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.I nodded quickly. Yes.She s thrilled.You know your sister, so you know what abig heart she has.She s already crazy inlove with the baby.He took a full visual assessment of me insilence for a moment, then asked Sandraand Brooke to leave the room.Brookelooked concerned, but he soothed her witha kiss. It s alright sweetheart, I just wantto talk to him.His eyes told me wanted to do more thantalk.Maybe even wanted to punch me, but if it came to that, I d take my punishment.Once we were alone in the room, hewasted no time in going at me. I knowmy sister has a giant heart and will lovethe baby, but I also know that two fuckingdays ago you sat in a restaurant with meand Dante and told us you never wantedchildren.I know you wouldn t have beenable to keep this secret, so you can onlyjust have found out.How far along is she,and how do you feel about this?I looked away for a moment as I gatheredmy thoughts.Turning back his way, Istarted speaking. I found out tonight.She s six weeks along.The baby wasconceived the weekend you took Brookeaway.I wasn t good when Delilah told me, but it had nothing to do with notwanting to be tied down or anything stupidlike that.I m fucking terrified the babywill grow up to be like my dad, terrifiedthat I ll be a horrible father.Damien was across the room like a shot,wrapping an arm around my shoulders. Hey, don t say that shit.My niece ornephew is going to be awesome.Crazyfucking spoiled, ridiculously over-protected and totally adored by us all, butawesome nonetheless.You ve always putyourself down about shit like this and itpisses me off.You aren t Hank.You renothing like Hank, not even on your veryworst day.You think I d be best friendswith someone that had any of Hank inthem? Think I would have begged you to come live with all of us? If you had any ofhim in you, I wouldn t have.Luckily foryou, I never had to worry about it, becauseyou are NOTHING like him.You regoing to be a great dad.You re probablygoing to win awards for being father of theyear, because Dante will shoot your ass ifyou do anything less.He raised us to begood men, Spencer.You ve done himdamn proud up to this point, and you regoing to make him happier than ever whenhe sees you loving your child.I felt different arms around me, and Ilooked down to see Aunt Sandra had comein. Oh honey, you re going to be such agood daddy.I d never have trusted mylittle girl with you if I didn t know what agreat guy you are.I ve always known that it was you for her.From the first day thatI met all of you, it was so obvious.It usedto scare me that she was so sure aboutwhere you would end up, that to her it wasdecided before she even took her firstbreath.Over the years, she brought mearound to her way of thinking.You twoare meant to be, and this baby is meant tobe a part of you both.Embrace thatsweetie.You ve created a miracletogether.Pulling her closer I hugged her hard as Ifuriously wiped at my eyes with my handbefore pulling back and mock glaring ather. You were so totallyeavesdropping!Laughing at me, she pulled back. I was.I wanted to make sure Damien here didn tgo all Rambo on you.I m not sorry Ilistened though.I wasn t sorry either, because she d reallymade me feel better, had helped puteverything in perspective.I d always hada choice, and I d always chosen to benothing like Hank.Right then and there, Ivowed to myself that I d be the best fatherI could possibly be.With Delilah by myside, I could face anything& even my ownfear. Chapter Thirty: DelilahI was exhausted after being woken up somany times during the night, but I didn tcare.A happy bubble had descended overme, and I was more than willing totolerate a hospital stay, all thingsconsidered.When I thought I d lost ourbaby, I d felt so desolate and brokeninside.Knowing that our baby wasthriving inside of me made me so happythat I was keeping a smile on my face inspite of how tired I was.The knowledgethat at this time next year I would bechanging my name to Delilah Cross andholding our baby in my arms puteverything into the proper perspective. Spencer was in my room the second thatvisiting hours started.He looked like ahot mess, and I knew he hadn t slept awink either.Still, he was smiling, and Isensed that he had a mindset similar to myown.We survived, and these fewsleepless days are a small price to pay.Leaning over my bed, he cradled my facein his hands and kissed me deeply. Howare you and our baby this morning?Smiling, I rubbed my non-existent belly. We re good.Better now that you rehere.I was starting to get nauseous, butnow it s fading away.This is whathappened during the five days you spent atmy apartment.Clearly the baby alreadyloves daddy, because whenever you rearound, I feel much more solid. He looked blown away but ecstatic. Really? You think the baby knows whenI m around?I smiled at him, thrilled by the cautiouswonder that filled his face.He wasscared shitless, but he was hopeful.I tookthat as a good sign. Yes, I really believethat little butter bean knows when you rethere.Smiling shyly, he rubbed my stomach. Butter bean eh?Laughing, I covered his hand with mine. Yes.I don t know why, but I ve taken tocalling the baby that.I know at somepoint we ll need to talk about real names,but that s months away.For now, I m calling the baby butter bean.He laughed with me before saying,  Butterbean Cross.I like it.Grinning back like a fool, I nodded. You re right.It has a certain ring to it.We spent the next few hours dozing ortalking quietly while doctors and nursesoccasionally walked in to check on me.Iwasn t allowed to have other visitors untilthe doctor cleared it, but I was chompingat the bit to see everyone.I knew theywere worried.Each time the doctor came by he told mehow well I was doing.Luckily I didn thave any other symptoms of a concussionthan the headache I'd had last night.By late afternoon, the doctor concluded that itwas very mild, and decided that they djust as well release me around dinnertime. All things considered, you re doingbeautifully Miss Hart.Your vitals areperfect, you aren t experiencing any pain,and you look good.I m advising you torest for the next day or so, but that s morejust to catch up on whatever you lost lastnight than anything else.I was thrilled that I was going to be ableto leave.The hospital was so not theplace to get any rest.Spencer jumped inas soon as the doctor left with,  I think weshould go to Malibu for the next week.We can relax and just chill.I agreed before he even finished talking.I loved the Malibu house, and I loved theidea of setting up camp there. I love thatSpence.We can go to your house, then myapartment to pack, and then we can spendthe rest of the week relaxing.Looking down at me, he smiled."Angel,it's our house now.Everything I havebelongs to you, too [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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