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.His heart shuddering, Gabe whispered,  What the fuck are you talking about? Perhaps you should trot on home and see for yourself. Chapter SevenSafe & Sound You guys don t have to babysit me. Maddy informed Angel and Dane when they stayed behindafter Max went to the club. I can take care of myself.They were all three lounging on the sofa, watching TV.Though Maddy s attention had shifted to aMen s Fitness magazine he d brought from his room.Dane studied the beautifully built man on thecover. Interested in working out? He asked Maddy, then winked,  Or just interested in the cuteguys? He and Angel laughed lightly.Maddy had displayed no same-sex tendencies whatsoever, but itwas fun to tease him. Are you becoming gay by association? No. Maddy grumbled, though a smile dragged on his lips. I thought it would be cool to liftweights. Well, I have a pretty nice setup at my place. Dane told him. I can help you put together aroutine, if you want. Yeah? Maddy glanced up and smiled. Cool.Thanks. No problem. Dane grinned.When Maddy left the room to grab a soda, Angel leaned against him and kissed his neck. Thanks. He whispered. You re the best. He s a good kid. Dane kissed Angel on the mouth. And it s good that he wants to work out.It s a healthy hobby. Not to mention&  Angel slipped his hand under Dane s shirt and rubbed his hard stomach. &it develops a fantastically hot bod. Always a plus. Dane winked then chuckled. Angel rested his chin in his shoulder and sighed. Do you wish I was more buff? Babe, Dane squeezed his arm around his shoulder. As long as you re willing to be in thebuff& I m fine with your sexy lean body. He kissed him, sucking his lower lip. Your body drivesme wild.Maddy reappeared and Dane drew back, his crotch beginning to throb. If you guys want to goget a room somewhere, away from here&  Maddy nodded matter-of-factly. It s okay by me. Shit. Dane chuckled. The boy is blunt. He kissed Angel s hair and murmured,  Though Ican t say I m hating the idea. Last night had been their first night together since their nightmare hadended, and though they had made love again this morning, Dane s passion and hunger for the boy wasnowhere near sated.And Angel s tense grip on Dane s thigh let him know the young man was as eagerto be back in his arms and his bed as Dane was to have him there. Just go. Maddy rolled his eyes. I m fine here alone.Angel seemed reluctant to leave him. We can hang out for awhile longer. You don t have to. Maddy said.It was clear the boy understood why Angel was staying.Helooked at his older brother with warmth. Really, Angel.I m okay.You don t have to worry about meanymore.Sighing softly, Angel nodded. Okay. He murmured. I ll try to remember that. He glanced atDane and squeezed his knee. Since we re being dismissed, shall we go?Dane scooted forward then stood up. Yeah, I guess we should. He smiled. Before the futurebodybuilder throws us out. That s right. Maddy smirked, then laughed when Angel grabbed his head and gave him anoogie, then kissed his hair. Seriously, Angel said. We need to do something about this mop. Well you shouldn t have a problem finding someone to cut it. Maddy smiled wryly. With allyour gay friends one of them has to be a hair dresser. Oh god. Dane broke into laughter as Angel grabbed the boy again and administered another dose of noogies. You re getting too cocky for your own good. Angel laughed and released the kid.But his eyesglowed with the joy and relief that his little brother was doing well and displaying no visible signs ofemotional damage from the horrific life they had lived.f&Perhaps you should trot on home and see for yourself.The man s ominous tone had punched holes in Gabe s heart; he wasn t fucking around.He knewabout Cole.Gabe hadn t wasted time trying to get it out of the man what he had done.He was gone secondsafter Quint s heart rending suggestion, racing out of the Den and back to his car.You motherfucker!If you hurt him I swear to God I ll fucking bury you!Traffic seemed to have a vendetta against him, holding him back, slowing his return to theapartment.His breath came in short, choppy gasps, the cars and streets blurring and shimmering [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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