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.4 30.40.Lingenfelter, Hardrock Miners, pp.196 218.e"+"`" Notes to Pages 253 6441.George Edgar French, First Lieut., Fourth U.S.Infantry, The Coeur d AleneRiots of 1892, Overland Monthly 26 ( July 1895): 32 49, MOA-UMich.White, Misfortune,pp.346 47.New York Times, July 14, 1892, p.1; July 15, 1892, p.3; July 17, 1892, p.5.42.Abbott and Smith, We Pointed Them North, pp.130 36.43.Hine and Faragher, American West, pp.326 28.44.Hagan, Quanah Parker, pp.43 46.45.L.Frank Baum, The Wizard of Oz (1900; rpt.New York: Tom Doherty Associ-ates, 1993).Henry M.Littlefield, The Wizard of Oz: Parable on Populism, AmericanQuarterly 16 (spring 1964): 47 58.46.McKee, Conventions, pp.278 85.47.Heaton, Story of a Page, p.7.48.Grover Cleveland, Second Inaugural Address, March 4, 1893, in Richardson, ed.,Messages and Papers, 9: 389 93.49.New York World, June 19, 1891, in Heaton, Story of a Page, pp.74 75.New YorkTimes, October 3, 1894, p.12.Seitz, James Gordon Bennetts, p.359.50.Richards and Elliott, Howe, 1:293 94.Kathryn Kish Sklar, Florence Kelley and theNation s Work: The Rise of Women s Political Culture, 1830 1900 (New Haven: Yale Univer-sity Press, 1900).Joan Waugh, Unsentimental Reformer: The Life of Josephine Shaw Lowell(Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1997).51.Myers, Westering Women, pp.213 37.Woody, Women s Education, 2:441 44.Kellie,Prairie Populist, p.110.52.Harper s Weekly, October 10, 1885, p.659; October 24, 1885, p.691.53.Kellie, Prairie Populist, p.110.54.Woloson, Refined Tastes, pp.52 57.Barbara Young Welke, Recasting AmericanLiberty: Gender, Race, Law, and the Railroad Revolution, 1865 1920 (Cambridge: Cam-bridge University Press, 2001), pp.43 136.New York Times, July 24, 1893, p.8.Tomes,Germs, pp.48 67.55.New York Times, December 29, 1886, p.5.Rosalyn Terborg-Penn, African-American Women s Networks in the Anti-Lynching Crusade, in Gender, Class, Race, andReform in the Progressive Era, ed.Noralee Frankel and Nancy S.Dye (Lexington: Univer-sity Press of Kentucky, 1991), pp.148 61.56.Alice Kessler-Harris, Out to Work: A History of Wage-Earning Women in theUnited States (New York: Oxford University Press, 1982), pp.109 16.57.William Chauncey Langdon, The Problems of Modern Society, Century 39(November 1889): 26 31, MOA-Cornell.Samuel W.Dike, Problems of the Family, Century 39 ( January 1890): 385 95, MOA-Cornell.58.Howe, Diary, July 4, 1872, in Richards and Elliott, Howe, 1:315.59.Addams, Twenty-Years at Hull-House, pp.44, 48.60.Ibid., pp.51, 55.61.Ibid., pp.58 61.Florence Kelley, Hull House, New England Magazine 24 ( July1898): 550 66, MOA-Cornell.62.Addams, Twenty Years at Hull-House, p.65.Angelina Brooks, Free Kinder-gartens in New York, Century 39 (November 1889): 157 58, MOA-Cornell.63.Addams, Twenty Years at Hull-House, pp.164 66.64.Ibid., pp.166 67.65.Ibid., pp.283 90.Notes to Pages 265 73 e"+""66.Ibid., pp.102 3.67.Ibid., pp.120 21.68.Ibid., pp.128 30.69.Ibid., pp.97 98.Jane Addams, The Subtle Problem of Charity, AtlanticMonthly 83 (February 1899): 163 79, MOA-Cornell.70.Jane Addams, Why Women Should Vote, Ladies Home Journal, January 1910,pp.21 22.Frankel and Dye, eds., Gender, Class, Race, and Reform.71.Julia Ward Howe to Maud, May 31, 1894, in Richards and Elliott, Howe, 2:196.Julia Ward Howe in Richards and Elliott, Howe, 1:370.72.Kathryn Kish Sklar, Two Political Cultures in the Progressive Era: The NationalConsumers League and the American Association for Labor Legislation, in U.S.Historyas Women s History, ed.Kerber, Kessler-Harris, and Sklar, pp.36 62.Harper s Weekly,March 14, 1891, p.183.Atlantic Monthly 67 (May 1891): 709, MOA-Cornell.Kelley, HullHouse. Notes and Comments, North American Review 166 (February 1898): 250 56,MOA-Cornell.Jacob A.Riis, The Battle with the Slum (New York: Macmillan, 1902), pp.196 201.Lawrence B.Glickman, A Living Wage: American Workers and the Making ofConsumer Society (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1997), pp.116 24.73.Morris, ed., Encyclopedia of American History, p.261.74.Prucha, Indian Treaties, pp.319 20.On Jerome Agreement, see Hagan, UnitedStates Comanche Relations, pp.201 61.75.Senate Executive Documents, 49th Cong., 2nd sess., #117.Frederick Turner, ed.,Geronimo: His Own Story.as told to S.M.Barrett (1906; rpt.New York: Penguin, 1996),30, 171 88.Brian C.Pohanka, ed., Nelson A.Miles: A Documentary Biography of HisMilitary Career, 1861 1903 (Glendale: Calif.: Arthur H.Clark, 1995), pp.147 83.AngieDebo, Geronimo: The Man, His Time, His Place (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press,1976), pp.243 312.Grover Cleveland, Second Annual Message, December 6, 1886, inRichardson, ed., Messages and Papers, 8:497 529.76.Utley, Lance and Shield, pp.268 80.77.James Mooney, The Ghost-Dance Religion and the Sioux Outbreak of 1890 (Wash-ington, D.C.: Government Printing OH"ce, 1896), pp.847 83.78.Harper s Weekly, December 20, 1890, p.995.Robert M.Utley, Lance and Shield, pp.290 307.James McLaughlin, My Friend the Indian (1910; rpt.Lincoln: University ofNebraska Press, 1989), pp.179 222.Pohanka, ed., Miles, pp.210 11.79.Hine and Faragher, American West, pp.381 83.Pohanka, ed., Miles, pp.185 224.Mooney, Ghost-Dance, pp.883 86.80.Love, Life and Adventures, pp.129 30.81.Harper s Weekly, May 9, 1891, p.339; September 3, 1892, p.847.82. Hunting-Life in the Rockies, Harper s Weekly, April 8, 1893, p.322.83. Amateur Management of the Yosemite Scenery, Century 40 (September 1890):797, MOA-Cornell.George G.MacKenzie, Yosemite Valley: Letters from Visitors, Century 39 ( January 1890): 476, MOA-Cornell.84. Topics of the Time, Century 45 (April 1898): 950 52, MOA-Cornell. Attacksupon Public Parks, Century 43 ( January 1892): 473 75, MOA-Cornell.Gerald W.Wil-liams, Early Years of National Forest Management: Implications of the Organic Act of 1897(Washington, D.C.: USDA Forest Service), available at http://fs.jorge.com/archives/History National/1897OrganicActESAPaper.htm
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