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.2.Another, mud-coloured, twice the size of an egg, with twenty lines, grouped by fours.Full ofsmall holes.3.Of the same colour, having ten lines without holes.4.Reddish, hemispherical, having ten unpunctured lines.5.Brownish, with semi-circular lines, unpunctured.6.Yellow and smooth on the surface, the lower part being perforated.Heavy Stones:1.Belemnites Major, ash-coloured, has a white earth, and when rubbed smells like burnt horn ofoxen.2.A smaller species, of the same colour, containing grey earth.3.A large Stone, containing sand, without smell when rubbed.4.A small Stone, containing sand, without smell.All these are found at Hildesheimer.5.A Prussian Stone, reddish black, transparent, containing earth.6.Another, but wax-colour, also transparent, and containing earth.7.White, as if burnt, found in Hildesheimer earth.Contains a black hard stone.The best colour.Does not much differ from the smell of white sap.LAPIDES, etc.--- Stones like bones and shells, called Osteodes and Ostracodes :1.Enosteos, a Stony Concretion found on fallen trees.2.Osteocollus, white or grey, porous ; when taken into the body it joins broken bones in awonderful manner.3.A variety from Misnia, found in a clay, clay-coloured, hard and solid.4.Lithostracus, a shell-coloured stalactite.LAPIDES AB ANIMALIBUS, etc.:1.Thuringian Myites, superficially full and round, and like a seated mouse in appearance.There isanother mentioned by Georgius Agricola, which is like a mussel shell.2.Grey, oblong Hessian Myites.3.Onyx, or Onydrite, like the human nail.4.The Stone Enorchis, like testicles.5.Triorchis, like three testicles, found in rivers.LAPIDES COLORATI:1.Ashen, Violet, Aldeberg Iolite.2.Red Aldenberg Iolite.3.Laurenstein, found by chance; when moistened and exposed to the sun it exhales a smell ofviolets.4.Marieberg Iolite; when struck with a mallet it gives forth an odour of musk.5.Thuringian Iolite, which exhales an odour of wild thyme.6.Zeblicius Ophites, of which some have no smell, and others a musty scent.7.Solinum Echites, having a fragrance of wine, and therefore a kind of wine stone (Tartar).8.Hildesheimer Iolite ; when struck with another stone, or with a mallet, it smells like horn.LAPIDES GEODES --- A Stone containing Earth, of oblong shape, filled with a hard ochrinesand, and rattling when shaken; the Stone Chemnicensis, of a ruddy colour, like iron-stone, andcontaining a moist clay.LAPIDES JUDAICI :1.Like the stone of an olive, striated, and still called Olive Stones in Palestine.2.Another, also striate.LAPIDES TROCHITlAE ET ENTROCHI:1.White Spangeberg Trochites, called by us Wheel Stone.2.Grey Wheel Stone.3.Subashen Wheel Stone.4.Slimy.5.Equally long, White Hildesheimer Entrochus, consisting of fourteen Trochites.6.Another of slimy quality, consisting of ten Trochites.7.Grey, consisting of three Trochites.8.A smooth Trochite, puffed up in the middle, and having zones, or encircling lines.9.A rude Grey Stone of Spangenberg, in which there are Trochites.Found on a lofty mountain,mountain and citadel thereof being perhaps named after it.LAPILLI --- Pebbles:1.Alectorius, said to be found in the gizzard of a cock.2.Chelidonia, said to be taken from the swallow.3.Crabstone.4.Perch Stone.5.Impure Pearls.6.Indian Pearl.7.Adulterated Pearl, made of very white glass.8.Another, made of bone, tinged with spume of silver.9.Another, round, and of Oriental origin.LAPILLI COLLECTI EX MATERIA, QUAE LAVATUR --- i.e., Soapstone.LAPILLI MINUTI, etc.--- Pebbles washed up by waves.LAPILLI NIGRI MAGNI --- Very large black Stones.LAPILLI NIGRI MAJUSCULI --- Small fragments of Ore.LAPILLI NIGRI MEDIOCRES --- A Bed of Hardened Mud over a vein containing ore.LAPILLI NIGRI PARVI --- Small black Stones.LAPILLUS --- is a Coagulation of Extracted Humour, which is crumbling and vitreous.Thehumour is of a middle quality.The lapillus also coagulates into moisture.Sometimes it is thickerand like slime, sometimes thinner.It is not often as large as hailstones, but it is frequently likegrains of salt or particles of snow.LAPILLUS FISSILI AEROSUS --- i.e., Slate.LAPIS --- Stone, in chemistry is any fixed substance which does not evaporate.LAPIS --- or Stone, from which black lead is obtained.LAPIS ADIZ --- i.e., Sal Ammoniac.LAPIS ANIMALIS --- The Animal Stone, is Human Blood.Item, Curenta, the turtle, who carrieshis house on his back.LAPIS ARABICUS --- is similar to masculine ivory on the authority of Dioscorides and Pliny.It ischiefly useful in dentistry and in stopping hemorrhage.But such is the quality of this stone thatmany learned men have disputed about it and still do so.But if the subject be properly considered,Arabian Stone is nothing but the Moonstone or Mary's Ice, or Spar.Windows were formerly madeof it, with thin wooden frames instead of lead.The best Gypsum is also made from it, as Plinywitnesses.It is according to Albertus the extreme part of Gypsum, and he calls it Aphroselinum,because at night it reflects the likeness of the moon, or because it is made from dew by the foam ofthe moon.Some dispute whether Selenite is the Moonstone which Dioscordes calls Aphroselinum.But of this elsewhere.This true Moonstone is called Lapis Arabicus, because first found in Arabia,though Albertus affirms that it was at first discovered at Saguntia in Spain, and that moreabundantly than elsewhere; afterwards in many places in Germany.If the subject be considered,there are many species of this stone.There is first the small stone, of spotted appearance, found atBononia in Italy, according to Pliny; it is like a blemished ebony, and Dioscorides calls it LapisArabicus.A second is found among us; it is blackish, and deficient in brightness.We have also onewhich is very transparent, and was formerly used as windowglass.This is the Selenite mentioned inScripture.There is a fourth in Saxony, which is like ebony, and is the Arabicus of Pliny.There is afifth with black or red blemishes, which may also be the Lapis Arabicus of Dioscorides
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