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.Sincerely,(Insert organization name)(Must be signed by an official that has the authority to bind the organization)(Insert signature)(Insert name of signatory)(Insert title of signatory)Page 19 of 20 7 APPENDIX B: Academic Institution Letter Template-- Please Place on Official Letterhead --To: Mr.Thomas KelsoChief Acquisition OfficerODNI/IARPAOffice of the Director of National IntelligenceWashington, D.C.20511Subject: Academic Institution Acknowledgement LetterReference: Executive Order 12333, As Amended, Para 2.7This letter is to acknowledge that the undersigned is the responsible official of , authorized to approve the contractual relationship in supportof the Office of the Director of National Intelligence s Intelligence Advanced Research ProjectsActivity and this academic institution.The undersigned further acknowledges that he/she is aware of the Intelligence AdvancedResearch Projects Activity s proposed contractual relationship withthrough and is hereby approved by the undersigned official, serving as thepresident, vice-president, chancellor, vice-chancellor, or provost of the institution.DatePage 20 of 20 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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