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.They became more prudent in their worship of Baal, and in the colonies which theyestablished along the length of the Mediterranean, they built their temples to the female of thespecies, Ashtoreth.In the Egyptian city of Memphis, the Phoenician Temple of Ashotoreth wasthe largest religious edifice.She was known there as the wife of the supreme god, El, and hisseventy deities.In their rituals, Ashtoreth was sometimes worshipped as the male demon,Astaroth, who survived in European rites as Astara or Ostara.In this form, he became the patrongod of the Nazi movement in Germany.The westernmost outpost of the Phoenicians was Cadiz, a Phoenician colony which derived itsname from the Semitic gadir, or fortress.Their most important colony, which soon became arival to Rome itself, was Carthage, which they established about 900 B.C.The name derivedfrom Hebrew, Kart-hadshat, or new city.The Phoenicians often named their cities with theprefix of "new." During the fifth century, the Carthaginians had fought the Greeks and survived,but in 264 B.C.Rome attacked in full force.A series of wars ensued, called the Punic Wars,because the Carthaginians called themselves the Punics.St.Augustine noted that the Punicsamong themselves referred to their people as the "Chanani," or Canaanites, but this name waslike a secret code; they never used it in dealing with other people.Whether for purely commercial reasons, or because they feared a military power astride theiravenues of commerce in the Mediterranean, the Romans determined to utterly destroy Carthage.They succeeded in this resolve so absolutely that present-day archaeologists are not sure justwhere Carthage was located.From 264 to 201 B.C., Rome waged three Punic Wars againstCarthage, culminating in the defeat of their leader, Hannibal, by the Roman armies under thecommand of Scipio Africanus.The Romans killed or took into slavery every Carthaginian andrazed the city.They completed their task by sowing the land with salt, so that nothing wouldever flourish there again.Nothing ever did.This defeat, although a major setback, did not destroy the world operations of the Canaanites,but it did inculcate in them a fierce hatred of all things Roman, which ever since has beencharacterized by the Canaanite school of propaganda as "fascism," from the Roman rods, orfasces, which were carried by the magistrate to symbolize his determination j 0 maintain order.The later Masonic assault upon the Catholic Church was largely dictated by the fact that it washeadquartered in the city of their most ancient enemy, Rome, and therefore the papacy becameto the Phoenicians the modern embodiment of the force which had destroyed their mostimportant headquarters.Few Americans realize that when the New School of Research in NewYork denounces "fascism," joined by the columnists of the New York Times and the New YorkPost, they are merely echoing their ancient anger over the destruction of Carthage.Here again,Eustace Mullins, Curse of Canaan 22 our historians have only one goal, to obscure the past and to prevent us from realizing the natureof the forces at work.It was not only the Canaanites who spread across the earth.The descendants of Shem alsomultiplied and journeyed to find greater opportunities for their families.They moved fromcountry to country, founding great kingdoms and dynasties, which have survived to the presentday.There are many people who can agree that the kings and leaders of the Western nations aredescended from the tribe of Judah, but they fail to recognize an important fact, which is entirelyomitted in the King James version of the Bible, that there were three branches of the tribe ofJudah.Those who lump all the descendants of the tribe of Judah together do not realize thatthere was a tainted branch.There were the families of Pharez and Zarah, Judah's pure bred sonsout of Tamar, and there was a third branch, Judah's descendants from a Canaanite mother,Shuah, who were known ever afterwards as "the cursed Shelanites." Tamar was the daughter ofAram, the youngest son of Shem.Shuah called Tamar's sons bastards because they had beenborn out of wedlock, while the twins claimed to be the rightful heirs of Judah because they wereof pure-blooded stock, the Adamite strain.From the Shelanites descended thirty-one cursedtribes of Canaanites of Judea and Samaria, including the Sepharvaims, a name which theCanaanites had adopted for deceptive purposes.At the birth of Pharez and Zarah, the midwife, seeing that there were twins in the womb,realized that it would be necessary to mark the firstborn, who would have primogeniture.Shequickly wrapped a red thread around the wrist of Zarah, but it was Pharez who came out firstfrom "the breach." The Messiah was descended from Pharez, and he was said to have been sentby God to heal "the breach" which had existed since the birth of Pharez and Zarah.Tamar, mother of Pharez and Zarah, had a descendant named Tamar Tephi, known in Irishlegend as "the daughter of Pharaoh." She married Eochaidh, king of Ireland, who was known asthe Prince of the Scarlet Thread.Thus the two lines of Pharez and Zarah were again reunited.The Scarlet Thread subsequently became an integral part of British history [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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