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.By 1930, however, protectionists saw highertariffs as the only effective way to protect jobs, bolster the nation sindustrial base, and fend off foreign competition during the GreatDepression.Industrial lobbyists worked aggressively on Capitol Hill SPANISH CIVIL WAR " 321during the bill s committee stages for additional tariff hikes to protectiron, steel, and chemical and textile manufacturers.The final versionof the bill was therefore much broader than its authors had originallyintended and caused considerable controversy.It passed the Housedue mainly to Republican support and scraped a narrow two-vote vic-tory in the Senate.The bill was signed by President Herbert Hoover,who had supported the original version but now feared the expandedtariff would become an obstacle to economic recovery.Smoot Hawley is generally regarded as a natural but more severesuccessor to the Fordney McCumber Tariff Act of 1922.Thoughsome parts of Smoot Hawley were diluted by the 1934 ReciprocalTrade Agreements Act, economic historians consider the 1930act to have worsened the Depression by depriving hard-presseddomestic consumers of cheaper foreign imports and forcing them tochoose higher-priced U.S.goods.It also provoked America s tradingcompetitors into raising retaliatory tariff barriers against the UnitedStates, leading to a precipitate decline in the value of exports from$2,341 million in 1929 to just $784 million by 1932.Smoot Hawleyrepresents, to this day, the high-water mark of U.S.protectionism, apolicy largely abandoned after 1933.See also TRADE.SOVIET ARK.The USS Buford was a transport ship used to rescueU.S.citizens stranded in Europe at the outbreak of World War I.TheAmerican press nicknamed it the  Soviet ark when it was later usedby the U.S.government to deport 249 political detainees arrested duringthe war and the postwar  Red Scare under the 1917 Espionage Actand 1918 Sedition Act.The detainees included Russian-born politicalagitator Emma Goldman and others who had expressed support for thenew Bolshevik regime in Russia or opposition to U.S.participation inthe war.The Buford took the prisoners to Finland, from where theywere taken overland to Russia.See also RUSSIAN REVOLUTIONS.SPANISH CIVIL WAR (1936 1939).Civil war began in Spain in June1936, when a revolt broke out among army commanders in SpanishMorocco against the republican government in Madrid.Troops wereflown to mainland Spain in transport aircraft supplied by Germany,and a bitter three-year war began that tore the country apart.On oneside were the nationalists, who were led by General Francisco Franco 322 " SPANISH CIVIL WARand included members of the Falange (the Spanish fascist party) to-gether with traditionalists, monarchists, and clericalists.They wereunited by hostility to the socialism of the government led by ManuelAzaña, the government s antipathy to the Catholic Church, and thebelief that Azaña was allowing the growth of separatism in Cataloniaand the Basque provinces.Against them was a coalition of socialists,communists, separatists, and anarchists with antimonarchical liberalrepublicans.Franco received considerable support in munitions and 50,000 menfrom fascist Italy.Germany sent units of its fledgling air force in theCondor Legion, where they perfected their combat doctrine mostnotoriously in the bombing of the Basque town of Guernica on 27April 1937.The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) sentmunitions to the republicans and through the Communist Interna-tional (Comintern) organized the International Brigades.Great Brit-ain persuaded France and other powers to avoid involvement.OnlyMexico joined the USSR in sending munitions to the republicans.The Spanish Civil War became an ideological battleground for allEurope, as volunteers went to Spain to side with those with whomthey sympathized.European governments adopted an official policyof nonintervention, and Britain, France, and Germany ran navalneutrality patrols to prevent foreign interference and to containthe conflict the Germans with considerable hypocrisy, given theactivities of the Condor Legion.President Franklin D.Roosevelttacitly supported this policy, without committing the United Statesto any action.He invoked the Neutrality Act, which by 1937 hadbeen amended to cover civil wars, so there was an embargo on salesof weapons to either side.This disadvantaged the republicans.U.S.merchant ships were involved in smuggling supplies and munitionsto both sides.Roosevelt s 1936 Chautauqua speech underlined his supportfor peace and his unwillingness to get involved in any collectiveaction to preserve it.To many American liberals and socialists, therepublicans were engaged in the great fight against fascism.Nearly3,000 Americans went to Spain, mostly to participate in what becameknown as the Abraham Lincoln Brigade [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]

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