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.Blade curled his arm around Adwaka sshoulders, giving him a small hug of reassurance. Oh yeah, that. Zackary sighed dramatically. The head ofsecurity just had to shake Dr.Imlay Jones s hand the top authorityin gynecology and Paktillian diseases. 136 Stormy Glenn and Lynn HagenBlade fell back in his chair laughing as he listened to Zackaryretell the harrowing adventures of Imlay and Z. Did you pick hisfield of expertise?Zackary blushed as he looked around the room.He gave a smallshrug as he turned back around to the console. Maybe.Remy and Crank were laughing so hard they had tears in theireyes.Tank and Colt were chuckling on the other side of the bridge. Hey, I got it. Zackary sat forward as his eyes scanned thedecoded information. Commander Brystan Pierce came into hisposition six months ago.It s like he just appeared out of thin air,Zackary mumbled as his eyes jumped up and down, reading the data. Wait.It says here that his next of kin is none other than GregoryTyvak, his nephew.It also says that Commander Pierce put thebounty on the Lady Blue crew for& espionage? That doesn t soundright.Remy sat up with this news.Blade started seeing the puzzle piecesclicking together one piece at a time. It s not.Tyvak is the one whoturned us in and then his uncle takes over the commander position ofthe entire fleet of Elite Force? Why do I feel like our dishonorabledischarge was a setup to get rid of us and get his uncle into power?Remy sat forward, resting his arms on his knees as he looked ateach and every crew member. Because I was next in line to take overas commander of the Elite Force.Each and every one of you knowsmy uncle is the king.I m not directly in line for the throne, and I wascommander of our group.My father pushed for my promotion to becommander of the Elite Force.It seems someone else wanted thatposition enough to dishonor us and put a bounty on our heads,gentlemen. So it wasn t enough that we got kicked out, Commander Piercewanted us silent& permanently? Fuck.Blade knew they were totallyand unequivocally screwed now.They needed substantial proof, hardproof, that they were innocent. Imlay s Cure 137He pulled Adwaka closer as he saw the hopelessness of thesituation.How the hell were they going to get out of this tightsituation? We have a fight ahead of us, gentlemen.Are we going to proveour innocence or retreat into the shadows? Remy asked his crew. Retreat, hell! The crew sounded off as the Lady Blue carriedthem out of the Andromeda System and back to familiar territory. Then get ready for a bumpy ride, ladies.The Lady Blue is goinginto battle.THE ENDWWW.STORMYGLENN.COMWWW.LYNNHAGEN.COM ABOUT THE AUTHORStormy believes the only thing sexier than a man in cowboy bootsis two or three men in cowboy boots.She also believes in love at firstsight, soul Mates, true love, and happy endings.Stormy lives in the great Northwest region of the USA, with hergorgeous husband and soul Mate, six very active teenagers, twoboxer/collie puppies, one old biddy cat, and one fish.You can usually find her cuddled in bed with a book in her handand a puppy in her lap, or on her laptop, creating the next sexy manfor one of her stories.Stormy welcomes comments from readers.Youcan find her website at www.stormyglenn.comLynn Hagen loves writing about the somewhat flawed, butlovable.She also loves a hero who can see past all the rough edges tofind the shining diamond of a beautiful heart.You can find her on any given day curled up with her laptop and acup of hot java, letting the next set of characters tell their story.Also by Lynn Hagen and Stormy GlennSiren Classic ManLove: Lady Blue Crew 1: End of the LineSiren Classic ManLove: Lady Blue Crew 2: Pax's BluesFor all other titles, please visitwww.bookstrand.com/lynn-hagenwww.bookstrand.com/stormy-glenn Siren Publishing, Inc.www.SirenPublishing.com [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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