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.These aspects are variable.If between benefics (the Sun, Venus and Jupiter), they are good,or if the planets of variable nature (the Moon and Mercury), are aspected by conjunction orparallel with the benefics it is good, but if the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus or Jupiter are inconjunction or parallel with one of the malefics (Mars, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune), it is evil;the conjunction of two malefics is more so, but the parallel of two malefics is exceedingly strongin its detrimental influence.Conversely, of course, the parallel between two benefics isextraordinarily fortunate.Axis:If we were to pierce an apple through the center with a knitting-needle, that would be the axisof the apple, and on this axis it may be rotated.The earth's axis is an imaginary line on whichthe earth rotates, and this motion of the earth on its axis produces the phenomena of day andnight.The axis of the earth always points to a certain star in the constellation Ursa Minor, whichon that account is called the pole star; the only one in the heavens which seems never to move.It is not quite stationary however, but has an exceedingly slow vibratory motion called nutation,causing the pole star to change in the course of millenniums.See 'Nutation' and 'IntellectualZodiac.'Axis, Inclination of:The axes of all the planets are inclined to their orbits.See page 8.Axial Rotation:n L y All the planets rotate upon their axes the same as the earth, but the time in which they makea rotation differs widely.See 'diurnal rotation of the planets,' page 8.Barren or Unfruitful Signs: Gemini, Leo and Virgo.Benefics:The Sun, Venus and Jupiter.For a thorough synthetic explanation of the terms 'benefic' and'malefic,' see 'Good' and 'Bad,' also pages 76 and 77.Cadent:The third, sixth, ninth and twelfth houses are called cadent, and so are planets placed inthese houses.This position weakens the influence of planets, so that benefics are not sohelpful and malefics not so harmful when placed in cadent houses.Cardinal Signs:Aries, the Eastern sign entered by the Sun at the vernal equinox; Cancer, where the Sunreaches its highest degree of Northern declination at the Summer Solstice; Libra, the Westernsign where the Sun goes into South declination at the Fall equinox; and Capricorn, where it is inthe lowest South declination at the Winter Solstice.The Cardinal Signs are promotive, they further activity in whatever is undertaken under theirinfluence.Combust:Any plant within three degrees of the Sun is said to be combust, or burned up by the Sun'srays.If Mercury or the Moon are so placed, it weakens the mind: if Venus or Jupiter, it takesaway their help and if one of the malefics (Mars, Saturn, Uranus or Neptune) is so placed, it isevil.See 'Affliction.'Common Signs:Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces.They are flexible and vacillating in nature.Conjunction:When two planets are within six degrees of each other they are in conjunction.See 'Aspects'and 'Orb.'Critical Degrees:See table and description of Critical Degrees on page 81.These degrees mark approximatelythe end of each day's travel of the Moon through the twelve signs.The Moon occupies about 271/2 days in its passage around the Zodiac, averaging about 13 degrees each day.Thus,starting with the first degree of Aries, the first day's travel will end at the 13th degree, thesecond day's travel at the 26th degree and so on.Following this out, we find that the CriticalDegrees are the 1st, 13th and 26th degrees of the Cardinal Signs, the 9th and 21st degrees ofthe Fixed Signs, and the 4th and 17th degrees of the Common Signs.Culminate:When a plant reaches Zenith it is said to culminate, for it has then reached its highest altitudeand then begins to descent toward the Western Node.This expression is also used concerningaspects.When a planet comes within orb of another the influence is at first weak, but itbecomes stronger and stronger the nearer the applying plant comes to the exact aspect, and atthat time it culminates or reaches its maximum strength.Then when the plants begin toseparate and the aspect is gradually dissolved, the influence is correspondingly weakened, andfinally ceases altogether.Cusp:The first degree of a house or sign.When the Sun leaves the 30th degree of Cancer and is inLeo 0 degree, 1 min., it is said to be on the cusp, of Leo, the same with respect to the othersigns.If Aries 10 degrees is on the midheaven, as the cusp or dividing line between the ninthand tenth houses is called, and Neptune is in Aries 9 degrees 55 minutes, it is placed in theNinth House on the cusp, of the tenth.If it is in Aries 10 degrees 5 minutes, it is placed in thetenth house on the cusp.As the influence of planets having direct motion is always forward in the Zodiac, a planet onthe cusp of a house will always have a stronger influence on the affairs signified by that housethan a planet which is placed in the latter degrees of a house.Declination:The distance a planet is north or south of the Celestial Equator
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