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.On the contrary, wehave consistently distinguished the schizophrenic as an entity from schizophreniaas a process; now the schizophrenic as entity can only be defined in relation to thearrests, the continuations in the void, or the finalist illusions that repressionimposes on the process itself.This explains why we have only spoken of aschizoid pole in the libidinal investment of the social field, so as to avoid as muchas possible the confusion of the schizophrenic process with the production of aschizophrenic.The schizophrenic process (the schizoid pole) is revolu-1NTRODUCTION TO SCHIZOANALYSIS 379 tionary, in the very sense that the paranoiac method is reactionary and fascist;and it is not these psychiatric categories, freed of all familialism, that will allowus to understand the politico-economic determinations, but exactly the opposite.And then, above all, we are not looking for a way out when we say thatschizoanaiysis as such has strictly no political program to propose.If it did haveone, it would be grotesque and disquieting at the same time.It does not takeitself for a party or even a group, and does not claim to be speaking for themasses.Mo political program will be elaborated within the framework ofschizoanaiysis.Finally, schizoanaiysis is something that does not claim to bespeaking for anything or anyone, not even in fact especially not forpsychoanalysis: nothing more than impressions, the impression that things aren'tgoing well in psychoanalysis, and that they haven't been since the start.We arestill too competent; we would like to speak in the name of an absolute incompe-tence.Someone asked us if we had ever seen a schizophrenic no, no, we havenever seen one.If someone reading this book feels that things are fine inpsychoanalysis, we're not speaking for him, and for him we take back everythingwe have said.So what is the relationship between schizoanaiysis and politics onthe one hand, and between schizoanaiysis and psychoanalysis on the other?Everything revolves around desiring-machines and the production of desire.Schizoanaiysis as such does not raise the problem of the nature of the socius tocome out of the revolution; it does not claim to be identical with the revolutionitself.Given a socius, schizoanaiysis only asks what place it reserves fordesiring-production; what generative role desire enjoys therein; in what formsthe conciliation between the regime of desiring-production and the regime ofsocial production is brought about, since in any case it is the same production,but under two different regimes; if, on this socius as a full body, there is thus thepossibility for going from one side to another, i.e., from the side where the molaraggregates of social production are organized, to this other side, no lesscollective, where the molecular multiplicities of desiring-production are formed;whether and to what extent such a socius can endure the reversal of power suchthat desiring-production subjugates social production and yet does not destroy it,since it is the same production working under the difference in regime; if thereis, and how there comes to be, a formation of subject-groups; etc.If someone retorts that we are claiming the famous rights to laziness, tononproductivity, to dream and fantasy production, once again we are quitepleased, since we haven't stopped saying the opposite, and thatdesiring-production produces the real, and that desire380 ANTI-OEDIPUS has little to do with fantasy and dream.As opposed to Reich, schizoanal-ysismakes no distinction in nature between political economy and libidinal economy.Schizoanalysis merely asks what are the machinic, social, and technical indiceson a socius that open to desiring-machines, that enter into the parts, wheels, andmotors of these machines, as much as they cause them to enter into their ownparts, wheels, and motors.Everyone knows that a schizo is a machine; all schizossay this, and not just little Joey.The question to be asked is whetherschizophrenics are the living machines of a dead labor, which are then contrastedto the dead machines of living labor as organized in capitalism.Or whetherinstead desiring, technical, and social machines join together in a process ofschizophrenic production that thereafter has no more schizophrenics to produce.In her Lettre aux ministres, Maud Mannoni writes: "One of these adolescents,declared unfit for studies, does admirably well in a third-level class, provided heworks some in mechanics.He has a passion for mechanics.The man in the garagehas been his best therapist.If we take mechanics away from him he will becomeschizophrenic again."52 Her intention is not to praise ergotherapy or the virtues ofsocial adaptation.She marks the point where the social machine, the technicalmachine, and the desiring-machine join closely together and bring their regimesinto communication.She asks if our society can handle that, and what it is worthif it can't.And this is indeed the direction the social, technical, scientific, andartistic machines take when they are- revolutionary: they form desiring-machinesfor which they are already the index in their own regime, at the same time that thedesiring-machines form them in the regime that is theirs, and as a position ofdesire.What, finally, is the opposition between schizoanalysis and psychoanalysis,when the negative and positive tasks of schizoanalysis are taken as a whole? Weconstantly contrasted two sorts of unconscious or two interpretations of theunconscious: the one schizoanalytic, the other psychoanalytic; the oneschizophrenic, the other neurotic-Oedipal; the one abstract and nonfigurative, theother imaginary; but also the one really concrete, the other symbolic; the onemachinic, the other structural; the one molecular, microphysical, andmicrological, and the other molar or statistical; the one material, the otherideological; the one productive, the other expressive.We have seen how thenegative task of schizoanalysis must be violent, brutal: defamiliarizing,de-oedipalizing, decastrating; undoing theater, dream, and fantasy; decoding,deterritorializing a terrible curettage, a malevolent activity.But everythinghappens at the same time [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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