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.They were probably all the more hilarious for their mystery to her. Dude, Ghost proclaimed after about an hour and a half on the road.He dug deep into the duffel baghe d brought and produced a CD, which he handed to Brian. Play this.Brian took it and held it up in front of his face to examine it, but it looked blank from where she wassitting. The fuck is this, man, he muttered around the sucker in this mouth.She had to giggle at the wayhe often made questions sound like statements. Just play it.You ll like it.www.samhainpublishing.com 117 Cherrie Lynn I d better or you re walking the rest of the way. He glanced back at Candace. Ghost favors someunusual shit. Very, Starla agreed, passing Candace the bag of chips that had been circulating the cab.As Brian fiddled with the CD, Ghost surprised Candace by turning all the way around in his seat so hecould look directly at her. What s up with your girl?Caught with a mouthful of BBQ Ruffles, she struggled to swallow before she spoke. Huh? Your girl.The one you came in with the other night. Oh, Macy? What about her? She have a dude? His dark eyes were intent, almost unnervingly so.He normally seemed sononchalant.But then, she d only been in his presence a couple of times. Um& not at the moment. Gimme her number.She laughed, looking at him incredulously. I can t just give you my friend s number. Why not? She s your friend, ain t she? Yeah, that s why I can t hand her number out without her permission. What I m saying is, if she s your friend, she ll forgive you.But she doesn t even have to know whereI got it from.I won t tell her. Who else could you have gotten it from? I ll say you left your phone sitting in your seat or something and I swiped it and got her number outof it. I didn t even bring it. Well, she doesn t know that!Brian and the girls were laughing.Starla reached up and grabbed Ghost s shoulder. Down, boy, turnaround now.Stop harassing her.Ghost ignored her. She s kind of prim and proper, huh. You don t know the half of it. Oh, shit, Brian muttered, as if he knew what was coming next. Dude, turn around.Eyes front. Daaaamn, I love girls like that.I love getting them dirrrty.Candace giggled. Good luck with that.Look up  dirty in the dictionary and it ll say  Not Macy.Starla yelped with laughter, but Ghost only looked pained. Ah! You re killing me here.He shook his head and turned back around, grumbling. I still think you should give me her number.She was tempted to do it just to get a good laugh out of the situation.This poor guy didn t know whathe d be getting himself into.118 www.samhainpublishing.com Rock MeEvery time Brian had glanced into the backseat on the drive, she d been smiling.She looked betteralready, and he had to congratulate himself.But then, his friends could always be counted on to keep themood festive.Starla and Janelle had made sure she felt welcome without him even having to ask it of them.He d been afraid Starla s opinion of her had changed after last week.Apparently, that wasn t the case at all.By the time they pulled up to the curb outside Marco and Kara s house in the suburbs of Dallas, everyline of tension in her face had smoothed out.Their plan had been not to call this a date, but God, he wantedto.He wanted to run straight to her side, wrap his arm around her shoulders and introduce her to his friendsas his.His date, his woman, his girlfriend& hell, whatever title she would allow him to put on her.He couldn t do that, but there was no denying the magnetism that pulled him toward her as soon as hisfeet hit the ground.She smiled at him as he came up beside her, and gestured to the sucker stick still in hismouth as she stretched her muscles after the long drive. New habit? Yeah.Rot my teeth instead of my lungs. Ew!He laughed, flicking the stick in the back of his truck.Normally he would ve thrown it in the gutter,but he didn t want her thinking he was a litterbug. When I first saw you pull up at my apartment, I caught that flash of white in your mouth and I was soafraid you were smoking again. I m doing okay, he murmured as they all walked across the neat green lawn toward the house. Haven t slipped up yet.Don t worry. So, how do you know these people whose house I m staying at? She gave a nervous laugh. I hopethey won t mind me tagging along. Not at all, they re totally cool.You ll see.They own a parlor here in Dallas.When I want ink, I go tothese guys.Marco is my mentor.I did my apprenticeship under him. Oh! So they ve done all your work? I m pretty much a showcase for them.Ghost had overheard. Yeah, the bastard won t let me touch him. Because I can only imagine what you d put on me, Brian fired back.The front door to the house opened and Marco s wife flew out, squealing.Janelle and Starla madesimilar sounds of excitement and rushed forward, crushing her in a hug. That s Kara, Brian said at Candace s ear [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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