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.E tu lo sai perchè?There s some truth in that.And do youPerchè non fugga più.Io t ho ghermita.know why? That you may not escape.Ti serro palpitante.I have caught you.I hold you as youSei mia.flutter.You are mine.ButterflyButterflySì, per la vita.Yes, for life.PinkertonPinkertonVieni, vieni.Come, then, come then.Via dall anima in pena l angoscia paurosa.Rid your soul of its fearful anguish.È notte serena!It is a serene evening!Guarda: dorme ogni cosa!Look: everything sleeps!ButterflyButterflyAh! Dolce notte!Ah! Gentle night!PinkertonPinkertonVieni, vieni.Come then, come then.ButterflyButterflyQuante stelle!So many stars!Non le vidi mai sì belle!I have never seen it so beautiful! MADAMA BUTTERFLY Page 63Pinkerton PinkertonÈ notte serena! It is a serene evening!Ah! vieni, vieni.Ah! Come, come!È notte serena!.It is a serene evening!Guarda: dorme ogni cosa! Look: everything is sleeping!Butterfly ButterflyDolce notte! Quante stelle! Gentle night! So many stars!Pinkerton PinkertonVieni, vieni! Come, come!Butterfly ButterflyNon le vidi mai sì belle! I have never seen it so beautiful!Pinkerton PinkertonVieni, vieni! Come, come!Butterfly ButterflyTrema, brilla ogni favilla.Every star sparkles and flickers.Pinkerton PinkertonVien, sei mia! Come, you are mine!Butterfly ButterflyCol baglior d una pupilla.Oh! Like a fiery eye flashing.Oh!Oh! quanti occhi fisi, attenti Oh! So many eyes in the heavens tod ogni parte a riguardar! watch us!pei firmamenti, via pei lidi, via pel mare.They light our path and guard us.Pinkerton PinkertonVia l angoscia dal tuo cor! Cast all fear from your heart!Ti serro palpitante.I feel your heart pulsating.Sei mia.You are mine.Ah! Vien, vien sei mia Ah! Come, come you are mine.Ah! Vieni, guarda: dorme ogni cosa! Ah! Come, look at how everything sleeps!Ti serro palpitante.I feel your heart pulsating.Ah, vien! Ah, come!Butterfly ButterflyAh! quanti occhi fisi, attenti! Oh how gentle the heavens are, how theyquanti sguardi! are shining!Pinkerton PinkertonGuarda: dorme ogni cosa: Look: everything sleeps.Ah! Vien! Ah! Vieni, vieni! Ah! Come! Ah! Come, come!. OPERA CLASSICS LIBRARY Page 64Ah! Vien.Ah! Vien, sei mia! Ah! Come! Ah, Come, you are mine!Ah! Vien! Ah! Come!Butterfly ButterflyRide il ciel! Heaven is laughing!Ah! Dolce notte! Ah! Gentle night!Tutto estatico d amor Love is ecstaticride il ciel! and the heavens smile!Butterfly and Pinkerton enter the house. MADAMA BUTTERFLY Page 65ACT IIACT IIInside Butterfly s HouseSuzukiSuzuki (praying)E Izaghi ed Izanami,And Izaghi and Izanami,Sarundasico e Kami.Sarundasico and Kami.Oh! la mia testa!My head is throbbing!E tu Ten-Sjoo-dajAnd you, Ten-Sjoo-daj!fate che Butterfly non pianga più, maiGrant me that Butterfly shall weep nopiù, mai più!more, no more, no more!ButterflyButterflyPigri ed obesi son gli Dei Giapponesi!The gods of Japan are fat and lazy.L americano Iddio son persuasaThe American God is more persuasiveben più presto risponde a chi l implori.and responds immediately to prayers.Ma temo ch egli ignori che noi stiam qui diBut I fear he doesn t know that we arecasa.here in this house.ButterflyButterflySuzuki, è lungi la miseria?Suzuki, How soon till we ll be starving?SuzukiSuzuki (shows her a few coins)Questo è l ultimo fondo.This is all that we have left.ButterflyButterflyQuesto? Oh! Troppe spese!This? Oh, we have been spendthrifts!SuzukiSuzukiS egli non torna e presto, siamo male inUnless he comes, and quickly,arnese.our plight is a bad one.ButterflyButterfly (decisively)Ma torna.But he ll return [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]

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