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.Of course, Oz is not MYPage 30 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmlkingdom; mine is off in Ev beyond the Deadly Desert.But I have met Ozma andam determined to settle this big bully here and now!" "But how can we dothat?" worried Tompy."Red pepper will hold him back for a time, but when hecomes out he'll be tiger mad.Then what?""Oh, I'll probably think of the righttreatment," sniffed Jinnicky-- Don't forget, boys, there's nev Beena wizard as clev As the rollicking, rollicking Red Jinn of Ev!"Bawling out the last line, the Red Jinn provokingly retired into his jug, sofast that his lid simply bounced."So there he goes again." Yankee movednearer to Tompy."Pretty smart of him to whisk the girl off, though.Maybe hewill come up with something?" "Maybe, but think of all the time we arewasting," fumed Tompy."At this rate we'll not be home for a week, and Iexpect by now my mother and dad are about crazy.I'm supposed to be rehearsingthe boys for a band concert on the tenth and have football practice on thetwelfth, and here I am sitting on top of Upandup Mountain." "I'm here, too,remember," Yank'ee reminded him with a comforting nudge."And after all, Tomp,you can put on a band concert or play football any old time, but think howseldom you can explore a country like this one, meet people like Su-posy, theLanternesians, or the Red Jinn! Boy--I do dote on that little guy!" "Oh, Ido, too," admitted Tompy, glancing nervously in the direction of Badmannah'scave."But taking on a bearded giant like this is just plain crazy."Rub myhead, there's a good fellow," begged Yankee, deciding to change the subject."Between that rock knock and butting that stone man, it's really buzzing.Wonder what the little cave keeper is doing now?" "She's dressed like aqueen, feasting like a king, and sitting on my red throne, if Ginger obeyedorders," crowed Jinnicky popping up like a jumping jack."So you like the oldman a bit, eh?" bending over, he gave Yankee a quick squeeze and Tompy afriendly wink."Well, I'm fond of you both, very fond.Har har de har! But thedog's right," he added more seriously."When you have an opportunity to seestrange places and people, you should enjoy those places and people.And dostop worrying, my boy.I promised to send you home and I will.Might even lendyou this jinrikisha, if you fly me back home first.For, once in your country,my magic might not work and then--" "Then you'd have a chance to see ourkind of country and our kind of people," observed Yankee slyly."Yes, yes,so I would," grinned Jinnicky, pulling the space dog's ear."But I just mightprefer being king in my own castle, y' know." "I guess everyone likes hisown country best," sighed Tompy, wishing the Red Jinn would start making plansto overcome Badmannah instead of delivering lectures."Har har de har! ThenI suppose you think I should not throw this hulking bully off this mountainbecause it's the place HE likes best?" teased Jinnicky."Well, I might let himoff if he promised to be a good mannah instead of a bad one." "Nobody couldmake that big buzzard behave," snarled Yankee, rearing up his head."Brr-rrrrah--look out! Look out, here he comes again!" "And all dressed up,"breathed Tompy reaching for the umbrella.This was quite true.Showing noill effects from the cloud of red pepper, Badmannah was walking unconcernedlytoward them, pulling along a huge net, such as fishermen drag behind theirboats.His thick black hair and beard were brushed to a glossy sheen, andinstead of a torn plaid shirt and baggy trousers he now wore a smart huntingjacket, leather shorts, green ribbed socks, and shiny black boots.On his headsat a wide-brimmed velour hat with a dashing purple feather."Well, I'll beminced and jellied," muttered Jinnicky."A handsome rogue, if I ever sawone!" "Don't let that fool you," warned Yankee under his breath."He's justdressed as a gentleman, remember, and bad as ever he was.Where's that MindReader, Juggins? Let's find out what he's thinking." "Splendid idea,"wheezed the Red Jinn.Pulling the Mind Reader from under a cushion, he openedit quickly to page one, keeping his eye glued to the yellow book all duringthe ensuing conversation."Ah, still here I see?" rasped Badmannah, stoppinga few yards from the jinrikisha."Can't say I blame you.Nothing like thisgood mountain air.Hah!" Expanding his chest at least three inches, the caveman looked contentedly around, "What a day! A perfect day for fishing.""Fishing?" burst out Tompy."But there's no water around here." "QuitePage 31 ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.htmltrue," agreed Badmannah pleasantly."But you see I am not out to catch fish.Since you have mischievously done away with my cave keeper, I shall fish me upanother little princess from down below!" "Princess!" Yankee's ears shot up."Was the girl you were shaking a princess?" "Naturally," drawled Badmannah [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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