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.He was very special.Indio just hoped he would get a chance to tell that to Korey.60Gale StanleyChapter SevenThe top floor of the Lykaios building consisted of Indio’s living quarters and extra bedrooms for his men.Sometimes they worked around the clock, and it was just easier all around.Max had settled Tate in one of the spare rooms, and Indio stopped in to talk.Truth be told, he felt bad for the way he’d acted.None of this was Tate’s fault.It was all on him.“Can I come in for a minute?”“Sure, it’s your place.”Indio shrugged.“It’s yours as long as you’re here.Do you have everything you need?”“Yeah, Max set me up.Clothes, food, whatever I want.Thanks.”“You’re welcome.”“I want to go with you.”“No way.You’ve been through a lot—”“I’m fine.I can handle it.And you need me.I’m the only one who was actually there.My nose will lead you right to this Ghost character.”Indio pulled out the desk chair, swung it around and straddled it.He folded his arms on the ladder back and looked at Tate sympathetically while the shifter paced around the room.“I know you want to help but leave it to the professionals.We know exactly what to look for, and we’ll have Simon with us.You’ll only get in the way.”Tate flung himself on the bed, his face full of anguish.“I can help.And if you find Korey, I want to be there for him.”Claiming Korey61Instead of feeling jealous, Indio felt only sympathy.How could he fault the man? He obviously loved Korey and would do anything for him.While Indio was hiding, afraid to show his real face to Korey, Tate had stepped in and taken care of him the best he could.Now that Indio had calmed down and his initial anger had faded, he felt like he owed Tate big time.Crazy? Confused? All of the above.He’d figure it out later.Right now he needed to concentrate on finding Korey.“We’ll do everything possible to find him, and if we do, I promise I’ll take good care of him.”Tate looked stricken.A tear rolled down his cheek.“That’s my job.”Fuck.How could anyone stay mad at this guy? He was starting to see what Korey must have seen in Tate.He stood, walked over to the bed and sat next to other shifter.When he rubbed Tate’s tear away with his thumb, the man flushed red from chin to bald scalp, showing a vulnerability that Indio found endearing.His impulsive gesture had generated enough heat between them to warm the Lykaios building through a Michigan winter.“It’ll be okay.” Indio said softly.Then he did something that shocked him as much as Tate.He leaned over and kissed the other man.Just a gentle little kiss meant to comfort, nothing else.But Tate stared at him, and Indio lost himself in the other shifter’s eyes.A spark passed between them and then Tate’s lips descended to capture Indio’s in an aggressive and demanding assault.Indio eagerly responded to the savage harmony growing between them and his lips opened to Tate’s probing tongue.Suddenly Tate pulled back and the moment was gone.“I don’t know what came over me…”“It’s okay,” Indio said.“Physical contact is a basic need for wolves, especially when we’re hurting.”Tate looked like he wanted to ask Indio something but he never opened his mouth and they both sat there awkwardly for a few seconds.62Gale Stanley“Look, I gotta go.” Indio smiled reassuringly.“Don’t wait up.I’ll be gone a couple days.Maybe longer.” There was a pause as they looked warily at one another.“Try not to worry too much.”“Yeah, stay safe.”* * * *Indio was finally on his way to New York and his insides were a quivering mess.He was about to see his mate for the first time in years and this whole Tate thing was preying on his mind.Why had he kissed him? It was more than a kiss to make it better.There had been a tiny spark… Okay, maybe it was more than tiny.This was crazy.He hadn’t been interested in another man in years.All his concentration had been focused on finding Korey.Now that day had arrived and he suddenly found himself hungry for another man.And not just any man.Tate was Korey’s lover.The situation confused the hell out of him.Maybe it had something to do with Korey having marked Tate.He could see now that this was going to be a lot more complicated than he’d imagined.If they found… No, when they found Korey, Indio would have to bring him and Tate together.But first he would talk to Korey—alone.But what if Korey wanted to leave with Tate anyway? Could he stop him? Korey would hate him for sure.He might get over it eventually, but he would never forget that Indio had kept him from his…whatever.It was a no-win situation for Indio, no matter what he did.Take it step by step, that was all he could do.The important thing now was to get Korey back and keep him safe.Once his boy was back, he’d sit him down and explain everything and hope for the best.Korey would accept his true nature and recognize Indio as his true mate—he hoped.They took three SUVs.Indio took the lead car with Simon and two other men.Nikos followed with three wolf-shifters.And Max Claiming Korey63took up the rear.Twelve men altogether and a shitload of weapons.He hoped it was enough.Any more and he was afraid he’d give away their presence.The drive would take over ten hours, but they had no plans to stop, except to relieve their bladders and switch drivers.Working security often involved a lot of driving.They were used to it.Finally they reached New York.The car passed the Gowanus Canal.It had once been a leading national industrial area, and allegedly a Mafia dumping ground, but a century’s worth of raw sewage and pollution from the factories had turned it into a rancid waterway and a Brooklyn eyesore.The decomposition of sewage sludge produced the canal’s notable stench, and Indio heard the sounds of the elevated trains just as Tate had mentioned.Various cleanup plans and projects were bringing new life to the canal, but one area remained deserted and unused.That was where they headed.Simon pulled over.They’d take it on foot from here.He led them toward a cluster of long abandoned commercial buildings.Indio felt stronger and more determined than he had been a few hours ago.Before he’d been worried sick that they wouldn’t find Korey, or worse that they would find him and he’d already be hurt or even killed.But in his heart he didn’t believe Korey was dead, he would know, so he focused all his strength on the job ahead.Parking near the warehouses, they met outside their vehicles.They were all dressed in black and armed to the hilt.Simon scented the Ghost.The Were’s odor came across strong and clear at a four-story building in the midst of the others.Simon led the way, all his senses directed toward finding the other cat.They ditched their old plan on the spur of the moment.They would go through an adjoining building, get to the roof, and jump over to the roof of their target.They would enter from the top, even if it meant using ropes to go over the side and bust in windows.It would give them the element of surprise.If they came up a stairway, the Ghost would sniff them out before they got near him [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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