TwoChapter ThreeChapter FourChapter FiveChapter SixChapter SevenChapter EightChapter NineChapter TenLoose Id Titles by Lyn GalaLyn Gala [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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