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.Tymczasem dziś cała energia muzułmańskich ideolo-gów skierowana jest na to, by upokorzyć przeciwnika.Theology and Politics in the Classical IslamSummaryAn objective of the article focuses on a characteristic for the Islamexact bond between basic theological categories and politics in itstheory and practice.In his considerations the author refers to the out-set of Islam state.First of all he indicates an approach of Mahomet theProphet to formation of political order.In an equal degree the Islamiclaw covers questions both of political power and social organization,and of religious dogmas and rites.In this way politics depicts a pic-ture of temporal world.The author underlines that so called the firstdomestic war that entailed a division into Shiites and Sunnites was animportant event of essential theological consequences.In the societywhere religion interlaced with politics and the temporal new theo-logical conceptions were produced.In time politics transformed itselfinto theology what entailed a rise of extremely developed theologicalconceptions tinted esoterically and soterically.In XIXth century firstattempts of westernizing the Islam enjoyed their triumph.Its law wasreformed, modern education was launched, power systems modeledafter the European were invented.The situation changed diametri-cally when European forces decided to order the Muslim East in theirown way at the start of XXth century.That meant a division of theOsman Empire.Then an opposition to colonial tendencies of Europeappeared.A conservative current called fundamentalism withstoodwestern influences.In 1928 the Muslim Brotherhood Association set295polityka a religia.indd 295 2007-03-28 08:32:18 Janusz Daneckiup in Egypt that would relate to origins of almost all present radicalmuslin organization.It was assented there that a cultural, political,and economical aggression of the West can be opposed only by a re-nascence of the previous splendor.To the mentioned tendencies onemore was added: terrorism.polityka a religia.indd 296 2007-03-28 08:32:18 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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