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.Joe s been there a couple times andwe need to get you home.We ll continue this tonight. 50 Rose NickolChapter TenHe helped her dress and then dressed himself.Grabbing histhings, he took her home.When they got there, the men were donewith the security install.One of the guys showed Theresa and Alanhow to operate the system and where the panic buttons had beenplaced.They had dinner and relaxed in front of the television, enjoying amovie.Surprisingly there was no visit from Joe.Alan took Theresa to bed that night and made slow, gentle love toher.He let her sleep in the next morning until it was close to time forher to go to work.After she was up, fed and showered, he showed herwhat he wanted her to wear to work.He had picked out a low-cut sheer blouse and a very short skirtwith very high heels.Very different from the jeans and sweater sheusually wore.He wanted her to get more in touch with her body andunderstand how beautiful she was. I m not sure I can wear this, she said, looking at herself in themirror.She had always played down her body, not wanting to attractany of Joe s sleazy friends, and it had just become a habit. Why? he asked her. You look beautiful.I want to show youoff.That made her feel proud and she was glad he was there with her.Maybe she couldn t dress like this for herself, but she could for Alan. Okay, I ll wear it.You ll be there with me? She looked at him. Yes, I m driving you in Dave s truck since our vehicles aren tfixed yet.I ll stay until you are through, then bring you home, hetold her, pulling her into his arms. Club de Fleurs 3: Theresa 51Alan drove her to the Club and spent most of his evening with herin the reception area.He had wanted to take her to see part of theClub while I it was active, but Rachel was not feeling well and therewas no one to cover for her.Theresa was uncomfortable at first, but gradually relaxed.Severalpeople commented on how nice she looked, including Dave and Evan. If you keep dressing like this, I m going to have to give you a raise.You will definitely attract more people into coming to the Club,Dave teased her.After the Club closed, Alan took Theresa in for a couple drinks.He had gotten permission from Dave to show her around and maybeeven play a scene.Once they finished their drinks, Alan pulledTheresa up by the hand and led her to one of the alcoves. Tell me what you see and what you think about it, he saidpulling her in front of him and wrapping his arms around her. Well, there s this cross thing, it looks weird, and then I see abench, but it s higher than a normal bench, that would be hard forsomeone to sit on and then there s a cabinet, I wonder what s inthere.He guided her into the alcove and walked over to the bench. Thisis called a spanking bench, you lean over it, he said, guiding herdown over the bench,  and then I would raise the end like this, as hepositioned the bench to the height he wanted. Then I would fastenyour wrists here, he told her, quickly applying cuffs she had notnoticed before and fastening her to the bench. Then I would fasten your legs, here, spread apart like this. Hequickly matched actions to words. Normally you would be naked orclose to naked.We ll save that for next time, he told her, lifting herskirt up to her waist, baring her ass for his pleasure. Then if you dbeen a bad girl I would punish you. He slapped her ass, hard. Or ifyou were a good girl, I would reward you. He slipped his handbetween her spread thighs and ran his finger through her slit until hefound her clit, rubbing little circles around it. 52 Rose Nickol Oohhh, she moaned,  I want&  Sometimes you might need a little of both, he said slapping herass four more times, rapidly, then rubbing her clit again and slippingtwo fingers into her pussy.She bucked her hips up off the bench, moaning. Occasionally, I might want to use something beside my hand topunish or reward you, he said, walking over to the cabinet andgetting something she couldn t see.Walking back to her, he held uptwo objects. This, he said,  is a flogger, it has very soft straps anddoesn t hurt too bad.It s usually used to give pleasure. He trailed theends over her arm. This, is a vibrator, it has several speeds and canalso be used for pleasure or punishment. He showed her the vibe hehad chosen for her.It was about an inch and a half around and had a tapered head andit was bright pink.She looked at it and giggled a little. You won t think it s funny when I show you what I can do withit. He grinned at her.Reaching down, he helped her up. You need tolose some of those clothes, time to have a little fun.She looked around to see if there was anyone there, and hereassured her. It s just us.Dave gave me the keys and we can stayhere as long as we want and no one will bother is.There won t beanyone back here until two in the afternoon. Okay, she said with a shaky voice, looking around once more.Alan grabbed her arms and pulled her to him, leaning down hekissed her hard. Theresa, it will be ok.Do you want to say red andgo home? No, no, I&  She really didn t know what she wanted, but shewas pretty sure she didn t want to stop and go home. Clothes.Off.Now, he commanded her.Theresa swallowed and reached for the hem of her blouse, lookingaround again, like there were people hiding in the corners.Alan stood there watching her, arms crossed over his chest, legsspread.A domineering pose if there was one. Club de Fleurs 3: Theresa 53 Theresa. He gave her a look.She swallowed again, and pulled her shirt off quickly.Stillnervous, she crossed her arms over her chest and looked at the floor. Theresa.The rest of the clothes.Now, he said firmly.Looking around again, Theresa, slipped the skirt off and stoodthere in her bra, and thong.She had left her shoes in reception [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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