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.'.`I'd like that, of course, but.'`You'd rather get back to the city?' Therese guessed.Gayna grabbed at the excuse offered with bothhands.`You know I've never really been a fan for the outback,' she laughed weakly.`You enjoyed yourself yesterday and today, though, didn't you?'Enjoyed having her well-ordered existence thrown into chaos by a man she hardly knew? That was thevery reason she wanted to leave!`Both days were certainly enlightening,' was all she would admit.Therese leant forward persuasively.`I was hoping you'd at least stay until I leave in a fortnight's time.Then we could go back together.'While spending another two weeks wondering whether her self-control would disconcertingly vanish asdisastrously as it had this afternoon if confronted by Ford's overwhelming masculinity again?`No, I don't think I'd better,' she smiled apologetically, not wanting to hurt her mother's feelings.`It wasfile:///E|/My%20Library/books/ROMANCE/kerry%20allyn.lley%20of%20lagoons%20TXT/valley%20of%20lafoons.txt (74 of 81)05/05/2010 14:42:54 file:///E|/My%20Library/books/ROMANCE/kerry%20allyne/1982%20%20valley%20of%20lagoons%20TXT/valley%20of%20lafoons.txtnever my intention to stay longer than a week, in any case, and.' she spread her hands meaningfully,`well, you know yourself, we are short-handed at the agency at the moment.I think it would be fairer if Idid return.After all, I suppose I shall have to take time off again shortly, for the wedding.' Her browslifted enquiringly.`I gather you'll be married up here in the Territory?'`Mmm, we thought in Darwin, as a matter of fact,' Therese confirmed meditatively.Then, with hersherry brown eyes wryly intent, `You do realise, of course, that if you go back with Alwyn tomorrowafternoon, you'll have to stay overnight in town because there's not another plane going south until earlythe following morning, don't you?'The flight timetable was the least of Gayna's worries.`It can't be helped, I guess,' she shruggedunconcernedly.Even an evening spent in Alwyn's less than exhilarating company would be preferable tothe emotional catastrophe she had experienced at Mundamunda today!`Well, if you're determined to go.' Therese sighed in resignation.`I'll let Ford know he has anotherpassenger when I see him next.'`Thank you,' Gayna acknowledged, relieved.After Ford's previous insistence that she wouldn't beleaving with Alwyn, she hadn't been looking forward to informing him that she intended flouting hiswishes after all.She was still half expecting some opposition to her decision from Ford, nevertheless-or at least anaccusation that she was running away again-when they all adjourned to the lounge later that night forcoffee and Therese brought up the matter of her return to Adelaide.But when no such contradiction wasvoiced, she was uncertain as to whether she felt relieved or bereaved by his lack of interest.`But you've really only just arrived!' exclaimed Raeleen with a frown as everyone, except Ford,expressed their surprise on hearing of her resolve.`Yes, I know,' Gayna smiled deprecatingly.`But since I can see how right Mum and Lachlan aretogether,' it was funny how the more often she said that, the more she came to think it the truth, `and asthe agency is short-staffed at present, I thought it would be best all round if I returned as soon aspossible.'`As well as that, don't forget, Gayna isn't a lover of the country life, as we all are,' put in Felicityhelpfully.If it hastened the younger girl on her way, she was obviously all for it.`Well, whatever the reason, it's Gayna's decision to make,' Lachlan inserted with kindly protectiveness.`As long as she remembers she's welcome at Mundamunda any time she cares to visit.' And afterreturning Gayna's grateful smile with an understanding one of his own, he focussed his gaze on his sonas he surmised, `You'll be flying Gayna and Alwyn to Darwin tomorrow, I take it?'Ford shook his head in negation.`No, I won't, actually,' he advised in the coolest of disinterested tones.`I've arranged to go over to Oroya Park tomorrow;' naming a neighbouring property.Two perplexed furrows made an appearance above Gayna's daintily shaped nose.That was curious, shemused.She was sure he'd intended flying Alwyn to Darwin when he was to be the only passenger.Orwasthis, perhaps, just his way of stopping her from leaving?`I'll take the chopper when I go, though, and that'll leave the other free for Brett to fly them to Darwin,'Ford unconsciously dashed her theory-or was it hopes?-to pieces when he started speaking again.`Hewon't mind standing in for me, I'm sure,' he grinned lazily-and for the first time that evening, Gaynarealised-but at his brother-in-law.`No, I don't mind,' Brett concurred readily.`A nice easy flight like.'file:///E|/My%20Library/books/ROMANCE/kerry%20allyn.lley%20of%20lagoons%20TXT/valley%20of%20lafoons.txt (75 of 81)05/05/2010 14:42:54 file:///E|/My%20Library/books/ROMANCE/kerry%20allyne/1982%20%20valley%20of%20lagoons%20TXT/valley%20of%20lafoons.txt`And I'll go with you,' Felicity chopped him off in her eagerness to invite herself along with Ford.`It'sages since I've seen Megan Abercrombie.' She cast him a coquettish glance.`You won't object to meaccompany you, will you?'`No, you're welcome to join me if you want, honey,' he granted with indulgent good humour, andwhether he was aware of it or not, had Gayna glowering at him contemptuously [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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