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.It is a surplus, an “excess-sun,” an “excess-light,” and so on.Thus where the earth not only sprouts but begins to shine, where it contains more light than is necessary for sprouting, we find what acts most favorably in this direction.Another procedure that also works very favorably in the same direction is the following: If we find a patient especially susceptible to parasitic influences due to his irregular circulatory organism, it will be helpful to send him to a place higher above sea-level than the one to which he is accustomed, that is, to apply a “high altitude treatment.” (Of course, we must take all the other circumstances into account; we will encounter many of these as we proceed.) The beneficial effect of “high altitude treatment” is also to be sought in this direction.Of course, in other cases it may be harmful.Everything that is potentially helpful can also prove harmful, as we saw yesterday.Now we must consider something else.We must not forget that certain phenomena that are artificially created by us and let loose on the human being first need to be evaluated by us.If I say “artificially produced phenomena,” I am referring to the fact that we do not simply consume the fruits of nature, as they are, but we cook them or prepare them in some way before introducing them into the human organism, first burning them and then using the ash, or something comparable.Here we subject what is earthly itself to a process that absorbs extra-terrestrial effects.When we cook or burn something we release it from what is earthly.Thus, when we give a person something cooked or burnt, we apply something inwardly in a similar way to our exposure of a patient to strong sunlight or high altitudes.We must bear this in mind when we have a patient who requires a certain change of diet on the one hand and on the other some kind of remedy.Let us say he shows an irregular rhythmic system.In all such circumstances we will have to ask ourselves whether we should give him something obtained through the combustion of vegetable matter.In every process of combustion of vegetable matter, we transcend the ordinary plant process.We extend it through an extra-terrestrial element, that is, by combustion.In addition, however, the following is also particularly significant.In the form of electricity and magnetism, a process on the earth — or a sum of processes — takes place that is intimately connected with what we have had to call the terrestrial and extra-terrestrial.The domain of electricity and magnetism should really be studied more profoundly in relation to health and illness in the human being.This is a realm, however, in which one can easily blunder, for the following reason.If we represent the surface of the earth schematically in this way () — here the inner, here the outer — then what constitutes electricity and magnetism has an intimate relationship to the terrestrial as such.You know, of course, that electricity flows by itself from one ground wire to another, from one Morse telegraph station to another.There is always only one conducting wire; the circuit is completed underground.This has to do with the electric field that the earth has already made its own.What is concealed in electricity and magnetism is fundamentally extra-terrestrial and “intra-terrestrial” (yellow); but the earth takes possession of the electrical effects that are extra-terrestrial (blue).The electrical effects, and also the magnetic effects, however, can also be held back in the vicinity of the earth without being appropriated by the earth (red).These are all the electrical and magnetic effects that we have in our electric and magnetic fields.If we magnetize a piece of iron, we make it into a little thief with regards to the earth.We transfer to it the ability to steal and retain for itself what the earth actually wants to take from cosmic space before the earth has been able to do so.We make a magnet into a little thief.It appropriates for itself, and has the power to retain, what the earth would like for itself.The entire electric and magnetic field we have on earth is actually something we have stolen from the earth for human use; in this way we induce nature herself to steal, thus retaining the extra-terrestrial above.We thus retain an eminently extra-terrestrial element, which we even keep above the earth in a clever way, although the earth, with all the force at its disposal, would like to absorb it so that it may work from within outward.But we do not let it get to this point; we hold it back.Therefore in the electric and magnetic fields we can expect to find valuable opponents to unrhythmic human processes.We must develop a therapy specially geared to this.For example, if a marked irregularity or powerful disturbance appears in the rhythmic system (or even a weak disturbance; it would actually work better if the disturbance were weak), we might simply hold a strong magnet near the human organism.It should not touch but be held at a greater or lesser distance to be determined by experimentation [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]

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