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.10Car vous estes en peril de tumerSouventefoiz en tempeste formée,Et lors vous fault en la soulte avaler,Gesir envers et la gueule baée,Pour la pueur vonnir mainte goute, 15Le cul a bort mettre, crier  Helas!Le patron est en poupe souvent las,Qui doubte fort le vent et la tempesteEn requerant Dieu et saint Nicolas;Qui ainsi fait ce n est pas sens de beste.20Le patron fait le timon gouverner;A pouge, a ourse est leur chancon chantée,Et proue fait les undes trescouper.Deux mas y a, mainte antene aprestée, 25.Becuit vireux, poulz, puces et ras,Le vermical, les vers en l eaue a tas,Au mieulx venir, un pou de char mal preste:A Paris sui en joie et en soulas:Qui ainsi fait ce n est pas sens de beste.30L envoyfol 20a Enfans, vueillez tost aborder,Car la puet on mener et joie et feste,Viande et vin et tout bien recouvrer:Qui ainsi fait ce n est pas sens de beste.Whoever acts this way is not a foolMy wish for all you seafarersinside your galley, stifled by the heat,is some of the bright, sparkling, tasty winewith which my throat is watered here at court,and chickens, partridges, and rabbit in aspic 5accompanied by light bread from Carpentras,a bed, a pillow, lavender, white sheets, 78 EUSTACHE DESCHAMPSa handsome nightcap to cover up your heads,fresh water, and a bed above the floor;whoever acts this way is not a fool.10You are in danger of encountering,and not so rarely, storms that are genuinein which you have to go down to the hold,and lie facing the floor with gaping mouthswhile you re in terror, vomiting, 15your butts over the side, and crying out,  Alas!The often weary captain s on the bridgein dread, anticipating wind and storm,and calling on God and Saint Nicholas;whoever acts this way is not a fool.20The captain moves the rudder, guides the shipto port, to starboard, as their song is sung,and makes the prow cut through the waves.It s a two-master; many spars are readied, 25.and moldy biscuits, and lice, and fleas, and rats;and the water cistern crawls with worms;at best, there s a little badly cooked-up meat.In Paris, I live in pleasure and happiness:whoever acts this way is not a fool.EnvoyMy boys, come here to land, and quickly too, 30for on the land you can have feasts and joyand food and wine and all good things:whoever acts this way is not a fool.Riens ne se puet comparer a Paris5fol 37a Quant j ay la terre et mer avironnéeEt visité en chascune partie,Jherusalem, Egipte et Galilée,Alixandre, Damas et la Surie,Babiloine, le Caire et Tartarie 5 POEMS 79Et touz les pors qui y sont,Les espices et succres qui s i font,Les fins draps d or et soye du paysValent trop mieulx ce que les Francois ont,fol 37b Riens ne se puet comparer a Paris.10C est la cité sur toutes couronnéeFonteine et puis de sens et de clergieSur le fleuve de Saine situéeVignes, bois a, terres et praerie.De touz les biens de ceste mortel vie 15A plus qu autres citez n ont;Tuit estrangier 1 aiment et ameront,Car pour deduit et pour estre jolis,Jamais cité tele ne trouveront:Riens ne se puet comparer a Paris.20Mais elle est bien mieulx que ville ferméeEt de chasteaulx de grant anceserie,De gens d onneur et de marchans peuplée,De touz ouvriers d armes, d orfaverie,De touz les ars c est la flour quoy qu on die; 25Touz ouvraiges a droit font;Subtil engin, entendement parfontVerrez avoir, aux habitans toudis,Et loyaulté aux euvres qu ilz feront:Riens ne se puet comparer a Paris.30Paris is beyond compareWhen I ve gone round the earth and seaand visited all places, every one,seen Egypt and Jerusalem and Galilee,Damascus, Alexandria and Babylon,Cairo and Syria and Tartary, 5and entered every port,and seen the spices and the sweets that they make there,the fine gold cloth and silks which can be bought, 80 EUSTACHE DESCHAMPSalthough they re better than the French have got,Paris is beyond compare.10She is the city crowned above the rest,the fount of scholarship and wisdom, and its well,located on the river Seine, possessedof woods and vineyards, land and dell.She has more of the mortal good that we embrace 15than any other place;all strangers love her, will always find her fair,because such elegance, such happiness,will not be found in any town but this:Paris is beyond compare.20For she s much better than any fortress town:she has chateaux built in the days of old,she s peopled with merchants, men of renown,and workers of every kind, in armour, gold;the flower of all the arts, as you ve heard tell; 25her workmen all excel;deep understanding and a subtle skillwas found in her inhabitants, and is found still,and loyalty to the craft that s in their care:Paris is beyond compare.30D avoir a court un pié hors et l autre ens6fol 44d Tant de perilz sont a suir la courtQu a grant paine s en pourroit nul garder;Qui grace y a, envie sur lui court,Qui grans y est, en doubte est de verser.La convient il trop de maulx endurer 5Dont, quant a moy, je tien que c est grant sensD avoir a court un pié hors et l autre ens.Es grans cours fault souvent faire le sourt,Qu om ne voit rien et qu on ne scet parler,Autrui blandir et qu om saiche du hourt, 10Faire plaisir, soufrir, dissimuler, POEMS 81N il n est pas bon d y toudis demourer;fol 45a Mais pour le mieulx je conseille et consensD avoir a court un pié hors et 1 autre enz.L un pié dedenz s aucun meschief lui sourt 15Fait bon avoir pour grace demander,L autre dehors s aucun mal y acourtAfin qu on puist le peril eschiver,Vivre du sien et qu on puist demourerEn paix de cuer, autrement ne m assens 20D avoir a court un pié hors et 1 autre ens.To have one foot in court, and one foot outThere s so much peril at court you can t ensure,with even great effort, that you will be secure.If anyone s in favor, envy s always near;if anyone is great, he s plunged in fear.There are so many troubles to endure 5that it is sensible, and this I do not doubt,to have one foot in court, and one foot out.At the great courts you often must be blind,play deaf, know how to never speak your mind,to butter up, to understand intrigue, 10dissimulate, be pleasing and endure fatigue,nor is it wise to simply hang about;my counsel is it s best to join the leagueof those with one foot in court, and one foot out.The one foot in is just in case you re struck 15and mercy has to compensate bad luck;the other s so, if some intrigue has failed,you won t be close to one of those who s nailed [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]

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