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.141 Issue 5098, 11-12.Sohlman, E.2011.Yemen Fractures on the Brink of Civil War as Al-Qaeda Gains Ground.Vol.33 Issue 5, 236-240.Seelye, K., Addressing the Crisis in Yemen: Strategies and Solu-tions,  Middle East Institute http://www.mei.edu/transcripts/addressing-crisis-yemen-strategies-and-solutions (07.07.2013)Tran, M., 2012-11-01.Liberia s Johnson Sirleaf Defiant over Nepotismand Corruption Claims. The Guardian , http://www.guardian.co.uk/global-development/2012/nov/01/liberia-johnson-sirleaf-nepotism-corruption (15.07.2013).Xinhua, 2012-02-25.Hadi Elected as Yemen s New President. ChinaDaily) http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/world/2012-02/25/content_14690160.htm, (06.07.2013) [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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