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.44laboratory 57Laennec, R.T.H.142Lamarck, J.B.159Lancelot, C.38, 159, 162, 163, 184 language 30, 38, 96; analysis 177;Classical 38; fluctuating 153;signified 125; signifier 125Latin 187; grammar 92Lavoisier, A.175law: coherence 166; vowel-gradations (Grimm) 159Law, J.73, 76, 179library 57linguistics: analogy 162; competence 228; performance 120linguists 121Linnaeus, C.62, 64, 65, 72, 75, 77, 92, 142, 16o, 161, 169, 170, 192 literary analysis 5literary historians 115Locke, J.162, 207 logical identity 162logicians 121Logos 136, 173; unity 122madness 35 6Madness and Civilization 16, 18, 72, 174, 197Mallarme, S.25mapping of transformations 155 Marx, K.14, 15, 16, 207 material unity language 26 mathematics: discourse 208;history 209; treatise 105 medical science 36 7medicine 34, 46, 174, 188; clinical 59,18omemory: field 64, 139 Merleau-Ponty, M.224 methodology 12; problems 159 Michelet, J.25microbiology 199, 207 monument 155Morgagni, G.B.59, 192 mythology 232Naissance de la clinique 16, 18, 72, 174 Natural History 63, 68, 72, 74, 77,81, 142, 164, 174, 175; 18th-century 171; domain 169 Nietzsche, F.W.14, 15, 16, 27 nominal syntagma 92, 100 non-discursive practices: field 75non-tautological propositions 109 normativity: domain 68noun: proper toonoun-articulation 185 novel 104novelist 115object: domain 81, 103, 122; inadequation 171Odyssey 25oeuvre 25, 27, 28, 42, 67, 79, 8o, 107,143, 151, 156opposition: intrinsic 171Order of Things, The 67, 72,painting 213, 214Poliogenesie philosophique (Bonnet) 202paranoia 44Paris-Duverney, J.76 Pasteur, L.207pedagogy: practice 75 Peirce, C.S.159periodization 8; totalitarian 165 permutation: canonic form 99 personal pronoun 92 Petty, Sir W.73, 161, 162, 179phenomenology 224 philology 194phrenology 153Physiocratic analysis 187 Physiocrats 71, 72, 77, 82, 142 physiology 199; humours andgerms 176Pinel, P.44, 161, 207 Plato 116Poe, E.A.36political economy 34, 142, 187, 204 politics 214polysemia 123Port-Royal grammar 38, 75, 16o positivities 193positivity: threshold 206prayer 94precession 159preconceptual 67, 68preface 105present indicative 92preterminal regularities 85 procedures of intervention 65 Prochaska, J.16o, 192pronoun: personal 92; second-person 109proper noun 100proposition 91, 108, 109, 120; level129; non-tautological 109 psychiatric discourse 46, 53 psychiatry 47, 83, 174, 197 psychoanalysis 228 psychopathology34, 35, 47, 51, 206;discourse 44Quesnay, F.40, 142 Racine, J.222 Rais, G.de 25 Ramus, P.187random numbers 96rarification 133 41; principle 134 Rask, R.K.187rational mechanics 176Recherche du temps perdu (Proust) 104recurrence 140recurrent redistribution 5 recurrential analysis 209referent 101, 103, 109refraction: law 93remanence 139Renaissance 65repeatable materiality 114residual (remanent) 139Reve de d'Alembert, Le (Diderot) 202value: formation 40Van Swieten 44, 142 verb-attribution: theory 185 verbal performance 120, 122,123, 228Vico, G.175, 199 vocabulary: polymorphous 165strategies: formation 71 9 structuralism 219, 221, 225 structure: ontology 225; theory 170 succession: canonic form 99surfaces of emergence 45 symbolic analysis 18o symbols 113; numeric 96 syntagma 99; nominal 92, 100 systematization:points 73tautology 227teleology 224; of reason 136 Telliamed (Benoit de Maillet) 202 temporal derivation: analysis 190 temporal successions184 temporal vectors of derivation 186 Thgåtre et son Double, Le (Artaud)((27))threshold ofepistemologization 206 threshold of formalization 206 threshold of positivity 206 threshold of scientificity 206totalitarian periodization 165 Tournefort, J.P.de 65, 162, 164, 184 Tractatus (Wittgenstein) 27 tradition 23Traitr des membranes (Bichat) 59 transcribing: methods 65 transformation: analysis 19o;mapping 155translating: modes 65 Turgot, A.R.142, 177, 179, 188typewriters: French 96Ulysses (Joyce) 25 Utilitarists 72, 73, 76, 77, 82validity: domain 68Wealth: Analysis 68, 72, 73, 74, 75,76, 77, 175, X85 Weltanschauung 176 Willis, T.192Wittgenstein, L [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]

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