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.correct entry: luckthe error was: (d) chance© 2003 2006 www.english-test.net 23.intermediate-6Errors in Sentences / Intermediate level # 6 (Answer Keys)The worse it will beA1 I can't help thinking that it would be much better if we went there next week instead of this week.correct entry: thinkingthe error was: (b) thinkA2 If I were you I wouldn't dream of taking on that extra responsibility without some kind of insurance.correct entry: werethe error was: (a) amA3 The longer you delay making a decision, the worse the consequences will be.correct entry: worsethe error was: (c) worstA4 The influence that this novelist has had on future generations of writers should not be ignored.correct entry: onthe error was: (b) inA5 We've just run out of sugar.Do you think you could possibly lend me some till tomorrow?correct entry: lendthe error was: (c) grantA6 I can see from all those teapots that you must like drinking tea.What is the name of the brand you use?correct entry: brandthe error was: (d) markA7 When you see the clothes that people are wearing today, you wonder what sort of fashion will be popular fiftyyears from now.correct entry: wonderthe error was: (c) wanderA8 I need to make a phone call but unfortunately I only have notes so could you let me have some smallchange.correct entry: changethe error was: (d) moneyA9 All thepastry that you can buy in this shop is particularly tasty because it's homemade.correct entry: homemadethe error was: (d) housemadeA10 As the good philosopher said, how ever many mistakes people make, we are after all only human beings.correct entry: humanthe error was: (d) humane© 2003 2006 www.english-test.net 24.intermediate-7Errors in Sentences / Intermediate level # 7 (Answer Keys)Her latest bookA1 You're (You are) late and this is the sixth time you've been late this week.correct entry: You're (You are)the error was: (a) YourA2 When you reach old age you realize all those things you should have done when you were young.correct entry: old agethe error was: (b) the old ageA3 I've read most of her books and they're all fascinating but I haven't read her latest book.correct entry: latestthe error was: (d) newestA4 This was a very bad railway accident because two trains ran into each other but fortunately nobody wasseriously injured.correct entry: injuredthe error was: (d) woundedA5 We're going to spend our summer holiday in Majorca this summer because we went thirteen years ago andthoroughly enjoyed ourselves.correct entry: agothe error was: (c) beforeA6 The reason why I like those huge American cars is because they all have very attractive curves in thebodywork.correct entry: curvesthe error was: (c) bendsA7 After a lot of telephoning they managed to find two seats for tonight's concert so they can sit beside eachother.correct entry: besidethe error was: (d) besidesA8 I like most coffees very much but I'm not too sure about this one.It seems much too bitter to me.correct entry: bitterthe error was: (d) sourA9 His life and achievements are being celebrated tonight to mark his birthday.He was born in 1912.correct entry: bornthe error was: (d) borneA10 They have shown to the rest of the world that they are probably the best players.correct entry: shownthe error was: (b) showed© 2003 2006 www.english-test.net 25.intermediate-8Errors in Sentences / Intermediate level # 8 (Answer Keys)TensesA1 I have learned (learnt) many things in my class today and now I can do my homework without any problems.correct entry: learned (learnt)the error was: (a) learnA2 I got a lot of presents for my birthday last week as well as a lot of money.correct entry: gotthe error was: (a) getA3 I don't eat (do not eat) chicken because it tastes horrible and I think there are too many bones.correct entry: don't eat (do not eat)the error was: (a) eat notA4 The weather is becoming worse every day and we are going on holiday on Tuesday.correct entry: worsethe error was: (b) worstA5 There is hardly anything wrong with your answers but you must listen more carefully.correct entry: carefullythe error was: (d) carefulA6 I have lived in the same town all my life and I do not want to move to another one.correct entry: have livedthe error was: (a) have been livedA7 If I get a job in a bank when I leave school, I have to speak at least two foreign languages.correct entry: speakthe error was: (d) speakingA8 Do you know the name of the person who is speaking at this moment because I don't remember his name.correct entry: is speakingthe error was: (b) speaksA9 I find it very hard to understand every word the teacher says because he speaks French very quickly.correct entry: understandthe error was: (b) understandingA10 Where we are living now it is very easy to get to the shops because our house is near the town centre.correct entry: nearthe error was: (d) next© 2003 2006 www.english-test.net 26.intermediate-9Errors in Sentences / Intermediate level # 9 (Answer Keys)ConditionalsA1 If I win the lottery, I will buy you a very big car as a present.correct entry: willthe error was: (c) shouldA2 If I bought you a new car, would you be very happy?correct entry: Ifthe error was: (a) WhenA3 If you had got that job, would you have been able to move to a new house?correct entry: hadthe error was: (b) haveA4 I would want very much to move to a new house if I had that job.correct entry: hadthe error was: (c) haveA5 Will you come to dinner with us if we find a babysitter for you?correct entry: findthe error was: (c) had foundA6 I will try very hard to come and have dinner at your house if I am able to.correct entry: amthe error was: (c) wasA7 If I were you, I should work very hard so that I could earn more money.correct entry: werethe error was: (b) amA8 Are you able to lend me some money if I promise you that you will get it back very soon?correct entry: Arethe error was: (a) WereA9 If you really want to be helpful, then you have to tell me the truth.correct entry: havethe error was: (c) hadA10 If I had tried very hard, I would have been able to stop smoking.correct entry: had triedthe error was: (b) try© 2003 2006 www.english-test.net 27.intermediate-10Errors in Sentences / Intermediate level # 10 (Answer Keys)Is she lying?A1 She's been lying on that couch now for the last six hours and is fast asleep.correct entry: lyingthe error was: (a) layingA2 I simply can't believe it but I'm afraid that it's official now that the government is going to raise the tax on petrolyet again.correct entry: raisethe error was: (c) riseA3 That's the second time you've lost the front door key and that's why I've decided not to let you have anotherone.correct entry: lostthe error was: (b) loosedA4 They've hung the picture of the duke at the very top of the stairs so that it is as if he's watching you all the time.correct entry: hungthe error was: (a) hangedA5 One of the most difficult things that a child learning to ride a bicycle finds is lifting the foot on the ground andpushing it down on the pedal.correct entry: pedalthe error was: (d) petalA6 A comprehensive insurance policy is absolutely essential for you now that you've just acquired a new car.correct entry: comprehensivethe error was: (a) comprehendingA7 I've checked the items in the shopping bags again and again and I can't find any cornflakes although I'm sure Ibought some.correct entry: boughtthe error was: (d) broughtA8 My instructor has been teaching me English for over 6 years now and I must admit I haven't yet mastered thebasics [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]

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