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.You cannot force developmentbeyond a certain limit.If you will consider the world of nature youwill find that exotic orchids are indeed hothouse plants, and ifthey have been forced in their development, then they are veryfragile blooms indeed.The same applies to everything the growthof which has to be stimulated artificially, or which has its growthforced.“Hothouse plants” are not hardy, they are not reliable,they fall prey to all sorts of remarkable ailments.We want youto have a very healthy dose of telepathy, we want you to be ableto see into the past by clairvoyance, and we want you to be in sucha position that you can pick up a stone, for instance, from theseashore and tell what has happened to that stone throughout theyears.It is possible, you know, for a really good psychometrist topick up an article on the seashore where it has not been touchedby man, and to visualize quite clearly the time when that fragmentof stone was perhaps embodied in a mountain.This is not exag-geration, it is very ordinary, very easy-when one knows how!Let us, then, lay a good foundation, because one cannot build ahouse on shifting sands and expect the house to last for very long.In dealing with our “foundations” let us state first that innercomposure and tranquility are two of the cornerstones of ourfoundation, for unless one has inner composure one will not havemuch success at telepathy or clairvoyance.Inner composure is avery definite “must” if one is going to progress beyond the mostelementary primary stages.147Humans are indeed a mass of conflicting emotions.One looksabout and finds people hurrying about in the street, dashing aboutin cars, or rushing off to catch a bus.Then there is the last minutedash to the shops to lay in supplies possibly before the shops closefor the weekend.We are always in a jangled state; we seethe andboil, and our brains send off sparks of rage and frustration.Oftenwe will find ourselves growing hot, we will find that we are undertension, that we have queer pressures within us.At such times wefeel that we could explode.Yes, you might almost do that! Butit will not help one at all in the field of esoteric research if one hassuch uncontrolled brain waves that one blanks out the incomingsignals-the signals are coming in all the time from everywherefrom everyone, and if we will open our minds we will pick up andcomprehend those signals.Have you ever tried to listen to radio during a thunderstorm?Have you ever tried to watch some television program whilesome idiot was parked just outside your window and you weregetting his car ignition as zig-zag flashes through the screen?Perhaps you have attempted listening to a far-distant station overthe howl and crackle of static generated by an electric storm.Itis not easy! Some of us are interested in short-wave reception andlisten in to the whole world, listen to the news from differentcountries listen to music from various continents.If you havedone much in short-wave work and have listened to far off places,you will know how very very difficult it is at times to pick up speechbecause of all the interference caused by static, both man-madeand natural.Car ignition noises, the clicking on and off of thethermostat in the refrigerator, or perhaps someone is playingabout with the doorbell just when we want to listen.We get hotterand hotter “under the collar” as we try to concentrate and pick upthe message from the radio.Until we can get clear of some of that“static” in our own mind we are going to have difficulty with tel-pathy, for the noise a human brain churns out is far worse thaneven that from the most battered old car.You may think this isexaggeration, but as your powers increase in this direction you willfind that we have rather under-stated the matter.Let us develop this theme a little further because we must bequite sure of what we are doing before we do it, we must be quitesure of the obstacles in our path, because until we know theobstacles we cannot overcome them.Let us consider it from a dif-ferent angle; it is a fairly easy matter to telephone from one con-148tinent to another provided that there be a suitable cable laidbeneath the ocean.The Trans-Atlantic telephone line from, let ussay, England to New York, or to Adelaide from England, is a casein point.Using these telephone lines under the water one still getsgarbled patches of speech.At times, also there will be fading, buton the whole we can understand quite well what is being said.Unfortunately much of the world is not connected by telephonecables! In certain areas, such as between Montreal and BuenosAires, there are not telephone cables but abominable things called“radio links.” These horrendous contraptions should never, neverbe dignified by the name “telephone” because using them appearsto us to be a feat of endurance.Speech is frequently garbled beyondrecognition, speech is chopped up, high frequencies are cut off andlow frequencies are cut off, and so instead of getting a human toneof voice which we can comprehend we get a flat monotone whichcould have been spewed out without inflection by some robot.Onestrains and strains to make out what is being said, but all the timethere is a further grave disadvantage; one has to keep talking allthe time (even if one has nothing to say!) in order to “keep thecircuit open.” Added to that there is the static which we havealready mentioned, but there are various refractions and reflec-tions from the different ionized layers around the Earth.We men-tion this to show that even with the best equipment on Earth,speech by radio telephone is a matter of hit or miss, and in ourexperience it is more often miss than hit.We personally findtelepathy to be far far easier than a radio telephone!You may wonder why we keep on writing about radio andelectronics and electricity.The answer is because the brain and thebody generate electricity.The brain and all the muscles send outpulsing electrons which are, in fact, the radio program of thehuman body.Much of the behavior of the human body, and muchof the phenomena of clairvoyance, telepathy, psychometry, andall the rest of it can be so easily understood by reference to thescience of radio and electronics, we are trying to make this easyfor you, so we are going to ask you to very carefully consider allthis matter about electronics and about radio; it DOES meanmuch to you if you study electronics.The more you study radioand electronics, the more easily will you progress in your develop-ment
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